
United States
January 10, 2007 6:28pm CST
How did you and your significant other get together? What was it like? My wife and I met because I put an ad in a singles newspaper for two months. She read this ad in the second month and decided to write to 6 different men, I was one of them. Her reply got to me the day after her birthday. She says I was her mail-order birthday present. We talked on the phone for about a week. I met her for the first time a few days later. We both fell in love with each other, and were married about 7 months later. We have been married for almost 9 years.
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68 responses
@enigma_85 (111)
• Australia
11 Jan 07
I was in school when I started knowing him,though I didn't know that he would turn out to be my soul mate. In school days we were not too close to each other,but after finishing studies in school we were apart for almost 2 years.One fine day he came to the city where I was completing my college.We spent time together and fell in love. That was the beginning! Now its been 2 years and we are looking forward to settle down in our lives. I always feel that we are made for each other!
4 people like this
• United States
11 Jan 07
That is a great story. Thank you for responding. I wish you all the best in everything. Good luck.
• United States
11 Jan 07
I feel the same as you. Do you have anything to add to this discussion?
@avs189 (1030)
• India
11 Jan 07
Nice love story......perfectly blended with love and emotions .....wish u luck , but unfortuantely evrybody in this world is not lucky enough to be settled or get married to persons whom they love .....ur are really lucky enough ,wish u luck!!!!
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
11 Jan 07
My husband and I met while we both worked at a call center. He was a supervisor so we had to keep everything hush hush. Well the first time we dated, we only dated a for about a month and we weren't serious then so both of us were dating other people. I was dating an airforce guy and started to seriously date him and not my husband. I dated that airforce guy (oh how I wish I had not) for about 9 months. Well we broke up and then about a couple of months later, my husband and I started dating again. We didn't get serious in the begining because he was a christian and I was not. But about 3 months after we started dating the second time, I gave my life to Christ and then about a year and a half later, he proposed. We have been married for a year and a half and we have a beautiful baby boy as a product of our honeymoon!
4 people like this
• United States
11 Jan 07
Congratulations, that is a great story. God must have intended for the two of you to be together or it would not have worked out so well.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
11 Jan 07
I hate to say this but if I had not married my first husband I would not have met my current husband. My first husband (whom I never should have married) hated living in the city so we looked for a house in a town outside of the city. Where we settled they had a club that was made up of people with my husband's background. My current husband was a member of that club. After my first husband left, someone pointed me out to him and said that I was now single so he came over and asked me to dance. And the rest is history.
3 people like this
• India
11 Jan 07
why what happend with ur first husband
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
11 Jan 07
My husband and I will be married 10 years this year. My first husband I was married to for six years. He was very abusive to me and kept taking off. Finally he realized it wasn't working and just left for good. The police happened to come to the door one day about something different and they knew there was something wrong. They asked, I told. Then I called my EX and told him not to come back or he would be arrested. I haven't seen him since. Yay!
2 people like this
• United States
11 Jan 07
I met my boyfriend of a year and almost a 1/2 at a restaurant that he was managing in my home town. i went in there to eat all the time for 3 months before he asked me out. it was really great. the first night we went out we talked for about 6 hours that's not over exaggerating either. we really did. i went to his place at 5 and didnt leave until about 1030pm.
3 people like this
• United States
11 Jan 07
I think that's great. My wife and I talked for about 3 hours on my first phone call to her. After about 2 weeks I had a $350.00 phone bill. You are very fortunate to live close together. I wish you all the best for your future. Thanks for responding.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Jan 07
I met my husband in a store, i rented equipment from there. I was a customer there already, then a new employee started. Very handsome, tall and mysterious...he became my account executive. One morning, I failed to go to the store and make a payment as scheduled. So of course, like the repo man he came with one thing on his mind, taking my equipment for non-payment. Anyway, I had the money to pay. I was just too tired to get up and make the payment. He saved me from wasting gas that day. I was in the middle of making pancakes, I offered him some as he could smell the aroma once I opened the front door. My pancakes hypnotized him, 5 years later.... My account is paid off but I kept him the equipment. We are living happily ever after.
