He Falls Asleep on the Couch Every Night...Going Crazy
By blogyourself
@blogyourself (1577)
United States
January 9, 2007 10:05pm CST
My husband is driving me crazy. He comes home from work, eats dinner, and then falls asleep on the couch. I know he has worked hard and had a long day, but it annoys me to death. I have talked to him about it, but nothing changes. I mean, what can he do if he can't stay awake? I just don't know what to do about it any more and I don't know how much more I can take. I can't imagine living this life 30 years from now. Me on the computer alone and him asleep on the couch. Does anyone else have this problem? More importantly, does anyone have a solution?
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61 responses
@carolynpb (647)
• United States
10 Jan 07
omg! I wrote this! lol (well, I could have!) Wow! Can we be friends??? I have the EXACT same problem as you! My hubby does this every night!! The same thing as you said! I get so mad! I do understand too that he works hard and all but it still does not help me cope with it, ya know? I have talked till I'm blue in the face and we have actually had awful fusses about this very thing. Just as I was reading your post, I was on the computer and he was, where? On the frickin couch..asleep!! i looked around the room to make sure YOU weren't in here with me! lol just recently I did tell him that no one needs to sleep that much that something was wrong with him and if he didn't start trying to stay awake more then I was going to start going out when I wanted and not be here when he gets home because I am tired of sitting around here while he sleeps all the time. Now, that woke him up....he started doing better for a few weeks...but I think I need to remind him AGAIN! Thanx for posting this...it's good to know that I am not the only one who feels like this. Just now, he woke up and I read him your post and he asked me did I right it? lol He didn't believe me when I said no. But I told him I was fixing to respond to it though!
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@blogyourself (1577)
• United States
10 Jan 07
It is good to find someone I can relate to on this. Now, we just need to all team up and come up with a solution for it. lol..a solution? Anyone? Don't be shy? Seriously, the only solution I have found was that one night I just broke down crying about the whole thing. That solved the problem for almost a month but now it's back to the same old thing.
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@carolynpb (647)
• United States
10 Jan 07
okay your way worked for a month, mine for a few weeks...let's do it again! At least we can be happy again for a little bit! Maybe if you throw in my threats and I break down and cry we may both stand a chance of having a couple of MONTHS!
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@artgirl26 (1)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Unbelievable! I'm sitting here on the computer because my husband falls asleep on the couch every night. He snores and lets his head fall back and I get so sick of trying to keep him awake that I just give up! I work hard but I can stay asleep. It drives me insane. It doesn't really help but I suppose misery loves company.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
10 Jan 07
I think you are lucky, there is a lot of women who would give anything for their husbands to be home doing that, be very thankful your husband is there and not out with his mates all the time or other places, just having hin home with you after a days work is nice, enjoy it...
@gigarange (1165)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I agree with you there. I mean comparing it to other wife's whose husband are messing around. But answering of her question, I don't have problem like that with my husband. After he eat, he usually take a good shower and rest or sleep in the bed. An hour or later, he wakes up and we watch tv together and talk :)
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Jan 07
Mine does the same and I used to let it drive me crazy as heck. But, after all we have been thru and all. I am just glad to see him come home. He will usually take a nap and then be ready to talk to us. They work very hard and sometimes that is just what they need. I have found that the less I bother him about his sleeping or naps the more he wants to pay attention to me. If there is one piece of advice I can give you its that men want to chase, yes even after they are married to us its just in thier blood. The less I bother him the more he wants to know about me and my day.
@poonamkhattri (38)
• India
10 Jan 07
@vinney_143 (662)
• India
10 Jan 07
hey.... that's sad yaar.... but feel good that he is sleeping only after getting back to YOUR home..... Things will turn out good from this year.... all the best.....
@Centregeek (500)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Try to encourage him to do something that he would normally be willing to stay awake for and participate in. If he can stay awake for something that he enjoys, then he just isn't trying. You can confront him with this and let him know that you're not willing to commit to this pattern of behavior for years to come. If he goes to sleep, then I would suggest trying to set up a doctor's appointment for him. Get him treatment and you could have more time together.
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
10 Jan 07
What kind of diet does he have. Maybe he isn't getting enough of the right vitamins. I read that an apple will not only give you vitamin C but also give you an energy boost. I am a stay at home mom of a 2 yr old and a 3 yr old. When my husband gets home from work I get to relax a bit. He usually watches them while I fix dinner, take a shower or get on mylot.I watch them while he showers. We all play together or watch a movie. Some nights he will even put them to sleep. I think he just understands that I don't get a day off or a vacation from my job like he does. My job is 24/7. I let him sleep-in in the morning and I get up with the kids but there is just no time to be lazy around here. Put your foot down. They can't possibly be any tireder than you all are. They helped make the babies they need to help take care of them. Our agreement basically is he works his hours and when he comes home I have worked the same hours, anything after that should be shared. That means cleaning, cooking, watching the children or what ever needs to be done.

@blogyourself (1577)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Sounds like you have a great man. My husband helps out around the house some so that isn't really a problem. As for his diet, he gets plenty of vitemans. We have a fairly healthy diet.
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@plantit1 (297)
• United States
10 Jan 07
My husband doesnt sleep after dinner, he constantly watches tv. The house is falling apart and he just doesnt care anymore. As soon as he gets home from work the tv comes on. The weekends are the same. tv tv tv!!!! So me on the computer, him at the tv, what a life!!!
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I think all men have the potential to be great we just have to force them to see it sometimes. My husband also has the tv syndrome sometimes. He has gotten better since the kids were born but before he would just be lost in the tv. I could say the house is on fire and he wouldn't hear it.
