My friends pick favorites between my children...
By imadriscoll
@imadriscoll (2228)
United States
January 11, 2007 10:50am CST
I have three beautiful children (ages 3,2 & 1) who are obviously different in personality, but equally special.
I have one friend who when she comes over to our house will immediately ask where our one year old boy is. If given the opportunity she will spend her entire visit holding and playing with our son.
Another friend has picked our middle child as her favorite. As a matter-of-fact last night when I dropped her off at her house she told our middle child that she loved her twice and only told our oldest girl (in a monotone voice) goodbye. Also on our oldest daughter's birthday she bought our younger daughter a present so that she wouldn't be jealous, but didn't buy the oldest daughter a gift on her sister's birthday. Things like this happen all the time.
I understand that certain people are attracted to certain personalities ... I also understand that my children are young, but their not dumb. As they grow older they will know that my friends have their favorites and I'm afraid that it will affect their self-esteem.
It also hurts my feelings. I can't imagine treating the other children this way.
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32 responses
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I think you have every right to feel concerned! Your right, kids are not dumb. They pick up very well if someone doesn't like them or seems to not like them as much as another sibling. This can lead to being competitive for affections and the feeling of being inadequate.
Have you talked to your friends about this? I know they are your friends and of course you do not want to say anything to offend them. But honestly, your kids come first! Their well being and feelings mean more to you than your friends. And the fact that they are your friends, they should be able to understand what you are saying and respect your position as a parent!
I would be upset also! I know some people are attracted to certain personalities...but these children are still developing and have not finished who they have become. And the expereinces they have now shape who they will become.
Talk to them. Tell them how you feel. Maybe they are not aware of it. And if they are, maybe they thinnk it is okay because you haven't said anything and that is how they were raised. But the best advice I can offer is communication.
If you do not communicate, it can and will start to bug you enough to create some rift between your friendships. And if they do not like what you say, it may also create a rift. But which rift would you prefer? The one where you allow this to happen? Or the rift that shows you love your kids equally?
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I have always said that one of my first jobs and priorities in being a parent is that my children feel safe and protected by me ... this means physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I will put their needs before my friendships ... but I don't want to be hasty in making decisions.
"I know some people are attracted to certain personalities...but these children are still developing and have not finished who they have become. And the expereinces they have now shape who they will become." This is very insightful and it is actually what concerns me the most. It's also evident to me that my children go through stages where they are very shy and connected to mom and dad and don't want the attention of others and times where they are very independant and want the acceptance of others outside of their family. I don't think that they should be "punished" by others for the times when they are shy or more reserved.
The more that I think about this the more it concerns me.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Excellent! Because the more it concerns you, the more you will address it with your friends when it happens. :) And that is the key to getting through to them. Or...the frienship will not last.
Let's put it this way. I too had a friend that did this. And I had to address it also. It was really hurting a couple of my childrens' feelings. And in the end, when I got the point across to her that she was hurting my children, we were no longer friends. It hurt me to loose a I have very few. But I felt better knowing that I protected my children and they would no longer be subjected to the discrimination. :)
I do hope that you do not have to loose your friendships. But if they are really your friends, they will see their errors because they value your friendship. :)
I wish you the best!!!
And hey, if we were friends and visited...I would never love more than the other. They would all be special in my eyes!!!! :)
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
11 Jan 07
You know what, I really believe that you wouldn't pick one over the other! And I really appreciate that about you! So let's be friends, whether you visit or not! :)
I also think that part of that is because you do have so many children. One of my friends is single and doesn't have her own children and the other only has one child. I don't think they understand what they're doing.
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@cupoftea (714)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Yep , my family and friends choose favorites and it makes me really mad. My brothers and sisters in law do it mostly and my kids do'nt like it either they are 16, 14, and 5 so the older ones really know and sometimes it hurtes their feelings and I do'nt even know what to tell them?

@brokentia (10389)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Start addressing it each time it happens. They will get it that it is not okay.
Not only will it hit them when they do it, but it will also show the kids that you are sticking up for them.
Example: When she told the one child that she loved her and just said goodbye to the other child, I would have immediately said in front of her to my child, she loves you too...Right (insert name)?
This is addressing something immediately that you have told her not to do.
What will she do? Say, "No I don't right in front of the child?" I sure hope not!! Because at that point, my friendship with her would be over!!!
