By TattooChik16
@TattooChik16 (363)
United States
11 responses
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
10 Oct 06
My only advice would be not to worry about what other people are going to think about how you do things for your wedding. Just remember that it's not a movie where you have to worry about entertaining your audience, it's your special it all your way :)
@scooter1024 (1243)
• United States
4 Oct 06
My advise to you would be keep the lines of communication open. Never go to bed mad. Always talk about your problems before they become bigger problems. Never hold it in. I wish you all the luck in the world. Enjoy the honeymoon!
@mrsjumppuppy03 (3301)
• United States
4 Oct 06
Congrats!!! I have found communication is the biggest thing that you need to make sure you do as a couple. Always speak from the heart even if it hurts. Be honest, open and trustworthy with each other. Remember to say I Love You Daily! Once you stop, it remains forever unspoken and taken for granted. Don't go to bed angry, always try to talk thing through. The hardest things in life are the most worthwhile. Marriage is work that pays off seeing the others smiling face, touch of a hand, gentle kiss.....well you get the picture. Good Luck & Happy Planning!
@luvnsierra (114)
• United States
4 Oct 06
CONGRATS! I said earlier in a post that communiction is the key! Let each other know what you are thinking and feeling.I've been married since July and me and my husband have only had one fight in all the years we've been together.
@maya_n_bennett (4687)
• United States
2 Oct 06
Congratulation! I hope your married life will be a wonderful like mine. Lot of communication, respect and take time is all I can say.
@HomerBundy (1325)
• United States
4 Oct 06 long have you been planning your wedding day.?.
@Meek09 (4)
• India
2 Oct 06
God instituted marriage so that man can have a help mate,today we recognise the importance of both partners contribution in a marriage (both wheels in front have to go in the same direction for the marriage to be successful(I have seen ones that didn't go in the same direction become catastrophic)What God has joined no man break.
Marriage is the union of husband and wife into one flesh meaning soul mind and body the only thing God joins is the spirits and no one can break this bond,no matter what you do.
There can only be one head and unquestionably I will go with God's choice of man,however poor he maybe equipped for the job( I have seen things when women have led,nothing derogatory about this )
God bless you both.Jesus loves you.
The book of Genesis says the man left his father and mother and was joined to his wife and they became one flesh,and they were both naked and were not ashamed(means knowing everything about each other(even bad) and lived with it)
marriage is about two different people who complement each other and are not similar,they are attracted to each other because they are opposites (I could never think of a gay relationship)