Who is the Anti-Christ? the Beast with the mark of 666?
By philippines
@philippines (74)
January 10, 2007 3:11am CST
According to the Bible: Revelation Chapter 13, theres an Anti Christ that will mark all people in the world with his own logo, or a mark of 666?
Others believe that this man is Bill Gates, others believe that it is one of the Popes of Rome. Others says it will come from Islam.
How about you do you know who is the ANTI CHRIST? Any Ideas?
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12 responses

@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
18 Sep 07
Anti Christ is the one who is against Christ.As per Revelation it is assumed that he will come from Syria but he will be a Jew.First thing you have accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour then you will be able to saved from the snares of "Anti Christ" please log in to
@markmiyashiro (213)
• United States
22 Sep 07
I would like us to go to Dan. 7:7, Dan.8:8, Dan.8:Dan.7:7
which is the Anti-Christ speaks of the little horn
Da.8:8 speaks of four directions of the anti-christ, Dan.8:9 speak of the land towards the south, South is Libeya, Nebeons-Muslims
And towards the east-Assyria, Iraq,Iran,Southern Russia,Lebenon- Muslims
North direction is Asia Minor, Turkey- Muslims
West direction is Macedoneia,Greece-Muslims
So out of this area will the anti-christ come.
In Revelation 6:8 A pale Rider greek translate this as Choros, choroform, green in color, so since the interpretor never saw a green horse, he called it Pale, green- which is the color of Islam's Flag- Green.
My guess it's Iran President Amerdenejan

@neo_apocalypse (344)
• Philippines
13 Jan 07
First of all, Revelation does not say anti-Christ but beast. There is a line that classify or differentiate them. First, let us define anti-Christ. Anti means against, so, anyone who is against Christ or those who do not do the will of Christ. Is there any biblical basis for this? I John 2:18 says "and ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even NOW are THERE MANY ANTICHRIST. Most common misconception is that antichrist is only one man. But bible speaks that even during the time of St Paul, THEY are already exist. So, the beast in the revelation is an antichrist but the antichrist is not only the beast. Hope you get what I mean.
@neo_apocalypse (344)
• Philippines
13 Jan 07
May I just add. Finding the Antichrist is easy. Find the ones who are not doing the will of Christ and His Father. God said love your neighbors; then look for someone who hate and cannot forgive his neighbor even for slightest mistake. God said honor your mother and father; then lokk for someone who blatantly dishonoring his/her mother and father. Easy as 1-2-3, isn't? BUT, finding out who's the beast requires analysis on the revelation.
@jahjahlives7 (77)
• United States
11 Sep 07
You make a great point but only confusing the topic. The topic is about the antichrist 666. There is a trinity of figures that get the number and authority in revelation. Please stay on topic and stop trying to find flaws that are irelevant.
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
3 Feb 07
Nobody can pinpoint exactly who that man is. So many before had been pinpointed but more and more are being pinpointed. For me, whoever that is or that was or that will be, I do not care. What I care about most is my salvation. Am I sure that I will be saved when the judgment day comes?
Knowing or not knowing who that man is with a mark 666 is not an element of salvation and so I don't care about him at all. What is really important for us if we believe God and the Holy Bible as the Word of God is to be sure that we will be saved. In this connection, I have published the book entitled ELEMENTS of SALVATION to help people check whether or not they are doing what God laid down for the salvation of men. I have also published other books and they are found at http://www.lulu.com/arseniajoaquin
@joannavon (39)
• United States
11 Jan 07
My ex-husband used to say that it was going to be Garth Brooks or Oprah. His thinking was that it would be someone able to reach millions of people easily. This was about 10 years ago when GArth was huge. I do think it will be someone able to reach the public very easily and have a lot of influence. I don't know where they will come from. I don't worry about it. I believe in Jesus and being saved.
@jahjahlives7 (77)
• United States
11 Sep 07
Once agian he will come as a prince. Prince Charles is the only figure on earth that fits the total bill
@neoclassical (157)
• Philippines
26 Jan 07
you know 666 is a symbol that to be mark on those non believers as stated in the revelations..the symbol will be mark on hands and forehead and its not literal..to think of it the 666 will be mark on hand which corresponds to an act of a person,and to the head which corresponds to the mind..
to conclude,the ideology of 666 will be mark on the mind and the way the person acts.. it's not literal at all..if you're in doubts,try to read revelations and some parts of qur'an...