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I don't know what to tell you about what you should say to them. I have told my friends that this hurts my feelings and that I don't want them to do it and it hasn't helped!
I understand why it makes you mad!
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@shooie (4984)
• United States
12 Jan 07
sit your friends down and have a lil talk with them and let them know that it hurts your feelings and you notice it and will be a matter of time before the children realize what is going on. My husband has a favorite niece. One of my sisters kids and shoot I didn't know until he told me. He treats all 5 of the kids the same. Like I said sit em down and talk to them they may not realize they are doing it.
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@Metallion (2227)
• United States
12 Jan 07
well see, you can't force your friends to treat all your kids equally. There are some people that visit a friend's house and ignore all their kids or consider them distractions, so be happy your friends at least show an interest in one of the kids.
It's only natural for this to happen, parents will give all their kids attention but guests just don't see the need for it from them as guests.
I have a son myself, but I probably find certain age kids easier to play with than others also.
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
12 Jan 07
It may be easier to play with certain aged kids more then another ... but to tell one child that you love her and barely choke out a goodbye to the other is not the same thing.
I'm also talking about friends who around my children several times a week ... they are not just in and out a few times a year.
@franken_ind (141)
• Ukraine
12 Jan 07
i guess there is nothing wrong with it..i remembered when i was young,my aunt really lied me and buys me choclate always,my brothers feel bad at times,but i shared with them,but my aunt believed that i was the most favourite out of them all,it was cool then anyway..
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Sure it was cool for you, but what about your brothers. I bet if you weren't the favorite then you'd have a different opinion. I will say that it was nice of you to share with your brothers.
@catbox0 (175)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I guess there is nothing wrong with picking favorites between other people's kids as long as you're nice to the other ones. Your kids are so young that they probably don't even realize what is going on. I don't have kids but I tend to notice whether or not I like other people's kids as much as other kids. I have a couple of dogs and I have a least favorite and a favorite so I never really understood why you can't have a favorite amongst your own child. People think I'm crazy when I say that but just because you have a favorite doesn't mean you don't love them all. Maybe once I have my own kids I'll realize why no parent I've ever met picks a favorite amongst their own children.
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
11 Jan 07
A few things stick out to me in this post ... I'm not sure, but you may have compared dogs to children?? I don't care if you pick a favorite pet, chances are that your dogs don't give a rip about your favorites ... because quite frankly they don't have feelings and won't develop self-esteem problems.
Next, if you think that you will have favorites, perhaps you should think about how this will affect your other children. Do you have siblings? Did your parents pick favorites? What does that tell a child when their own parent loves their sibling more then themselves?
And the oldest one is starting to catch on that she's not the "favorite" and it's only a matter of time before it will start to have an impact.
@ChaoticFury (139)
• United States
12 Jan 07
catbox, i disagree with what you're saying. their age doesn't matter in realizing certain things. of course they probably won't understand very much or remember anything until they're about 1 or 2. but anyway, they may be you but you never know what they're thinking. at a young age, children pick up a lot of things. they can sense when you're sad as well as when they're being neglected. kids can sense these negative vibes pointed at them so they could very well be affected, eventually scaring them for life just because you assume something. I don't have kids of my own but i feel this matter must be solved.
btw, imadriscoll, even though you think that dogs don't have feelings, well they truly do. they can sense a lot of things. it's not right to say that animals do not have feelings when they truly do. sure their brains may not be as "advanced" as ours but they can sense a lot of things that we might not be able to sense. they can tell if they are neglected. they get happy when you come home so they jump up and down. if they didn't have feelings, how would you explain that type of reaction? when they get scared or angry, don't dogs bark? or do you think dogs bark for no reason whatsoever? i'm not trying to be mean, i'm just saying. i do agree that it's not absolutely correct for catbox0 to relate dogs with children because we are different in a lot of ways.
