I don't get the diaper opening...

United States
January 12, 2007 9:14am CST
I stock the infants department and there is something that bugs me because I just don't understand it. I know I'm not a mom but I just don't see any real reasoning to open packages of diapers. And then not buy them. I get you want to know if they'll fit your baby or not but wouldn't the last diaper you put on give an idea of what size to buy? What people don't realize is that Walmart losing all that money from all those opened packages. We can't sell them like that. Things like that are why prices get raised. You lose enough money you start raising prices. Have any of you done this and/or can shed some light on this for me?
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52 responses
• United States
12 Jan 07
Luckily for me if we ever did buy the wrong size, I always knew someone who was pregnant or had a baby close enough in age that I just passed them along. I would never dream of opening up anything like that and then not buying it! I cannot believe people actually have the nerve to do that! I do know that different brands fit differently sometimes, but my son has been in the same size diaper for over 6 months now and I don't see him growing out of it any time soon. We also like to use the same brand every time, so I don't get why people switch as often as they do. But yeah, I would never leave something unopened and not buy it. Just pass it along to friends, because I know they would do the same if they ever had something that I could use!
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@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
12 Jan 07
All diapers are made differently. Some have stretchy sides, some dont. They are all different and I guess some people just want to see exactly what the diapers are before buying them? ..Im not saying it's right, but thats probably the main reason, not the size.
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@kittykatzz (1132)
• United States
12 Jan 07
well, ican honestly say im a mom, (whos special needs son wore diapers till he was almost 6!) and ive NEVER done that.. thats awful!.. thats like opening bread and smushin a slice to make sure its theone you want!.. the baby aisle isnt a DELI, and you dont get to try before you buy.. i find it outrageous that people would do this, i wouldnt be able to stop myself if i were you from speaking up if you see someone doing this..the guy that said they are stealing may have an idea.. they could be, i would confront the person if you should see them do it. if you dont, then walmart should maybe move them like theyve done with the baby formula
4 people like this
• United States
13 Jan 07
Our walmart hasn't moved our formula yet. But I think they'll be doing it soon. It's over with all the rest of the baby stuff (not in the grocery area anymore) but it's still out on the shelves. We've got a big problem with formula being stolen too. Which is another thing I don't understand.
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• United States
23 Jan 07
I can understand the formula being stolen thing. I would personally never do it, but there are people out there who just can't afford to feed their babies when that stuff id 12.00 a can. There are programs like Wic but even that usually doesn't pay for enough formula for a month. It is a very sad thing. The diaper thing I think people are just opening them to feel the texture of the diapers if they are having a problem with a different kind. Again it is something I wouldn't personally do but I have seen it done a lot, when I worked at a department store.
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@Sarah1977 (495)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I think people mainly open them either because they are stealing one for a child that is with them who needs to be changed, or they want to feel the material of the diaper. In any case, it is very wrong...
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• United States
12 Jan 07
I have never done this, because I think it is just wrong to open packages in the store. But I can understand why people do it. They want to feel the texture of the diaper. Not all disposable diapers are the same. Some are softer, some more absorbent, etc. So it is nice to know what they are like before you buy them.
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• United States
13 Jan 07
I can get that but most of the time they'll open the super mega pack instead of the jumbo. At least if the store is going to take a lose let them take the smaller lose instead.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Their shoplifting diapers. Did you bother to count the number inside, I bet you didnt.
3 people like this
• United States
13 Jan 07
No they don't always steal the diapers. I don't count them but I've handled them enough to know how a full package feels. Most of the time they leave the one they took on the shelf, stuff it back inside or leave it on top of the package itself.
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• United States
13 Jan 07
Wow, you must have sensitive hands. As a short order cook, I was pretty accurate measuring 1 and 2 ounce portions by hand. But tonight I opened a new pack of diapers, took one out and couldn't tell the difference.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
12 Jan 07
I have never done that. I suppose it could be that someone is checking the quality before they buy, which I can understand because you do get some which are really rubbish. But, I don't think the people who do that kind of thing actually realise about the price rising. Although, are the packs still full after being opened? It could be someone desperate with no money so takes one out of a packet because she can't afford the whole pack. I can't think of any other reason why anyone would do that.
