What Was Your Wildest Experience On a Motorcycle?
@SingingPsycho (343)
United States
January 12, 2007 9:49am CST
Several years back, I had my first major bike accident.
It's the farthest I've ever flown without a cape.
What happened? Well, it started with cleaning my bike - polishing my chrome - and tightening the chain (oops ... I forgot to back off the tension on the rear brake pedal).
I took off from my house with a bikin' buddy of mine and we headed for a long, winding road out of town. As we cruised along, he took the lead - riding on the right side of our lane down this two lane road.
As I was cruising along, slightly left of him my eyes began to wander around - checking out the scenery. I took my eyes off of the road for what seemed like a second and when I ahead...
There was my buddy - hard on the breaks. He had swooped over to the left side of the lane (swinging wide) to pull off into a driveway on the right side of the road. The driveway belonged to a girl that he had been flirting with - and while that was NOT where we were going - he decided to stop.
I jumped hard on the breaks (remember - I didn't adjust my rear brake) and my back wheel locked up. The bike fish-tailed a couple times then dropped down to the left a little as the rear decided to sway far-right.
I couldn't take the oncoming lane - traffic! I almost slid right past him but my back tire caught his tailpipe and my bike flipped - sending me flying through the air.
Everything played in slow motion video as I sailed - hands forward - not a thought in my head. As I approached the ground I stuck out my right hand. As soon as it touched the ground we jumped back to full speed coverage as I rolled down the street.
As soon as I stopped rolling - I jumped to my feet and yelled "MY BIKE!!!" and started running toward the poor, wounded beast.
It was about this time that a gigantic, white chevy 4x4 came backing up the road and stopped just a couple feet from me and my bike. From the driver side window a man leaned out. He was wearing a blue hat with little white polka-dots on it - and he had this long red beard that seemed to hang about half-way down the door.
Then he spoke ... "Boy ... I almost squashed your head!"
Oddly - the hand that hit the road first didn't get even a scratch. My helmet never touched the ground as I rolled down the street across my shoulders, and I had only a small patch of road rash on my back.
Your turn!
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44 responses
@sioux2u (176)
• United States
12 Jan 07
my brother had a bike when i was a young girl of 15, i beg for a ride my brother gave me one, it was a blast with wind hitting your face, an being able to park any where. i loved to ride until we was in bike rack , i had hair down pass my as--- the cut big chunk of hair off side of my head 15 stiches, leg 10 stiches, side of face messed up. i cryied becase of my hair, today you cant get me on a bike ,to chicken to
@SingingPsycho (343)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Yeah, sounds like you took a pretty bad fall.
...and that's never fun.
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@Tulipa_negra (383)
• Portugal
12 Jan 07
well, i dont now what to say...i only had one big fall, it was raining i´ve just passed a car when in a curve i got oil in the road and i fall down, i was driven at 140/150 km when i fall, my legs couldnt move for 2 weeks and my moto i event want to talk what happened to her...well i could say that ive got luck because...in one side of road was a "montain" and in the other side was a "fall down" straight to a river...my helmet gotted a lot of scratches...so...thats my story...it was the worst fall i´ve had...i do motocross and i run in the distrital contests, i love doing that its my hobby, i love motorcicles at the moment my recent buy was a yamaha banshee but i also have a ktm wich i use in the races.It is very uncommun see girls like me doing motocross(in my country) so people get admired because im doing that, but i dont worry, im that way and dont pretend to change!
@SingingPsycho (343)
• United States
13 Jan 07
That's awesome. Not the accident, but the female motorcross thing. I think that rocks. I admire you too. Motorcross is a rugged sport.
Oily roads and rain make it kinda tough keeping 2 wheels under control. I've been in a couple scary situations from oil & rain.
Thanks for sharing with us.
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@magdollars23 (1684)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I have never been on a motorcylce and because of the huge risk I dont think that I will ever ride one. I have been on mopeds before and driven those and that was about as far as I think I will go.
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@SingingPsycho (343)
• United States
13 Jan 07
What? You wanna live forever? Well, that's no fun.
It's true. They are not for everyone.
But I think you're missing out if you don't at least go for one ride while you're here. There's not really anything else like it.
@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
12 Jan 07
Well, fancy meeting someone from ZZ Top wearing a strange hat. My wildest experience on a bike wasn't nearly as exciting as yours. It was when I was at University in the UK. I had a friend who had this enormous bike and we went out for dinner one evening. It was late when we finished and we really let rip on the empty motorway clocking around 100mph on an enormous bike - it was so cool! An unforgettable experience.
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@SingingPsycho (343)
• United States
14 Jan 07
LOL. That's what I thought too. What's Billy Gibbons doing driving a Chevy 4x4?
Billy's is blonde though. This guy's beard was that harsh fire red.
@ComputerK1ng (79)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I used to live in northern california and if you have been there you know there are mountains and windy roads... One night i took my wife for a ride to san fransico. Were comming back and she wanted me to go fast soooo i get a nice clean piece of highway and speed up to about 155mph on the other side of the road i see cop lights come on so i slowed down a bit to see if he was comming for me... He was so i went ahead and pulled over and turned the lights off and the cop flew right pass me... almost like he though i kept going... maybe he did but luckally i had god watchin over me!
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@SingingPsycho (343)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I've done that in a car.
What a relief when they go by, eh?
Who knows ... he might have saved you both.
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@BLADE786 (72)
12 Jan 07
mine was a mini moto i was doing full speed down my road when i went over a wet patch and fell i nearly hit my head of the ground but just missed and scrabbed all my leg i was bleeding quite bad.
it hurt alot
@SingingPsycho (343)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Ouch. It's all fun & games 'til someone bleeds, eh?
