So now schools can pick and choose what color your children wear?

United States
January 10, 2007 3:22pm CST
Although I no longer live in this area, I do read up on the goings on, living there most of my life. I was reading this article today: and I was outraged that a child can't wear a certain color because it represents the color of ONE gang. You can't bring a Bible to school, you can't wear any religious items (heaven forbid you wear a nice cross necklace or Star of David), now you can't wear certain colors? Where does it end? I don't blame the kid for reacting the way he is- his mother gave him an Aeropostle sweatshirt for Christmas, for goodness sakes, not a sweatshirt with a gang logo or anything obscene on it. Do you think this is fair? What next, the color black because it is the color of a witch's cape? Red because it represents anger? I'm interested in hearing folks honest opinions about this. I feel for the kids these days, one bad apple ruins it for all, as usual.
3 responses
• United States
10 Jan 07
My kids wear school uniforms. Kakhi pants and white or blue polo shirts. Im used to it already so it doesnt bother me much.
• United States
10 Jan 07
I have no problem with school uniforms, my problem is with a public school telling a child he can't wear the color brown because it represents the color of a gang. If parents are paying for the clothing and other colors are acceptable, why is the color brown not allowed? All gangs have different colors, how many colors will they ban, and what will parents do if most of the kids' clothing is that particular color?
@k3tk3t (3128)
• Philippines
12 Jan 07
really?i think this is so unfair...
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I live in Chicago. Most of the public schools here all have uniforms because of gangs problems. They can wear religious jewelry though. It can be expensive but I actually like the unifroms. I don't have to worry about my girls dressing inappropriatly. There is no competion because of styles, brand names& such. Everyone basically wears the same things.