Do you embarrass your kids?

January 9, 2007 8:38pm CST
Have your kids ever asked you NOT to drive them up to the door of the school in the morning? Might it have anything to do with your hair rollers or bunny slippers? ;) Do they neglect to tell you when the school needs chaperones for the dance because you still do The Hustle? ;) Take them shopping just ONCE in your ratty old sweat suit and they're mortified? What's wrong with kids these days? LOL... seriously now... is there anything you do that embarrasses your kids to no end? Something that causes excessive eye-rolling and head-shaking? DO share :D
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53 responses
@Bev1986 (1425)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Honestly, my kids think I'm pretty cool most of the time. I do chaperone dances and field trips. But the one thing I do that embarrasses them is sing while I'm walking through the aisles in the grocery store! You know, when they have the piped in music playing and a good song comes on you start singing to it? The girls just hate when I do that! lol! So of course, I sing a little louder! lol! Not really, but I tell them that I'm going to.
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• Canada
10 Jan 07
I dance ;) Even my husband rolls his eyes when I do that LOL!
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
29 Jan 07
My kids generally don't mind when I sing through the store as long as I keep it quite. Of course if they see one of their friends coming, that's another story.
@thekiwi (588)
• United States
10 Jan 07
LOL!! OH MY GOODNESS! I remember my gram embarrassing me like that sometimes, but i just kept reminding myself she wouldnt be around forever and to enjoy everymoment, it still makes me laugh though shes not here to enjoy it anymore... I have an 8 month old, and you better believe im going to embarrass him as much as i want to! I think its fun, and its part of being a parent! :) to an extent! that is...:)
• Canada
10 Jan 07
Awww that's a great attitude to have had about your gram! Really sweet! Um... I know he's young but... has anyone warned your son?? LOL ;)
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
10 Jan 07
havent remember if my children ever complain regarding that stuff..i welcome any comment on that if they decided to informed me..but it did not happened
@34momma (13882)
• United States
10 Jan 07
LOL! i love this question. i try to embarrass them every chance i get. it's fun. i make my 17 year old hold my hand when we cross the street. i went to his job once and made him give me a kiss good-bye in front of his co-workers. i always tell him i am getting him back from all the times he drove me nuts when he was little. my 11 year old is not as easy. he don't care if i go to his school with a tee shirt with a hole in it. LOL but you have to love them
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
I'm a kid...not a parent huh.....but my parents don't embarass us because it can lower our self-esteem thus making us a weak person. You should teach them a lesson in a nice way.,
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@fordwman (49)
• Germany
10 Jan 07
LOL, well this may not be reeally funny, but I used to work at an elementary school. One hour of the day I was the Recess Monitor. School had just started, and of course all the boys were putting on their best faces, as well as the girls. My son is in the 5th grade, and I noticed by observation (and him telling me stories of girls being 'all over him' the first week) that girls kept on messing with him. No one knew that I was his mother because I treated everyone the same. But one day, he came outside to recess and IGNORED me, didn't even say hi. So after I blew the whistle when recess was over, they would form lines and quiet down before they went to lunch. I waited until is was almost too quiet, walked right up to my son and gave him a BIG HUGE hug, and said 'Next time you ignore your mother, I'm giving you a big ol kiss in front of all your friends.' As I walked back to my place I could hear people saying 'That's your mom? I didn't know that's your mom...ooohhhhh SHE'S your mom??...Reggie's mom works atthe school! Hee Hee'....I looked at him, and he was soo embarrassed, and I felt bad, but he was fine after that.
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@neon2000 (2756)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
EMbarassing kids doesn't mean we don't care. It is the other way of giving a good discipline or good comments to change their attitudes.
@Justme2007 (1848)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I went to the movies with my children and my oldest sons gf, we went to go see Happy Feet. I laughed so hard I was crying and my son said I couldn't go to the movies with him anymore. lol When I drink a soda and haven't had any in a long time I get to giggling and they say mom did you have soda? Of course,I laugh and walk off, so they won;t let me go anywhere any more LOL.
