pregnant hamsters

hamsters - hamsters care
January 12, 2007 7:16am CST
there is a lot of care hamsters require when they get pregnant. they could be very protective about thier children so would not like us to touch them much as that could irritate them.. much care n attention is required. my hamsters have been pregnant twice so i know a lot. if any one of you ever have a problem or questions. u can always ask me.. take care of your hamsters..
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2 responses
• Romania
12 Jan 07
Dwarf hamsters - Dwarf hamsters, my pride and joy :)
This is a very good topic (for me) since i have a pair of dwarf hamsters (recently bought) and i would like to know as much as i can about taking care of them. They haven't had any babies yet, being approx. 3 months old, they live togheter, have their arguments but getting along just fine most of the time. I know that they have to be separated once mother is pregnant. I would appreciate any other information you could share. I added you as a friend for further referrence, hope you don't mind.
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• India
17 Jan 07
hi !!!!!!! what i can know of the problem is that maybe there wasnt much time given by you for the male n female hamsters to be separated. actually when a females concieves , she takes minimum time of 3 months to be back with a healthy body.. so i request you to kindly give a gap of atleast 3 months before she concives again. better would be if you can put the male hamster in another cage with a baby male hamsters which should be around 2 or 3 months old. this way he gets company also. and the age i mentioned was to make sure the older male hamsters recognises the baby hamster as one of his own type. i guess my reply would be enough of knowledge. keep mailing n m there to help always. take care. bye
@breezie (1246)
• Canada
14 Jan 07
We bought a dwarf hamster a few years ago for my son. One weekend we went away to a wedding and when we came home she had had 2 babies. We didn't even know that she was pregnant snce the person we got her from said she was still a baby. It was quite a surprise. Since we didn't know she was pregnant we didn't do anything special to take care of her when she was pregnant. We were very careful not to touch the babies until they were older.
• India
17 Jan 07
points to be noted : # do not touch the hamsters till they are around 2 months. # do not take pictures or turn on music aloud. # let the female hamster be with her children and keep an eye if all are being milked by mother. # give a little baby food like "cerelac" to the babies when they are around 10 or 15 days old. # do not crowd in frond them as they could be nervous or scared. # change thier bedding only after 20 days of babies birth. thanks for sharing your views n experiences. keep in touch take care