ok now to the subject. i don't know how to help you but i understand how your child must feel. i was never the favorite. my sisters would always get what they wanted because they were younger but what i got was limited. i would always be the one yelled at, sometimes for no reason at all. i would always be compared to other people, like how they help out their parents when i'm lazying around and staying up late at night doing class projects even though i should let others do them, making me feel about myself. and everyone knows that's not a great feeling. for me, i would like to hear someone compliment me on things i do great. then i won't feel so bad. you should talk to your daughters about how people picking favorites hurts your feelings as well as others, but it's all part of life. you should tell them that it's ok that they're not always the favorite of someone because those people think differently. you should tell them that they shouldn't change teh way they are just so they will be someone's favorite. sometimes people like the younger ones better because they look cuter and they're easier to hold. i know i do that a lot too. but it's really wrong. so you said you talked to your friends about how you feel about them picking favorites and they didn't listen to you? well you might have to think twice about these friends. if they can't understand your point of view on this subject then maybe they shouldn't be someone you should be close to...or at least leave your children alone with. does any one of your friends like your oldest daughter? if no one does, then i think she should be treated a little special. you need to talk to her about "picking favorites." maybe if you tell her that she doesn't have to be someone's favorite to feel special, then she wouldn't feel as bad or neglected. tell her that you love her very much and she has many responsibilities that will make her special. tell her that her sisters will look up to her and she'll be their favorites. it doesn't matter that other people like her sisters more, as long as she has family that cares for her and let her know that. i feel happy even though i'm not the favorite person in my family because my sisters look up to me and they always talk to me when they have problems, so i feel special. i'm sorry if i repeated a lot of things, i tend to do that a lot when i'm trying to get a point across. and if you don't think your kids will understand some of the things i said or you don't think my advice will help you then i'm sorry that i wasted your time as well as the fact that i just couldn't help you. well i hope everything goes well. good luck!
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@michele609 (1687)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I go through the same thing with my 6 year old twins and sometimes I think that it is wrong but what can I say. I just make sure that they are nice to the other on. To me its really no big deal because my friends love both of them. One of my friends have a son and not a daughter and she love my daughter because she dont have one and my other friend is vice versa!
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@magnet (2087)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Did you tell your friends how you feel? They might not be aware of how sensitive you are. I'm sure that I might be guilty of this.I never thought that I might be hurting someone's feelings. I bought my friend's oldest child a birthday present. She has five other children and I did not buy them one. I never thought that it was a rule that I have to buy something for all of the children. It does not mean that I think anything less of the others, I am friendly to all of her children.I hope that's not the case with any of my friends, if it is I would appreciate if they told me how they feel instead of feeling resentful of me and I don't know it. Sometimes there may be an occasion that I see something on sale and want to buy something for a child. I do not think it will affect their self-esteem. I tell my children that there will be times that I will buy your sister a toy and not you. There may be other times that I will buy him a toy and not her but I still love them the same and they are equally special to me.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
11 Jan 07
They have flat out told me that one of the children are their favorite. Which I don't understand, but all the same, don't treat my other children in a manner where they realize that you have favorites.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
12 Jan 07
My mom had a friend like this who treated me and my brother very different, she clearly favorised my brother. My mom let it be for a while but after seeing that my feelings got hurt my mom told her that if she can not treat us equally that they should not see eachother anymore, and that changed everything. She hadnĀ“t ment to do this and after beeing told she started treating us equal =)
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@bonnielass (484)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Isnt that sad. I have family who picks fav out of my three kids. I feel so bad when it happens as you can see your other childs face. I dont think other people notice they even do this. Maybe in a nice way you an bring it up to your friend. Like so and so doesnt think you care about her. Then when your friend says why tell her. Be honest she is your friend and if its true she will understand.
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@prettydoyce (282)
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
THats sad but people's instinct.. Soemtimes they are not aware of this.. THey cuddle your kids and find each of them cute.. I just hope this will not affect the children.
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@tupshi (22)
• India
12 Jan 07
u should tell ur friend that if not equally she should atleast not neglect one infront of the other bcoz that way the confidence level of a child comes down.he starts feeling that he is the unwanted one which can even lead to mental break-down bcoz they r too small n they all want to be loved equally.i think if not directly u make ur friend understand indirectly that she is hurting one in the process of pouring too much love to the other.
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@killj0y (618)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I think its just natural human instinct for people to be drawn to who ever they feel they relate most to (hence making favorites). However, your friends need to realize they are just children and doing this in front of the other kids can make them feel left out of less important.
@jbones32103 (717)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I have the same problem, but have told the people involved if they can't treat them equally not to deal with my kids at all. I have four children and the three year old always is picked first. I have straightened most of the problem out but am still dealing with it. Hang in there, but don't hold your feelings back.
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@lisado (1227)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Since your children are still young you'll want to try to nip this in the bud before they really notice and feelings are hurt. Children can be cruel, especially to siblings. One could use their "favoritism" to hurt your other children or rub it in their faces.