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• United States
13 Jan 07
Most of the time they are still full. On occasion they're is maybe one or two missing.
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@briennekb (610)
• United States
13 Jan 07
That is hilarious! I can't believe people do that! I am a mother of a 20 month old girl. She wears size 4. Being as I know what size my daughter wears, I have never needed to open up the package. When she was an infant, I would buy the smallest package of diapers to see if I liked that particualr brand. And once that package was gone, I would buy another brand. I went through 4 brands before choosing the one I like the best. But I never opened up the packages and left them there. As a matter of fact, it has never even dawned on me to do that. I have never seen anyone do this but I would love to catch someone in the act. Now, after this discussion, if I ever see anyone do this, I will defintely give them a piece of my mind.
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• United States
13 Jan 07
Thanks so much. If only everyone had a brain!
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I can say that I have NOT done it....ever!!!!! I have seven children and you would think that if it was such a problem to size a child, I would have done it at some point. But I never have. If so happen that I bought the wrong size, I would stuff them in it anyways and remind my partner next time to please get the correct size. It really isn't that hard because they give you the size expected of the weight of your baby. And that guideline is a pretty good one! I always thought that people were opening them to steal one diaper because they were lazy and forgot to bring a diaper with them. But that is why WalMart has those changing tables that you can get a diaper for 75 cents like a tampon from a little coin machine. If I forgot a diaper because I thought there was one in the bag, I either took the baby to the car because there was always a spare diaper there just in case or my baby could wait the extra 10 minute until I got to the car. I would never open a package of diapers without paying for it first!
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• United States
13 Jan 07
I find that the majority of the time they stuff the diaper that they took out back into the package or lay it on top of it. But they do take just one at times too. That was my thoughts on it - they've got the weight listed on the package and usually I would think you've got a pretty good idea how much your baby weighs. As a cashier I would see some people actually buy the opened packages only because they had to go put one on the baby. I suppose though if they were out they'd be buying a pack anyway.
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@Rebecky (166)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I have never done it...but there have been many times I wanted to. I do not like the diapers that have the tape on them. I prefer the velcro type. Sometimes when I'm tight on cash(which is often), I have to go for the store-name brand. Some packaging doesn't state to what type of fastning the diaper has. The stores also change manufacturers too, which change the fastner. It's a guessing game! I've been pretty lucky. My son (the one still in diapers..hehe) has very sensative skin and the taped diapers are a bit stiffer, and the corners of it irritate him if not on EXACTLY right. (hard to do when he squirms around every diaper change). So yeah, I've wanted to open the pack to see inside, but didn't. One of the stores displays thier diapers on a shelf hangy thing. (not sure of the correct term) It helps me decide which one to buy. Although, the last time I was in there, they were awful yucky! Lots of people had been touching them! eww! If you were to display this in your store, I would recommend changing the displays often!phew~that post was a lot longer than intended!
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• United States
13 Jan 07
I've often wondered why WM doesn't have a display for them. I don't know that they'd listen to be to get one put up. They don't really listen to us low man peeps.
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@Celanith (2327)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I am assuming your speaking of disposable diapers not cloth one you wash, dry and re-use. If that is the case I would have to agree that most likely someone is stealing a couple of diapers out of the package because Jr suddenly needs a change, and they are out of spares and don't want to buy a whole package for the kid. If it cloth ones, then they want to make sure that the diaper is thick enough and not like some I have seen that look like cheese cloth. In any case the consumer legally has the right to open and inspect the contents before purchase and if they do not like what they see, they do not have to buy it. I know this because I have opened packages of items to be sure it is what I want or will fit. Or not broken etc. Clerks don't like it. Once a manager was called I told him fine call consumer affairs and the AG because I legally had a right to check out the content before I made a purchase. He shut up and walked away. BTW I did buy the item but was not sure of the color as it showed various colors and I wanted blue.
