I Am What I Am, And Nothing More - Toughen Up People
By misskatonic
@misskatonic (3723)
United States
January 10, 2007 9:24pm CST
This is spawned from a few other discussions I've posted. Kind of a sub-topic in them.
I'm a blunt person. I don't dance around a point, I don't sugar coat my views or opinions, and I don't pander to popular opinion. I don't much care if people like me, popularity is overrated. I just care that I'm understood and that my point is expressed.
I've been called rude and I've been called mean and I've been told I have an attitude. But I think that says a lot more about this touchy-feely, oversensitive social bubble that's sprung up recently. People can handle criticism. People can handle being told things without hand holding and pats on the head. That's how the real world works. Live with it, deal with it, but do something.
Because if you think *I'm* mean, you don't know what mean is.
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45 responses
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
I'm glad to see another familiar outlook. I'm pretty much the same way. I don't much care how people see me, or what they think of me. At least with me, and obviously you, people know that they're getting the truth. I don't believe in softsoaping to spare someones feelings, I say what I'm thinking and state my opinion. I don't intentionally set out to offend anyone, but if they do happen to get offended at what I have to say, then I suppose they need to ask themselves why. The only person I have to please is myself, and the only way I can respect myself is I'm brutally honest with everyone else.
There aren't too many with this outlook, so I have to say it's a bit refreshing to see someone else that feels the same.
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@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
11 Jan 07
You're not alone. You share my views exactly.
I don't ever intend to offend people. But people take offense and that's *their* problem, not mine. They're the ones who saw offense. I live for myself and no one else. I'm blunt with myself and I give everyone else the same treatment.
Nice to see I'm not alone!
@rainbow (6761)
11 Jan 07
Rude and mean, I never noticed, I would have said honest and forthwright. There are many far more mean and evil humans on this planet and it's a shame that you are being called names just for your opinions, it's not like you are kicking puppies are you? If so then that is mean but you know what I mean.
I am usually careful not to offend but only because that is me and I can't be bothered with recriminations, if I it's usually accidental but I will say what I think, even if I put it on a pretty bubble with a bow on.
You can be as grumpy as you like as longas you have a valid point or opinion, at least someone noticed you so they'll remember whatever it was you said.
If I don't like someone on here I avoid joining their discussions from the time I am upset, until I forget - usually later that day, I don't stoop to personal comments.
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
11 Jan 07
I think that the real world is turning into that world you described as fiction. The hand holding, head patting and ego petting seems to be more and more the norm.
PC used to be a courtesy of sorts and now it is pretty much a requirement forced upon you. PC-ism is so inflated it seems. More and more people are pandering to others and the overly touchy are beginning to find that society in the West is catering to them more and more. It's like they keep pushing the line only to find that it gives for them everytime. So why should they stop pushing if they always get what they want?
It is disgusting to me personally. I would rather someone tell me that I was ugly, stupid or mean if that was how they genuinely felt, than for them to lie and tell me nice things out of concern for my feelings or out of fear of being considered mean. I respect people when they are honest and genuine. I don't respect liars and that is generally how I feel about PC.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I'm pretty much to the point also. If I know what I am going to say might hurt someones feelings then I'm pretty sure they need to hear it. How else can they improve if they don't know what someone else thinks is off balance with them? Now, that doesn't mean I am out to hurt other people or be rude to them, but sometimes you have to bring things up that aren't always pretty and happy. Why hide it?? My husband is like that and it just irks me to all ends! He wont tell someone that he didn't like how they did something or anything negative because he doesn't want them to be upset with him. Well, I say "TELL THEM!!!" How can you expect them to change how they are treating you if you don't let them know how you feel about it. He is getting better and has been a bit happier (I think) because of it.
But all this skirting around the issue to keep from upsetting that apple cart... That's just useless!
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@suedarr (2382)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
I personally value honesty. I think there is nothing wrong with being outspoken and forthright. However, I also think that there is a time and place for everything, meaning sometimes I can and do couch my words carefully. The meaning is not lost (I hope) but I do not go out of my way to be offensive. I am fully aware that there are living breathing people behind these discussions.
With that said about myself I do not know you personally, but I have not found you to be rude here and I have come across many of your replies.
People should realise that if they start discussions they will receive comments that may not agree with their own. Provided it is not a personal attack I see nothing wrong with.
If we were all to agree on everything the conversations would be rather dull, we would never learn nor progress either.
