question about breeding

@Pekachu (1112)
United States
January 10, 2007 10:28am CST
I have a female beautiful all black labrador /shepard she is in season and a 5 year old male pekanese i have seen the pekanese trying to have his way with the female seeing as there is a big difference in size is it possible for them to make pups?
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2 responses
• United States
11 Jan 07
Keep your male away from your female, only certain hybrid breeds will sell and this is not one of them.
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@Pekachu (1112)
• United States
11 Jan 07
so it is possible is what you are saying and absolutely i will keep them separate thanks
• United States
11 Jan 07
Well, I'm not sure the little pek can get up there but hey, if he can .. all the more power to him! lol I would say as long as the female is the larger of the two animals then it's fine. If it were the other way around I'd fear the male hurting the smaller female and fear that the end result would be pups too large to be birthed by her. Just think twice though because these aren't something you could 'sell' and you would be increasing an already over taxed population of animals.
@Pekachu (1112)
• United States
11 Jan 07
yes i agree i dont want them to breed was just wondering if it is possible so as to keep them away from each other if it was thank you