How do you think is the easiest way to earn money on mylot?

@ae2324 (84)
United States
January 9, 2007 6:09pm CST
Pictures? Posts? And does writing a longer reply make you earn more?
13 responses
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
10 Jan 07
responding to a lot quality discussions and answering with more than just one word will earn more.when you post an image you will get 1cent per image but it cant be copyright and it has to be concerning the topic
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@xionous (439)
• Belgium
10 Jan 07
i have posted some pictures and didnt get paid for it. i didnt think about the copyright stuffs but my pictures were about supercar stuffs and formula one race car. if 1 picture gets u 1 cent then a 100 pictures will make u a dollar! sounds cool.
@xionous (439)
• Belgium
10 Jan 07
i have posted some pictures and didnt get paid for it. i didnt think about the copyright stuffs but my pictures were about supercar stuffs and formula one race car. if 1 picture gets u 1 cent then a 100 pictures will make u a dollar! sounds cool. how about nature picture or interesting pictures like ufo's?
• Canada
10 Jan 07
One of the best ways for me has been to upload photos to my verious interests. Under CATS I've uploaded a few pictures of my cat, for example. Go to each individual interest, and if you think you have pictures from your life that match that interest, upload them there. Pics to your profile don't get you any money.
@ae2324 (84)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Hmmm i see its one cent an image so 100 images equals $1? Is that realy the fastest way?
@harivinod (781)
• India
10 Jan 07
quality is important not quantity
@creationhub (3066)
• Malaysia
10 Jan 07
A good question to discussed on. Personally, I believe pictures pay more. I uploaded 11 photos yesterday and was paid 24 cents. I have never really checked how much do new discussions or responses pay. What I do, is to keep a daily target of approximately 10 responses and 1 to 2 new posts weekly. Then add in a target of about 10 pictures upload weekly. Just nice without tiring myself out. I am still struggling with getting referrals. So right now it is still a one man show.
@gigarange (1165)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Giving a quality respond does make bigger earning compared to one or two words answer. I also noticed in my account that uploading photos does help. I am wanting to post some more photos but I think I will wait till i reach 500 posts so I can attached them in whatever discussions I will start soon.
• India
10 Jan 07
If you have earned the money honestly then no one has got a right to call it easy earning.......
@riyasam (16556)
• India
10 Jan 07
i think quality posts would help you earn more than pics.
@Rasnie (1135)
• Indonesia
10 Jan 07
For me the easiest way is by responding some topics in this site. I never try add some pictures, but i will try one day to increase my earning.
@car0811 (184)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
I'm not so sure if uploading pictures will give me extra cents. As I've noticed, I earn more when I reply to postings or start new discussions.Also, I always try to write longer reply as much as possible but I don't know if it has weight or bearing on how they pay a member.
@oarnamav (2708)
• India
10 Jan 07
My friend you gona end your life one day in saying earn more more more & more. Why don't you just enjoy the theme behind all this mylot activity? Read, Understand, digest, build up your personality, Go great! Don't mind, just friendly. OK?
@aroraasr (428)
• India
10 Jan 07
In my opinion responding the posts and starting new discussions make you earn more in mylot. This is what I have felt in my earnings chart.
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
..ahmm just post, reply and upload pix..that could earn you more money.. but i prefer for you to discuss or reply more coz its only 1 cent if u upload a picture..
@sarojrath (247)
• India
10 Jan 07
Ya posying quality discusions help our to earn more. Pics are only one cent. so it will consume much of your time. You can do one thing that with each reply you upload a pic too. the combination will work good. I tried it out yesterday and lets see what i get today. Keep it up.