Some guy came afte me because I was disciplining my 2 year old in public!
@fiveisallofus (273)
United States
January 11, 2007 4:22pm CST
My 2 year old was mad because he could not have something that he wanted so he threw a fit! He started screaming and crying, threw himself to the floor. I picked him up brought him close to my face and lowered my voice and told him that he better stop it or we were going to the car! I do not ever hit my kids!! This man came out of nowhere yelling at me saying that if I did not put my baby down that he would take him from me and take him to the police! He was yelling, scared my son and then he really started to cry! I tried to walk away and then he told me that He was going to put hands on me as I put them on my child! And then kept yelling! I just got in the car and went home! What should I have done?
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17 responses
@ladybear (128)
• Denmark
11 Jan 07
Well I would have gotten down to the childs level and not taken him up to mine. But the guy should really mind his own business. I could understand that someone interfierd if you were beating your child. But not for scolding him.
A child has to learn a no is a no, and that they can't have everything.
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@fiveisallofus (273)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I usually go to his level but we were in a store, there were people walking everywhere. For one I thought he was going to get stepped on. And I was trying to get him into the cart. Thank you for your response!
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@MissRissa74 (472)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I have a rather hot temper when it comes to strangers interfering in my life...especially when it involves my children. I probably wouldn't told him to mind his own business and possibly even cussed him out. I know it might not be good for the kids to see, but it would've really angered me that he scared the kids.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I would have told the man that if he continued to threaten me and scare my children, I would call the police and let them handle it. I have a cell phone and I am not afraid to use it. I cetainly would also have waited in the car for the police too.
Wow! It is amazing the crazy people out there!
That man had a serious issue and I am glad it did not get too out of control for you.
I am sorry that you had to go through that and even more sorry that your son had to watch it!
It kinda makes me scared to go out in public! Wow!
@OnfireforJesus (500)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I'm with brokentia, I am sorry that your 2 year old had to go through that!
@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I would have said something rude back to him and told him to mind his own business. Kids have to learn right from wrong and just because you were talking to him up close doesn't mean you were doing anything to hurt him. You were just trying to teach him a lesson that when he doesn't get what he wants that he can't throw a temper tantrum and that man should have minded his own business. I get sick and tired of people telling me how I should raise and discipline my child. It's my child and I'll do it how I want to and I will never ever harm him. And as for that man saying he was going to put his hands on you--you could have called the police and turned him in for communicating threats to you. And he should have never said he was going to take your child and take him to the police because ummmm I do think that would be kidnapping. You should have told him that he wasn't any better if he was trying to kidnap your child and then I bet he wouldn't have said another word to you.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I think I would have reported it. He had no right to talk to you that way. You weren't doing anything wrong at all. I hate it when people try to tell me how to raise my kid. More often than not, the people criticizing are people that don't even have kids.
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@birthlady (5609)
• United States
9 Mar 07
You did the right thing! Why argue with a maniac? It would possibly get worse! Sounds scary. Perhaps the man was beaten as a child, and you just happened to trigger bad memories. He was inappropriate.
@beckyomg1 (6756)
• United States
24 Jan 07
If he had threaten me i would have just got my cell out and called the police. I would have picked my child too if the store was crowded.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
26 Jan 07
That's about all you could do unless you wanted to get the police involved. The man was wrong, no two ways about it. You had every right to pick your child up and tell him to stop or we leave. That is fine. The man was out of line and the problem is I see it happen all the time. People will run up and accuse without knowing the facts. They interfer in what isn't their business. I see it time and again and not just with possible child abuse, which yours wasn't, but wtih anything they consider to be wrong. Our society needs to learn to keep their noses out of other people's business. We seem to have lost that somewhere along the way and we need to regain it.
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Well I am sure the guy had good intentions. He just went about it the wrong way. Some people really need to learn to stay out of things. I don't think there is much you could have done unless you wanted a screaming match or worse with this guy. I am sure the police owuld have been involved at that point & the whole thing could have turned messy.
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Exactly what you did do... had you tried to argue with him, it would have just made your son more upset. Some people are just rude and nosy, but there really isn't much you can do about it. Now had someone been with you, you could have had them deal with it. I wouldn't worry about it too much, some people are just jerks.
@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
27 Jan 07
You definitely did the right thing! Wow! I can't imagine, that is crazy. We have to discipline our kids, and I like the way you handled the tantrum. It's not as though you were beating your child. Some people think they know everything and they have to stick their nose into everything. That guy was clearly crazy!
@momto2b2g (217)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I probably would have done the same thing you did. I would have been dumbfounded if someone did that to me. You weren't hurting your child, he should have minded his own business. Sounds like he had a screw loose.
@Shababy (140)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I really hate it when people tell me how to raise my kids. i probably would have done the same thing with my child. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. We were in a walmart once and a little girl was pulling at her dad's arm wanting him to look at something he turned around and slapped her across the face. That was abusive but not what you were doing. Some people are just nuts. Last year I was going to the hyvee in the middle of winter and it had snowed and was very cold. My youngest absolutely hated shoes and socks back then. I had dressed him in warm clothing with socks and a snow suit with feet and gloves. He was dressed very warm. I had to put his socks back on him constantly. We were walking to the door of the hyvee trying to get in out of the cold and he had been kicking his sock off again and by the time we had made it through the door he had completely kicked off the bootie part of the snow suit it had little snaps and he had also wiggled out of his sock. I did not see this I was just about to sit in him in the cart. This woman came out of nowhere screaming at the top of her lungs at me. She was threatning to call child services telling me what a horrible mother I was she made both my boys cry and was being really obnoxious. If I wasn't concerned about my boys being warm there is no way I would have put them in warm clothes snow suits etc etc. I did not realize he had kicked off the bootie I was rushing with him in my arms and my other son with me to get in out of the cold. It was really embarrassing and of course when I realized what had happened a redressed him. I really hate it when people act like this. It made me very angry. I wanted to act just as childish as she did etc but at the same time my two boys were with me. I think when your kids are with you you just really don't need to escalate things like this. In your particular situation this man sounded totally off and may have tried to hurt you before someone could stop him. I think you should have called the police but I think it was a very good idea you got in your car and went somewhere. I know there are people out there who abuse their children but I think it is terrible how it feels like people can't even discipline their children reasonably in public. I think there are a-lot of good parents out there that are doing a really good job that get this kind of crap for no reason.