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@leanette (3002)
• India
10 Jan 07
Something that i really wanted to discuss on mylot was why do parents embarass their kids?? MY brilliant mom ALWAYS succeeds embarassing me ! The last time i took her ( or rather she forced me to take her) to my school for my dance rehearsal and when she saw me dance she was so happy she started dancing herslef!!! :(( She was unaware (or probabaly she didn't care) of the stares and the supressing laughter which made me look like a little red rat! :( I didn't know where to hide !!! :(( i DREAD takin her to school now :-S!
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10 Jan 07
well i dont have kids, but if i did id probably embarrass them yes lol!
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• Canada
10 Jan 07
Well you can start taking notes now, sirwillyam LOL Lots of ideas here ;)
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@drmt57 (295)
• United States
10 Jan 07
definately not, i have always had a problem with my children volunteering me for anything the teacher would ask for. and i tried my best to represent well, because i can remember some embrassing moments that i had when i was growing up. i took my daughter to school every day and picked her up plus took her to her different activities from 1-11 grade, i bought her a car in 12th grade so i could get some rest.
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• India
10 Jan 07
Hi , I am 18 m from India . I suffer from similar problems . Sometimes my parents , especially my dad embaresses me in front of my friends . But I respect him and say nothing about that to him . I think our parents are from a totally different time . And the generation gap is especially wide here in India and nearby countries . So we should give our parents some space ...
• Canada
10 Jan 07
Actualy for me it was differant its the other way around. I remember it so clearly in my memories. It was when i was waiting for the school but i think i was in elementary. Anyways my father is doing something really really embarassing. Of course my dad acted like he was frmo another world. He danced outside. I asked him 'Dad can you PLEASE not 'dance' when my bus comes' he says why not? Note that when i say dance don't think like break dancing and all im just meaning he was dancing like with his feat he was moving them around and jumping o_O. Anyways that's what happens. I forget everything else. I don't even remember when the bus came hehe that's how memories are
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• Australia
10 Jan 07
Ages ago, my family (my brother, mum, dad and I) went to see a concert. My mum was singing rather emberassingly and I asked her to stop. I now feel bad for not letting her enjoy herself. Anyway, that was random. xD
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• Canada
10 Jan 07
LOL it's not random, EmmaWatsonLover... I think it's great to hear from the younger people too so we get both sides of the discussion!
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@rimsha (806)
• Pakistan
10 Jan 07
no never, in any case i never embarras my kids.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
10 Jan 07
My 13yo tells me her friends think I am cool, and she does too. She likes to go shopping with me and helps me dress like a youngun. She thinks I am cool and funny. I do embarrass her though when I tell people stuff she said, or if I try and help her out with a problem at school by talking to the teacher or principal. I don't think I have ever really embarrassed her in front of her friends. Not yet anyway.
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@JashleyB (1441)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I can't actualy remember a time I was genuinely embarrassed by either of my parents. I must have the coolest parents ever! :)
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• United States
10 Jan 07
I sing in public (I'm a terrible singer) and my almost ten year old daughter is mortified. I remember the first time she was old enough to be really embarrassed. We went to see Finding Nemo and I coudln't help myself, I had to belt out Beyond the Sea right along with Robbie Williams during the end credits and my poor daughter begged me to stop, lol.
@djb876 (93)
• United States
10 Jan 07
ALL THE TIME!! I am the guidance counselor at their high school, so they are embarrassed by my presence daily. the most they have ever been embarrassed by me was last year. I was having trouble and a LOT of pain in my foot, and the only shoes that releived my pain was a gray pair of sneakers with neon yellow laces. They were COMFY!! THey, of course, looked terrible with school dress clothes. All of my other students chalked it up to my quirkiness, but my own children were MORTIFIED. They did not get used to it! They were extremely releived when I was finally able to get in to see the podiatrist!
@carolynpb (647)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I think my kids are mostly pretty proud of me. (at least that's what they tell me) The only time I remember one of them being embarressed was when I drove her up to the school for drivers ed in our van that we had at the time. She wanted me to drop her off toward the side and pick her up there too. Don't know why the van was so bad, was nice looking. Alot better than what my mom drove.