@jahjahlives7 (77)
• United States
11 Sep 07
First of all it is literal. the microchip or rfid chip is embeded in the right hand of the forehead. Look up rfid chip and see what you get. Plus he execute people for not recieving it so that proves its a physical thing that you have to except or refuse
@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
2 Oct 07
Nobody can assume who will be the Antichrist, for this we have to wait until he appears.He must be a Jew coming Syria.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
17 Sep 07
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:16-17
As you can see 666 is the name of the beast not his mark. The Jewish people spoke of the forehead meaning the mind. The right hand is the symbol of work. If you think about it,this makes sense.
The official title of the pope is "Vicarius Filii Dei", which translated is, "Representative of the Son of God". To confirm, the Catholic newspaper Our Sunday Visitor of April 18, 1915 wrote: "The engraved letter on the pope's Mitre is as follows: 'Vicarius Filii Dei '". Since in Latin certain letters have numerical values, we only need to add them up to come to 666.
You can learn more here.
@texasbunch11 (29)
• United States
13 Jan 07
WE can get lost in the many different theories about who exactly the Anti Christ is or will be. I personaly believe that he is alive right now but as to WHO he is, we wont know untill he reviels himself!!He is going to be a carismatic type of person, and many people are going to think that he is just the best thing to hit this world sence ice cream :D One way you will know who he is, will be that he will develop a peace agreement with all the countries surrounding and including Israel!! This will put him in the forfront of globel recconition! By some means shortly there after he will become ruler of much of the earth, and the first 3 years and 6 months will be extreamly productive, and we will know peace for the first time in thousands of years! But this will be a false peace because literally all hell is going to break loose in the second half of that 3 and 1/2 years.
I personaly do not plan on being here when this comes about!!
@rdurusan (624)
• Philippines
17 Sep 07
For my part i believe that the anti-christ is in Rome.All the popes are anti-christ because they are deceiving the believers in that faith that it is the church established by Jesus.The truth is it is a counterfeit church,meaning he is claiming he is the church of Jesus,but his works,meaning his dogmas are against Jesus.The anti christ of revelation is coming soon,but he is not the present pope.If you will translate the letters in the crown of the pope to numerals 666 will be the number.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
25 Aug 07
The one with 666 is not called antichrist. Antichrist is a term used by John only in his epistles. Revelation 666 is a different thing. 666 would be Nero. To say that 666 is Bill Gates or Popes is absolutely wrong. I think such people believe in different Bible.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
24 May 07
Well I had always heard it was going to be something of the future and thats a pretty scary thought till I watched a program on the history channel and they put out the idea that it was not something to come but somethign that had already happened and the beast (666) was actually a code they used in those days to discribe Nero.
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
4 Nov 07
The anti christ is now gaining power but will not reveil himself untill the apointed time. To calculate his time for it is a short time you must first understand this mystery. All ages and times are set by the "heavens" (zodiac) This are is pices and contray to everyones oppenion and beleif the next age is not Aquarious bot that of Ophiuchus (the serpent holder) This small constalion is fast moveing up on the horizon and infact we are beginning to come under its influence. This is the influence of the "Anciant Serpent" from the tree of life of whom the anti-christ will get his power from. So now we know the time of his arivel, next we look at where his arivel will take place. He is called the assyrian, (not syrian) His seat of power is babylon (not the city but the kingdom) Also we know its (the region) name of an even more ansiant name of Sumer. The aria from where this Anti=Christ will rule from is Moderen Day Iraq. After his army invades this country and over throws its leader... No I am not talking about the USA here. He will chose an anciant city of great importance as his capital. Iraq is the first of the three kingdoms out of ten that will fall to the anti Christs armies. After this he will sign a treaty with isriel and Rome... Rome being a metephor meaning the western powers not the Cathilic Church, Altough the church will play an important role in what is to come. After 3 and a half years he will feel that his army is strong enough and attack isriel but becouse Jordan (AMON) will not be with him he will attack Isriel from the north and drive his armies and asian allies to the gates of Jerusalm. Then He will have a bad day, From his rear attacking his country and capital The Rusian Federation and its Allies will attack from southern Russia and he will be trapped in the vally of jezrel or in hebrew Har-Magedo (armagedon)