what to do when your in love with a friend...

January 11, 2007 2:16pm CST
im in love with my friend..but i dont want to destroy the friendship. and yet i keep getting my hopes up when he simply as smile or hug me even though i know its done with no malice..do i have to keep the feeling or forget it..
2 responses
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
The best marriage will ever be, is the one that started from friendship. Friendship must not be a bar in having a love relationship between a man and a woman. When there is friendship in marriage, you are sure of it that marriage will last long. In friendship you tell everything your secrets are. Meaning, there is an open communication between husbands and wives if their marriage are spiced up by friendship.
• India
11 Jan 07
tell ur friend about ur feelings even if he refuses it has nothing to do with ur friendship ... i think this will make you much better friends