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@Sarah1977 (495)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I was just thinking the same thing last night! I cannot stand how people nowadays are soooo "politically correct", and also just plain dishonest. It seems that people are always on the lookout for people who say or do things that "offend" them. In my opinion, a person with a strong, confident, and positive sense of self can't be "offended". The real problem lies with the people who are too easily offended. They need professional help to gain confidence so that they don't gage their self-worth on other people's opinions.
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@Inklings (1255)
• United States
11 Jan 07
You sound like me! I am sick of political correctness merely for political correctness' sake. "Nice" can sometimes be just plain wimpy, and who respects that? I'm not saying people should be nasty and mean -- just honest and less chicken-sh*t.
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Oh, don't get me started on the PC stuff. I've been chewed out for referring to myself as a gimpy d*ke. It's what I am. I refuse to refer to myself as 'differently abled'. I'm not differently abled! I do not have different abilities than people who don't have broken backs, I have less abilities. Dis = less. Disabled. It's fine to say! And yes, I call myself a gimp. It's a fun word! Gimpy gimpy gimp!
I'll choose what offends thank you very much!
Wow, I had a little mini-rant there.
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
11 Jan 07
If I were a superhero, that would be my superhero name. :D
I'm glad I could give you a laugh!
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@Script (592)
• Australia
11 Jan 07
laughs @ the gimpy d*ke. You gave me my first laugh of the day. And for the record, I'm all for the mini-rant!
I'm all for saying it like it is. There's no point in sugar coating something if you have an opinion. What you think and believe make you you.
Besides, this is a discussion forum. The whole idea is to generate discussions.I'm glad that people don't always agree with me. I'm sure that sometimes I can be wrong, not often though ;-)

@Tatsuya (1149)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I'm not really a blunt type of person. A lot of times I want to say something, but I hold back scared of the outcome. I have found, that since I've gotten older, I've said more than what I would have 5 years ago. I don't care what people think about me, to an extent. I give props, the best word I can think of at the moment, to anyone who can speak their mind without worry. I'm not really touchy-feely, but I tend to be more of an introvert. I don't talk to much people because I don't really like people. I'm glad someone is being blunt, even if it isn't me. Someone has to put the idiots in their place.
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I used to be the same way. But somewhere along the line, I just stopped. And I've never been bothered by it. So thank you.
@cblackink (969)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Hey, life is not supposed to be a popularity contest! I personally appreciate directness because I don't feel as though my time is being wasted, and if there's anything that will piss me off, it's someone wasting my time.
@not4me (1711)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I think not caring is fine as long as it is just who/how you are and not because you are trying to build a barrier of grrr around yourself to keep others away and protect yourself from getting hurt by others for whatever reason.
I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite but it works for me. I believe in what I believe in 100% and this will come out in my posts online or if a friend in person asks me a question. I'm not a hard person so to speak but I think I have a good amount of common sense and rational thinking and sometimes people need a dose, right?
But in work situations, I have a talent for sizing people up and I have a natural instinct for working others to get something done. I know how certain people people want to be treated and while I'm not a total chameleon I can alter my attitude or even opinions (not personality though) temporarily to get them to do something for me, without making them feel criticized or stepped on. I know who to be blunt with and who to give a gentle nudge too and what happens in the end is that everyone generally likes me and I get better opportunities and more responsibilities out of it. I honed this trait in the Marines because you get people up in there from all walks of life and some are more intelligent than others - kinda hard to deal with in a supervisory position.
But anyway, ya, I agree that people have become pretty soft - especially in the corporate world. They are afraid to offend others and that is an understatement. Meanwhile, the company isn't run as well as it should be because people are afraid to tell it like it is.

@not4me (1711)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I think it's part of getting older - rational and intelligent people get tired of all the bs going on around them and then they turn into people like us who give out truthful and sometimes seemingly tough honesty. My husband is the same way and I like watching him do his thing!
Thanks for giving me best answer btw. :)
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I'm definitely not building up barriers! My friends all know me and know how I am, and they know not to ask for advice unless they want the un-diluted truth. :D I just don't care about how people see me. As it's said 'the people who care don't matter, and the people who matter don't care'.
People do sometimes need a dose of honesty. And think that's a great talent you have, especially for working situations. I imagine you do very well when it comes to motivating.
I hate how sensitive everyone is these days.

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Jan 07
Fair enough! I too would consider myself pretty blunt on occasions and I ma certainly not backward in coming forward on some topics that I feel very strongly about. Personally I would like to be able to be more understanding sometimes of other's viewpoints, especially about areas I am passionate about and feel I know a lot about, but it ain't easy!