• United States
12 Jan 07
all diapers are not made the same. Some are narrower between the legs, have wider leg openings, or a higher rise. Even with the weight ranges on the packages, Pampers don't fit well on babies with chunky thighs and Huggies don't work on skinny babies. I've never opened a package of diapers in the store like that, but in the past when mine were small, I've bought brands, used a handful, and found that they didn't work for us. Maybe that's why people do it.
@thekiwi (588)
• United States
13 Jan 07
lol i love you! Yea i never really did that, i always went by my son's weight and picked the next level, that way if they were too big, it would still fit him, sorta, but at least he would grow into it! you know?
• United States
13 Jan 07
I totally agree!!! I love you too!!!
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@lynn3024 (198)
• Canada
12 Jan 07
i have never done this but i do understand the reason why somebody might. My son is nine months old and is in a size 5 diaper. he was in a size four but when i switched to a different brand size four was way to small. I'm sure many people are aware of this and don't want to waste there money on somethind that won't fit.
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
13 Jan 07
When you have a little bundle of joy you will soon realize that thier growth has no rhyme or reason to it. My daughter wore one size in one brand of diaper and a totally different size in another. Each brand has their own size scale. I didn't open the packages though I just bought the darn things and prayed for the best. Through trial and error I narrowed down the only two brands she could wear without leaks or major rashes Luvs and Huggies. She could wear Pampers in the first few months but after that she would always have leaking (not just pee either). So to answer your question because parents have a hard time getting the right size of the diapers for thier babies especially new parents.
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• United States
13 Jan 07
Forgot to say that this doesn't make it right for them to open and not buy. If they are going to test sizes they need to buy the smallest package available and if it works then go back and buy some more.
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• United States
13 Jan 07
Oh and by the way my daughter was a preemie so her size was never typical. She never had the leg circumfrence of babies her own age or weight because she was born prematurly. So that made it difficult to size her but like I said I never opened packages in the store.
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@anja31 (707)
• Canada
13 Jan 07
I never make a package open if I buying diapers for my daughter. I cant understand why people are doing this. They know the site of theri infants right. I can understand your opinion it makes you angry and a lot of people dont understand why.
@himalanka (1339)
• United States
13 Jan 07
i never opened n shop but i bought different brand but they r very bad for my baby so i wasted full packet and money. so i am never chaning brands
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• United States
13 Jan 07
I have never done this but i know people that do it because different brands of diapers are bigger/smaller it may say the same size but trust me they are not it depends on what brand you buy you might say to buy the same brand everytime but alot of times my kids diapers are out of stock so i have to go to a different brand and that brand fits either alot smaller or bigger so that is why som people open the diapers.i dont open the packages but im sure the people that do do not realise you can't sell them like that.
@katisaurus (1038)
• Canada
13 Jan 07
I know this has probably been answered, but it's Because bthe packages don't always give you the right information. Some babies can only wear a certain diaper for comfort reasons or whatever else.. I'm pretty sure my sister's opened the bag when she's upsizing her baby's diaper when he's grown out of a smaller size, and because baby's don't usually wear the size they giv eon the bag.. pretty sure when my sister's kid was about 7 months old, he was in diapers out of the month range for the bags. I agree that it's wrong in opening up packages like that, but I'm sure every mother's done that once in their life.
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@cardizon (223)
• Philippines
4 Apr 07
im a mom of a 10 month old baby girl. i regret not opening one inside a store. why? because once, i bought the largest package, i have the right size for her. when i arrived home, to my dismay, the diapers have these holes. they looked more like they were gnawed by rats or something. you wont like your child wearing those, would you.
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• United States
4 Apr 07
Where did you buy those? In that instance though you could easily exchange them.