How to use a Trojan for hacking?
By ceepee
@ceepee (24)
January 9, 2007 11:25pm CST
A trojan is a remote admin tool which helps the hacker to control a remote computer.There will be a server program which run invisible on victims computer and a client program on hackers computer which they can use to conect to server using ip address.So first you have to infect the victim with the server.There are a lot of trojans with diffrent features.Most of the trojans comes with a server editor which helps to edit server file and let you to change server pass,port etc.
How to infect?
There are a lot of programs called binders.These can be used for this.First bind this with a picture or any other file and send to the victim.When he opens it he only sees the picture file.
Getting IP of victim:
Most of the servers have its own IP notification methods.So just set it while editing server.
How it works:
When victim open an infected file then the server starts to run invisible and it will autostart in his PC whenever he restarts his pc.The server keeps a port open and waits for a conection.
After the conection established it helps to run a lot of commands in victim pc.Even you can shutdown or restart his pc or can get his passwords and other valuable information.You can download his files,get a screen shot or run a program or download files to his pc.
**This info is just for educational purpose and to take defence measures against an attack.Dont misuse it**
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