Freedom of speech, free will, blah blah blah..... If we didn't exercise all of this it would be a pretty boring site in my opinion; and life in general would be pretty boring as well. And there's a major difference between constructive criticism and being downright rude and offensive!
"I think, therefore I am"
@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
11 Jan 07
There is a big difference between having a differing opinion, expressing it constructively and tearing the other person down for not agreeing with you by being purposefully mean and hurtful. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if it is stupid in someone else's eyes.
I find myself tempering my opinion, tone and responses at times so I don't hurt anyone's feelings.
@Gruzzle (294)
11 Jan 07
There's a big difference between having an opinion and being rude. Some people seem to think it's rude to have an opinion different to theirs which is crazy. Some people might think it's mean to point out someone elses error, but that's what this whole place is about. Sharing views and discussing them with people that either agree with you or dissagree with you. In fact it's better that there are people around that are prepared to disagree otherwise whats the point. You don't learn anything new from someone saying "I agree" , but you can learn something from someone that says "I disagree and here's why".
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@lammypie (31)
• Australia
11 Jan 07
Good on you! No sarcasim here, there is nothing worse in my opinion than someone who isn't straight forward and to the point with you, at least you know where you really stand and I appreciate honesty. It makes me mad when things are not said as they should be.
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@jingaboys (2)
• India
11 Jan 07
Good to see the confidence in your attitude but i strongly disagree. sugarcoating helps at times!!!!
Lemme tell a story to come to my point. In india we have astrologers who predict our future. Once upon a time, a king asked 2 astrologers to predict his future. Both knew the king wont live for more than a year. The first astrologer said" oh king, you wont live to see next year" and was ordered to be executed by the furious king. the second one said" oh king, you'll live happily with your family serving your people for the whole of this year" and was offered presents by the happy king.
My point is that, in some situations, the way you present your opinion really matters, its a fact.
Did this change anyone's opinion?
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
11 Jan 07
It's a nice story, but it doesn't change my opinion any. That's just not who I am. I don't like things sugar coated for me, so I don't sugar coat for anyone else. Do unto others, as they say.
@lvhughes (545)
• United States
24 Feb 07
i thought that is what we are here for to state our opinions about subjects that have been posted. if it is consider mean to other well that is their opinion but what you post is your opinion. and you have ever right to post it rather or not anyone or everyone agrees with you or not. if we all thought alike it would get pretty boring around here. i may not agree with you all the time but that is what keeps this thing going. and pluse everyone can be rude, mean, or just selfish once in a while. and to think you are the only one right all the time is selfish and very judgemental. so let them judge you it gives us more to post about.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
30 Jan 07
Well put. I am very blunt, but I am also diplomatic, and I think youare too. My meaning of diplomatic is that a person can say what they mean without peppering it with offensive words and undertones.
You and I are not the types to sugarcoat, as you stated. Mom thinks I am rude because of this, and her sugarcoating drives me nuts. I'm not diplomatic? I have it in writing where over 100 people hae told me I am the most diplomatic person they've ever MET, and they respect me for not being afraid to tell the truth.
If you are truthful you are never rude. I have a friend who is the same way, and who is often taken personally by others. I HAVE NEVER TAKEN HIM PERSONALLY and I never will.
He says it, I hear it, I know what he's coming from, he knows where I'm coming from, we respct eacohter.
@juliocstryfe (2019)
• Brazil
14 Jan 07
Dont worry, for every over-sensitive person that gives you a - for you telling the truth, there are many who give you + nd sees your comment for what it is.
Its not like you hide behind internet anonymousity to troll, youre just someone who isnt afraid to show yourself when you tell the truth, dont ever forget that. ;-)
@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
12 Jan 07
I respond to people according to their behaviour. If the person is nice I will be nice to her. But if she's nasty I will be nasty too. I think the reason I am doing this because people deserve to get back what they give to others. Like a saying, "what you give, you get back". I don't think I am being hypocrite but sometimes in this world we have to shed some truths as to protect ourselves being hurt in return. As I get older now I am now more open and I will say whatever I want to say without considering other people's feeling. what is important I must be happy in the first place. If the truth will hurt other feelings, I would rather not tell him but if he insists I will tell him without holding back. That's me.
• Malaysia
12 Jan 07
Sorry ... my english is not very good. Be yourself as long as you follow the right path, with good conducts and integrity. Nobody can change your points as long as you got the virtues on that.