3 people like this
• United States
11 Jan 07
I assume by your response that he is a keeper. Do you still make pancakes for both of you?
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Jan 07
Every chance I get
• United States
11 Jan 07
About 10 years ago I met my first true love. We dated for 2 years when we were 16. We shared everything. When we broke up we were both devastated for quite some time. Finally we parted our ways. Both of us going to different colleges. Trying to forget about the other. Then one day 10 years later, I get a mysterious phone call from out of the blue. I instantly knew who it was from the voice. There's always that one person that no matter how long it's been, you still think of them. Finally after weeks of contemplating, I brought myself to call him back. We spoke long distance for about 6 months and we both came to the realization that we still love each other and that there will never be another person in our lives like the other. Him living in NJ (where we grew up) and me living in Florida, I finally decided it was time to take a trip to see if it would be the same. In no time everything fell back into place. It was like we had never changed the way we love eac other and that when we were younger we just weren't ready for the type of love we had. Now that we are mature we realize what we have. After a couple visits back and forth for us, we decided I should move back to NJ. We are now expecting twins boys in April and life couldn't be greater. Finally my prince has come back to finish the fairy tale.
• United States
11 Jan 07
Awww geee. Now i'm thinking that I should not have given a best response so soon, but what's done is done. I cannot take it back. Please post some pictures of those boys when you can, I'm sure others would like to see them. If you check out the story I gave best response to, you will see why I did it.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Jan 07
Thanks. Once I get used to this site and figure out how to post pics to a discussion I'll post the ultra sound pics. We got a great pic of Alexander sucking his thumb and a great profile of Christian.
• United States
12 Jan 07
the pics are now up in my profile for all to see :)
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Well this may sound weird but I have known my husband since i was 6 years old. He was 18 and worked at a little store down the road from us. I think I started noticing him when I was 12 though and had a crush on him and to my dismay everyone knew it and teased me. I even babysitted his girlfriends kids so they could go out. And when I turned 16 he showed up on my door step and made a funny remark " I have quit running" and we started dating and married a year later. So you can say I have almost loved him my whole life.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Jan 07
That's great. Babysitting his girlfriends children is a bit of a stretch, though. It seems to have worked out well for you, though. Congratulations.
@craftwave (1338)
• United States
11 Jan 07
My husband and I both worked at the same day care. I took care of two year olds and preschoolers and he had the 11 to 13 year old boys. For almost a year the only thing I said to him was "here's my kids". ( He was the last daycare teacher and any kids I had left he would watch.) He would say "I don't want them." And I would reply "to bad you got them". That is all we said to each other for almost a year. Then he became part of the passion play at the church I attended, which was also where the daycare was located. He only knew me and a couple of other people there out of a cast of 400 so we started to talk. The first time he asked me out I turned him down. One I'm very shy and two he had red hair, Strwberry blonde to be exact. I hate red hair. The people at the daycare bugged me about accepting going out with him if he asked me again and they were also bugging him to ask me again. He finally did and I accepted with "I guess I don't have anything better to do". We dated each Friday for the month of May and he asked me to marry him. We married in October and have been married every since. We just celebrated our 25th wedding aniversary.
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@craftwave (1338)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Still not my favorite color of hair. His has faded now to a more pale color and he is partly bald. I told him I didn't marry him for his looks and he didn't have much money so it must have been love.
@craftwave (1338)
• United States
11 Jan 07
We worked in a realy big day care. We had over 100 kids and quite a few of the workers were men.
• United States
11 Jan 07
Daycare would not seem to be a great place to meet future mates. I tend to think most of the people that work there would be women. I guess I would be wrong in that assumption. I'm glad to see it worked out real well for both of you. What do you think of redheads, now?
