TMX Elmo and all Holiday "Hot Toys"

United States
October 2, 2006 8:01pm CST
I want to know what people think about holiday "Hot Toys". How do you feel about companies limiting the number off items they produce and put out? This seasons hot toy is deff the TMX Elmo doll. I myself am sickened by not only the companies who limit production of said toys, but also the people who make it their job to feed on the dreams and hopes of kids. The people who go and buy all the items off their local store shelves then which in turn have parents paying triple the cost for items on Ebay and local advertisments.
1 response
• United States
13 Oct 06
I think it is messed up how companies limit how many of the Hot Toys they put out, it is wrong. The parents should be limited to buying one per household it isn't right how they buy all of them turn around then sell them on ebay for a much higher price. Im happy my daughter is nine months so I don't have to worry about a Hot Toy this year.
• United States
13 Oct 06
I have to agree with you. My boys are older and are into electronics and my youngest is 17months old and though he loves Elmo..He loves anything with elmo!! So we're looking at the elmo knows your name or the wiggle chair.