@pebbles724 (642)
• United States
10 Jan 07
My husband used to work outside in the heat (we live in Florida) and he would do the same thing. Come home from work, eat dinner and fall asleep on the couch watching TV. It didn't really bother me that much, because I realize how tired he must be from working outside all day. Also, I am not a night owl myself, I go to bed early. The only thing that would annoy me is that he would fall asleep on the couch with the TV on, and then he would finally wake up around midnight or sometimes even later and come to bed. So that would interrupt my sleep because I would hear him. Now that he has an indoor job, this doesn't happen as much.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
20 Jan 07
First I would insist upon a full physical with bloodwork. If all is okay, and you are certain it isn't low iron, high blood sugar or the likes...then I would take action! When you come home from work, rather than cook dinner, why don't you lay down and sleep! (or fein sleep!) Do this for a few days or until he says something, and innocently say, "I thought this is how a marriage worked?" As for dinner, don't worry about it! Be sure you eat an energy bar a a tall glass of milk before you lay down..or grab something similar later! Surely he will see how boring it is to not have an animated/involved spouse. If that tactice doesn't work, start going out at night with the girls. Again, do not cook first!!! He'll have to stay awake long enough to cook! If he says anything about no meal, say that you had plans to eat with the girls while out.
@IMkindofaBIGdeal (58)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Is he sleeping on the couch all night, or just falling asleep? I think if he has worked hard all day, let him fall asleep wherever he wants to. Just wake him up to go to bed whenever your ready. He's not hurting anything by falling asleep on the couch a little while. Most likely he's stressed out from work and that couch is a nice comfty peice of home that relaxes him and makes him feel good enough to fall asleep. Just let him do it.
@blogyourself (1577)
• United States
11 Jan 07
He falls asleep around 7 and then wakes up when it is time to go to bed. So, all together I am seeing him for about an hour and a half each night before he goes to sleep. I understand he has worked hard all day and I appreciate that. But we are a couple and couples need time together. I don't consider it time together if he is sleeping.
@chigawaga (592)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
my husband does the same thing and i dont mind to much cause i know he worked hard and needs his rest..i am stay at home mom and i wouldnt be if it wasnt for him goin out everyday and workin his a$4 off i am very gratefull so whenhe comes home eats sh*&s and then sleeps i dont mind at all....i just know if he gets his rest he wont be so grumpy and miserable in the morning lol
@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
10 Jan 07
But it doesn't help when you are the only one trying to make the adjustments and sacrifices!! He might be going to work, but he gets out of the house!! In a year's time, I have only been out of the house maybe 15 times at the most!! He is always either sleeping or going out with his brother!! I am tired of sacrificing myself so that he can have "fun"!! What ever happened to me and our little family?
@jfeets726 (775)
• United States
10 Jan 07
This happens a lot in our relationship, only it is me that usually ends up falling a sleep on the couch. I am a stay at home mom / work at home mom. The majority of my work gets done at night, after my daughter goes to sleep. This past summer I bought myself a laptop for work, as a I am a freelance writer. My favorite place to write is laying on the couch. There have been many night when I have fallen asleep there. Thankfully, my laptop hasn't fallen off the couch yet (lol knock on wood).
The only difference here is that my boyfriend, who I live with, has a midnight snack ritual. A lot of times, I am still working when he gets up, but those nights I am able to make it into the bedroom. The nights that I am really tired, I am usually fast asleep by the time he comes out for a snack. He just wakes me up and then I move into the bedroom. Once in a blue moon will I end up sleeping the whole night on the couch.
I know that you are probably sleeping too, but if you happen to get up, you may want to think about waking him up. He might not like it right away, but if he knows that you will wake him up he may try a little bit harder to get into the bedroom.
@jfeets726 (775)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Okay, after my big long post, I think that I may have misinterrepted yours. I thought that he would go to sleep and sleep all night on the couch. After reading your post, it seems like you just wish that you could spend more time together, when you guys are both awake.
My boyfriend gets home from work and he is tired every day. He works construction. He tends to get home at around 4 or 4:30, but he always takes an hour nap. It helps referesh him and it makes him a more plesant person.
Until a while ago, we were kind of like that too. He never wanted to do anything, so I would just play with our daughter or start working early. This is going to sound silly, but we joined NetFlix, where you can get the movies sent to your house. We love it and it is great because we usually end up watching like three or four movies a week togehter. Granted, I would like to be spending more quality time together, but I will take what I can get.
Good luck and once again, I am sorry for misreading your post earilier.
@ae2324 (84)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Well as everyone else said, "Its good he came to sleep in YOUR home". Im not saying its common that men sleep with others, its just a way to show that he knows your alive at least. And try to see that he eats healthy and not to much when he comes home, he will be less tired. Its a healthy vegatable thing.
@blogyourself (1577)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I know several others have made this comment and it is valid, but what good is it to have him in my life when the only time I see him is when he is sleeping? Maybe that is a bad way to look at it, but I need some time with him in order for our relationship to grow. Trust me, I am very thankful he's here and not sleeping somewhere else.
@toyboxer04 (353)
• Malta
28 Jan 07
You remind me of myself. That is exactly what I do. I come home from work at 5pm, cook something and eat. By 6.30pm I am here on my computer while my husband is watching tv. After about an hour or maybe two I start to doze off on the computer. I turn it off, go take a shower and head directly to bed. Most of the time it is only 8pm! The minute I get on the bed, I am asleep.
My husband is used to me now and he says nothing though sometimes he gets annoyed I don't watch tv with him.
I know the trick!! Do not give your husband dinner early. On weekends when we go out, at 8pm I am still going out of the house. By the time we go for a ride in the car or maybe for a walk, then go to a restaurant to eat something, I don't feel sleepy. Even if it is midnight. I only feel sleepy as soon as I eat!
Try it and you will see I am right. Good Luck!!