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@vronron (83)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
My boyfriend and I were friends in high school, in fact at the time he was going out with one of my best friends. When I came to university, which was about five hours away from our home town to my surprise so did he. It was really nice having someone I knew in a city that was so far away from my friends and family. It wasn't until mid through our first year that we started hanging out more regularly. We would go out for coffee and because I was an insomniac at the time we would go for really late night walks, talking about everything from politics to religion. After first year I opted to leave university, Math Honours was no longer my thing, and the December after that we were going out and have been together ever since. Going on three years and about a month and half.
• United States
12 Jan 07
Friendship should not be overlooked as a great starting point. Coffee and insomnia does not sound like a good idea when you are trying to study, though. Good luck.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I was playing racquetball with a friend at a local sports club. We had gone upstairs to the TV room to check the score on a basketball game. Now this wasn't just any basketball game. Two teams were on that are arch rivals in the state. Most everyone in the room was for Team A. I was for Team B and when they scored I cheered loudly. Within seconds, my future husband came up and talked to me. He too, was for Team B. As they say, the rest is history!
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Jan 07
Who won? Friends and sports clubs seems to be a great combination for finding others. How long have you two been together? I wish many years together for both of you.
• United States
12 Jan 07
Team B won, and we were ecstatic. We are rabid fans of this team to this day. (neither of us went to this college, but we are rabid fans!) We have been together 19 years! We seriously are soul mates. Often, I will open my mouth to say something and he says the same thing before I can say it! Thanks for this discussion question, it is always a joy to tell how my husband and I met.It still makes my heart beat faster and gives me a warm feeling all over when I think about it!
@Kalachia (230)
• United States
11 Jan 07
It was year before last, at a bonfire we had at school. I was fairly new to the school, and a friend of mine knew him, so she introduced us. His girlfriend had just broken up with him, so I offered him a hug and everything, and we hit it off then, actually. We started going out, but things didn't really go well, and we broke up. Then, a few months later, I found the link to his Myspace, and I sent him a hello message. We started hanging out and ended up back together, and are still together now, almost a year later. I think he's my soulmate, so I'm not letting go of him anytime soon.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Jan 07
A bonfire at school. Hugs are great icebreakers, too. If you end up together, you should tell the ex-girlfriend thank you.
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
I didnt really tell this to anyone that much plainly because I live in a conservative country.....I met my husband in the Internet...I was chatting one night...and he was one of my chatmates......i gave him my number and he called me up over the landline....and we talked for like 4 hours...i was hesitant to see him at first..i gave him my cell number though but we finally met after a month of communicating over the internet and text...and we finally met...things just went into place.....we are 2 years married and have one baby...
2 people like this
• United States
11 Jan 07
Internet chat room. What a great idea. I can identify with 4 hour phone calls. I have been involved in several of those.
2 people like this
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
We were choir members. When my friend throw a party for her birthday, I needed someone to act as my boyfriend because my ex-BF will be there. So, I ask him (my husband) if he would like to be my date on that party and pretend to be my boyfriend.. After a week of wooing him, he agreed but just becoz I have to fill up his gas tank!! The night turn out to be the most sweetest one and after that event, he started courting me and became my husband after 2 years of romantic relationship!
2 people like this
• United States
11 Jan 07
With the price of gas, that could get expensive. Choir could be a great place to meet someone. It seems to have worked well for you. Congratulations
1 person likes this
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
Indeed, it did well. We always tell our friends that we are "spiritually" match-make by God because we met at the house of God.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Jan 07
That's wonderful. I wish you the best of luck in all that you endeavor.
