What is a good book to get a 12 yr old who hasn't found the love of reading?
@harmoniebreeze (246)
United States
January 10, 2007 9:35am CST
My niece really isn't into reading. Not even the classics that I loved as a child. What can I get her to at least have her see how good books can be? I was thinking sister hood books, or even the judy blume series, but is there anything new?
20 responses
@mayonaka1616 (555)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
i think the harry potter series would interest your niece. after all, i assume that she had seen the movie already. just tell her the book is better than the movie because it is the complete version.
@nightfall08 (21)
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
yeah!!! harry potter is really a good book to start with..
maybe you can also try Inkheart by Cornelia Funke! Good book too =D
Try looking for something that would work on the kids' imagination =D
@cjthedog64 (1552)
• United States
8 Feb 07
The Harry Potter series is always a top recommended reader. The other thing you can do is read outloud to her. Try a variety of books and use your voice & enthusiasim to make it exciting. Ask what kinds of movies she likes and you'll probably be able to find some similar subjects in books. Also, sometimes kids are more interested in magazines or comic books than regular novels. There's nothing wrong with those. Anything to get kids to read is good.
@joperman05 (45)
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
Yes, it is true that she should be able to choose a book for herself that most interests her. But in my experience, I still have a hard time looking for a book I'd like to read. (Maybe I'm just a very picky reader too. With expensive books, I don't like go ing out and buying books just like that.) I'd go for recommendations and reviews, and that's my most valuable criteria to try a book.
Now, for a 12yr old, i can offer a suggestion. I loved the books "A Series of Unfortunate Events". It a comical, tragic story of three kids where misfortune always happens to them. Young kids and adults alike would be very much amused with these stories (the complete series is already out, 13 books all in all)!
@amicably_somber (28)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I'm afraid this is going to sound corny but if she's interested in fantasy at all or if you can convince her to try it, I cannot recommend Tamora Pierce enough. She's written some of my all-time favorite books. Everything she writes is about strong girls on the journey to finding what strong women they can be. All the books follow the younger characters to adulthood. Her characters were such positive role models for me as a girl and as an adult.
The Circle of Magic is for younger readers, but the Song of the Lioness quartet is my favorite.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
5 Feb 07
My neice is 12 and she loves Goosebumps. She also likes May Bird Ever After, it's a new series that she started for school. I would suggest Judy Blume, she's always good. Also the Xanth books by Piers Anthony are very good fantasy books. A lot depends on what she likes. What tv shows, interests or activities she likes. If you know that you can find books that deal with such things. That sometimes is the best way.
@BulletsMama (221)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I had this same thing happen with my 10 yr old son. I have gone round and round with teachers previously about this too. This year I decided to subscribe to some magazines for my son about things that he loves. He loves football, hunting, fishing and horses. So now every month he gets about 4-5 magazines that I have subscribed to for him and he reads them front to back. He even ends up reading some things aloud to me because he is so excited about a certain articles. He also reads the newspaper and the funnies. Recently I "caught" him reading Tom Sawyer in his room ~ I was tickled pink when he said he ma this is a good book.
I got him to be interested in reading by giving him subjects that he was interested in.
To me reading is reading and if a child reads something what they consider "fun" they will explore other things too.
Good Luck
@manasiagarwal (61)
• India
11 Jan 07
i guess harry potter series are a good place to start.also,the phillip pullman series is also good.
@bilook1 (152)
• United States
11 Jan 07
When I was younger the book stores used to have books that where classics but in comic book style an intro to the classics or small book versios it may be that she is visually stimulated try some of these and see if will help her to build a habit of reading.
@pushkarfeatshinoda (232)
• India
21 Jan 07
Try giving books which are related to her interests. For example, if she loves suspense and mysteries , you could give her Enid blyton's " the mystery of the strange messages ", its directed from age 11 to 18 so try it out.
@grannyof8 (83)
• United States
21 Jan 07
how about books with pegasus,fairies or her favorite animals take her to your local library and get her a card most libraries will have a reward system for books the child reads such as if she reads 5 books she gets to pick out a free toy I have even seen some libraries give away bikes and stereos.this may get her started and then hopefully she will find out that she like to read and what kind of stories she likes.
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I agree with getting her Judy Blume to start off with. I am trying to remember what I was reading at her age (I am now almost 30). I did love to read long before 12 though. I think most of what I read are no longer in book stores though. I am really not sure what is current on the reading list since my oldest is only 7 1/2. She is reading the Fudge series by Judy Blume righ now though.
@craving4more (332)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
Try Dr. Seuss's books, she just might get into those. Good Luck!
@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
10 Jan 07
Hi harmoniebreeze :) It's hard to say right off the bat, without knowing the kinds of things your niece likes. Can you post back with some of her interests, hobbies, activities? Sometimes, when you tie the book to one of those things, they are at least more inclined to give it a try. Is she very "girlie" or not so much?
Having asked that, though, I still think you're right -- every girl has to have Judy Blume's, "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" ;)
My girls (now aged 16 and 13) are both heavy readers and always have been. They went through a lot of series like The Babysitter's Club, Goosebumps and such, when they were little, and then worked through Harry Potter, the Chicken Soup series, Shel Silverstein's books (which are often pretty funny and easy to read) or easy to find individual titles like "Holes," "Bridge to Terabithia," "Shiloh" ... we have multiple bookshelves throughout the house and I'd be happy to post back with some titles :)
@sweets9900 (726)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I would suggest taking her to the book store, like barnes and nobles and look through the teen section with her. She may find something that is interested to her by reading the summary on the back of the book. My son is 13 and don't not like reading. I took him to the bookstore and picked out books with him that were interesting. Since doing that he loves reading the books he picked out.