I'd take your friends aside and tell them your concerns. If they are really your friends, they'll understand and respect what you have to say. You'll want to use care not to be accusing, but tell them your concerns and ask them to try to treat your children equally. If one gets a gift, at least bring the others something (unless it's a birhtday, in which the birthday child should be the only one to get gifts - my opinion is it helps teach them to wait their turn as they all have their own special day).
Good luck! It's not an easy situation, but you're going to have to address it before your children get older and get their feelings hurt.
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@pookie92 (1714)
• United States
12 Jan 07
that is really weird. I have three kids too, they are all two years apart. I've never had a friend do that and it would upset me too. My mom wanted to just take the oldest child for a weekend and I told her no. She got mad at me, but what was I supposed to think. What would I tell hte other two kids, grandma wants to take your sister, but not you?? Kids see what is happening, but they con't have the emotional skills to deal with it. I don't know what I would do if I were you.
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@lilmissy (481)
• United States
12 Jan 07
well i have a sister who is almost 4 years younger than me and when i was in elementary school i use to be jealous of my sister thinking my mother loved her more then when i was in junior high school my mom had my baby sister. then i thought ahhhh i see and decided to ask my mother what i thought
she explained to me
that i was her 1st child and she had me very young at 18 and and that i was her 1st child so as the oldest i held a special position in the family of watching over the others and being the lil mama in the house after ma and that she didnt love my sister more its just that as each baby comes they are helpless and need special help and care and of course they are cute too soeveryone fusses over them but she told me that t was all done for me too and when she opened the photo albums and pointed it out i realized that i must have 3 times te babie photos that my baby sisters have betwen them.
mama said you just dont remeber but you once got all this attentin and you didnt have to share mommy and daddy time with anyone so dont be unhappy thinking we love them more its not true .
i am glad to be the oldest and i am gladd to know that the way my family loves my baby sister they did the same for me . maybe just reassure your girls as they age from time to time how you feel aout them .
my mother and i have been very close ever since my youngest sister was born 3 years ago because i finally realized that what i had thought was being loved less wasent and infact my mother counts on me alot as the oldest and i am happy for the extra responsabilty in the house
@cwgrlsarefun (1581)
• United States
12 Jan 07
This really hits home for me, as I had a best friend. You will notice that I said had. I also have 3 children and this friend treated my oldest ok, but she spoiled the baby rotten. My middle child was treated awful, my friend would act as if she did not exist. My middle daughter would tell my friend hi or bye and my friend would act as if she did not even hear her. This went on for about a year and I could tell that it was affecting my daughter her selfesteem was really going down. I decided that I needed to talk to my friend about the way she was treating my children. When I told her what I saw and how it was affecting my children she told me that it was just in my head that things like this do no affect small children. I told her that she was going to have to treat them all equal or she couldn't come over anylonger. She said that she could not as she did not like my middle daughter. It has been 2 years since my children and I have saw this so called friend and I have to say that my daughter is almost back to normal now. It is truly unfair and I think that you should say something to your friend as you will never be able to live with yourself if you do not defend your children. They are all we really have in life. It is our responsibility to make sure that they are cared for. I hope all goes well with you and your children and I can feel your pain.
@Vinaybantia (29)
• India
12 Jan 07
We cant stop people from expressing their views....yes but if the attitude of others is really affecting the self esteem your children then u can talk to your friend about stop being partial.... But i guess every chid has a quality and its better for them to understand tat not every person can like them....because every one in this world have their own views
@bamshetty86 (35)
• India
12 Jan 07
Its human nature to pick favorite's, there is nothing wrong with doing so, but i guess bringing gifts for your middle daughter when it is your eldest daughters birthday might effect the eldest.
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@himanshu1225 (135)
• India
12 Jan 07
As u already stated, imadriscoll, that such things happen all the time, but u need not worry as this is the way of life n the reality of life. It is nobody's fault. I have experienced several such cases where a person has an automatic intimation with a specific person or thing, but at the same time has a certain dislike for another. This is part of human nature.
But, what u can do as a parent is that, give more attention to the child that is not being pampered at a particular time so that he/she does not feel bad... about being left out or that the others are getting more attention.
In my personal life also i have passed through these sort of situations n you tend to live with it n not bother much abt such incidents.