• United States
11 Jan 07
My husband and I met while in high school at age 15 and 16 during a church event. We lived in seperate towns about 30 min. away at the time and both weren't allowed to date one another. We ended up dating for about 9 months and split up because the stress from our families knowing that we were together was too much. 3 months later I called him up to see how he was doing, and we both started crying on the phone. I knew then that I loved him more than anything in the world. He was my first love, first partner, and my best friend. We've been together for 4 1/2 years now and have been married for 7 months with a baby boy on the way. Till this day I believe in love at first site, and I know that my husband is my soulmate and that will never change.
• United States
11 Jan 07
You have a beautiful story. Thank you. I think it is a shame when a family does things like that, but they probably had your best interests at heart. Church is a great place to meet. Love at first sight is an interesting concept. You two have helped each other in many ways, I think. Good luck. Please post some pictures when the baby is born. I'm sure others would love to see some.
@cisco1 (539)
• United States
11 Jan 07
first we met online. we talk and stuff then found out we only live 20 minutes away from each other so we talk on the phone first then decided to meet just as friends to hang out. As it progress later on around 6 months or so we both fell in love with each other and married each other after year and half and now been married to her for 8 years going on 9 wonderful years!!
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@cisco1 (539)
• United States
11 Jan 07
thanx, yeah i think so too. i think that the computer is starting to become matchmaker. our nine year anniversary is on nov. 7 2007. I think it more easier for people. AS for me im shy i cant just go to random person and start talking. congrats and best of luck on your marriage :)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I'm starting to see a pattern emerging here. Online starting point. I wonder if the computer is becoming the matchmaker of the 21st century. Any comments? My wife and I will be celebrating our 9th anniversary in March of 2007. When is yours? Thank you for a great story. I wish you the best of luck.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
11 Jan 07
We met at church, at first I did not like him very well, but he was persistant and finally we went on a date and it was fun, we dated for about a year and got married 2 months after his 21st birthday. That was 37 years ago come April 20th.
• United States
12 Jan 07
Church can be a good place to meet. It's usually pretty safe. 37 years together seems to be the longest of all the people that have responded to this post. I wish you many more years of happiness. Congratulations.
• United States
12 Jan 07
Sounds more romantic than my story. My wife's family was renting the house next door. One friday night, I had my ex over, and my neighbor came over for a glass of milk, for mac and cheese. I let her in, introduced her to my ex, and gave her the milk. Well sunday rolls around, and apparently I had awoken her from her slumber, while cutting the grass in the early afternoon. We got to talking, and 2 hours later we had decided to go out the following friday. Well by wednesday, she was my girlfriend, and we had a great time on friday.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Jan 07
She was still sleeping in the afternoon? I think it is still a good story. Thank you for taking the time to write it up. All contributions are appreciated. Have you two been together for long? Congratulations.
@vikceo (1301)
• India
12 Jan 07
well my better half was a close friend of my one of the good friend. and she intorduced me once on the phone to her. then we started talking freqently on phone and through chats. after some 6 months i met her and like her . same on her side to. and after next two months we commited to each other.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Jan 07
Thats good. Friends can be great matchmakers. I wish you luck in the future.
• United States
12 Jan 07
We had known eachother for quite awhile. We attended school together, and hung around in the same circles of friends. I just asked if they'd go out with me and we'd been dating ever since.
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• United States
12 Jan 07
That is good. Friends can be great matchmakers, can't they? Did I understand that you asked him out? Is that right? Sometimes the young lady has to take the initiative. Congratulations.
@amyh2637 (82)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I was the manager of blockbuster and was working a late night. My now husband came in and was wearing a suit and talking on a cell phone. One of my employees made the comment that it was cute because it appeared as though he had spent the whole day working and was now on the phone with his wife picking out a movie for her. I bet her that he wasnt married and that I could get him to date me. I walked right up to him and said "Excuse me, don't I know you?" His eyes lit up and he said "Mom I gotta let you go..." and we have been together ever since.
• United States
12 Jan 07
That is very cute. Had you seen him before? Congratulations. This is the cutest post I have seen on this discussion. You have won the Cute Award for this discussion. How long has it been that you are together