Thanks for sharing.
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@SingingPsycho (343)
• United States
17 Jan 07
It's not always your fault. All it takes is for one person NOT to see you in traffic ... and yer screw'd.
The rear brake thing was only an issue because I tightened the chain - pulling the rear wheel back. Without also adjusting the rear brake - it was like riding with my brake pedal about 1/4 down. So when I got into that situation - I pushed farther than I needed without realizing it - locking the rear wheel and throwing the bike into a skid.
But it's still a good idea to check everything before you ride.
@Tulipa_negra (383)
• Portugal
12 Jan 07
well, i dont now what to say...i only had one big fall, it was raining i´ve just passed a car when in a curve i got oil in the road and i fall down, i was driven at 140/150 km when i fall, my legs couldnt move for 2 weeks and my moto i event want to talk what happened to her...well i could say that ive got luck because...in one side of road was a "montain" and in the other side was a "fall down" straight to a river...my helmet gotted a lot of scratches...so...thats my story...it was the worst fall i´ve had...i do motocross and i run in the distrital contests, i love doing that its my hobby, i love motorcicles at the moment my recent buy was a yamaha banshee but i also have a ktm wich i use in the races.It is very uncommun see girls like me doing motocross(in my country) so people get admired because im doing that, but i dont worry, im that way and dont pretend to change!
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
12 Jan 07
Back in 1953, as a very small 17 year old girl I rode a 500 Speed Twin Triumph motor bike. Now anyone who knows old motor bikes would know it was a VERY heavy bike. The only way I could kick start it was while it was on the stand and then ride it off the stand.
Back in 1953 there were still many dirt roads. Just for something to do at the weekends, I would hop on my bike and ride it to the capital, more than 400 kms away, turn round, and return home.
One stretch of the road was black dirt, and travelling fast, it was hard to see where the bitumen ended and the dirt started. One such time I hit the dirt and went for a long skid. I didn't crash, but I did burn my leg on the muffler. Bear in mind that in those days, no protective clothing was worn, not even a helmet. I only wore a little skating skirt with a light shirt, and sandals.
This was one instant of many times I should have been killed and wasn't. Other times relate to wartime in England and my stupid behaviour as a teen. I wasn't a Christian in those days, but looking back I can see how God protected me and preserved me and I give Him the praise.
@SingingPsycho (343)
• United States
18 Jan 07
For a tiny 17 year old girl to handle an old Triumph 500 through a wild, unexpected skid is amazing. You spent a lot of time on that bike, didn't you?
Either way - I'm impressed. Good save. If you had dropped that bike in the dirt wearing a skirt and no helmet ... that would have been quite ugly. I'm glad God had an eye on ya.
...and thanks for sharing your story with us.
@abaskamal (149)
• Malaysia
13 Jan 07
My first bike accident.
Went to fast & did not know how to handle corners.
Hit the curb & rolled to the ground.
Silly boy me.
@SingingPsycho (343)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Been there.
The first bike I ever tried to ride was a street bike that was too big for me. ...and had the same problem in the first corner. The only difference was that I was on a country road with no curb. Instead - I went over a hill. lol
@abhax123 (1695)
• India
13 Jan 07
It was the first time i got to ride a bike
earlier i used to drive a scooter...
i was so excited all new experience
gears below your feet and that accelator man makes it Go Zoom...
i drove on it for 20 min
then i realized i should try something new...
and guess what
i started driving with my eyes closed
i first drove for a second with my eyes closes
as i grew in confidence so did the TIME increased
then i drove the bike with my eyes closed and i took off both my hands
and that was it
i slid ....
@SingingPsycho (343)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I find that it's WAY to hard to see what I'm doing through my eyelids.
Thanks for sharing
@danx2yrocks (12)
• United States
12 Jan 07
i like motorcycles but have never been on one. i think that your experience on 1 was messed up. especially the part about how u didnt even really get hurt.
@SingingPsycho (343)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I got lucky. Wish I could say the same for my bike. It was a mess.
@jussagirl (15)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I have two..the first one was back in 1983, we took the harley out to meet friends at a movie, my daughter screamed and cried she did NOT want me on the motorcycle, normally she loved them. Anyways we got less than a half a mile from home, going on a straightway..when a car pulled out from the woods...never looking he tried to jet across the road, there was no way my husband could stop..so we hit hit doindg about 65.. I remember thinking, I'm gonna land on my feet..and tried to do a jump flip combo...witnesses said I actually landed on my HEAD, my husband took down a street sign with his leg, almost severed in half..somehow I got up and tried to get to the driver..a guy named Tri Trung Do...no insurance and a brand new car..guess I was going to beat him up or something...and all he did was say I am so glad that my window was closed, or I would have been hurt too...then I passed out, (witnesses later told me what he said)
Thankfully husbands leg is okay now, I fractured my pelvis, ankle, and got horrible road rash on my shoulder and arm...and found out I was pregnant when I got into emergency...
2nd story is pretty funny, my oldest daughter was 5 and we bought her a mini bike, she was such a girly girl, and insisted on wearing pink helmet, pink shoes and showing off while she rode...we were filming her showing off for her grandparents, she stood up on the seat and turned to smile and wave, when she rode up on a rock retaining wall...sailed over the top, down the hill and into the pond!! When she climbed out, she just kept looking at her hands, saying gross that was so dirty!
@SingingPsycho (343)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Sounds like that guy needed an azz kickin'. People in cars just don't seem to notice bikes. Either that, or they just don't care because it's not likely that THEY will get hurt. Glad you both survived that one. A 65mph impact on a bike - that's not something that many people live thru to talk about.
Do you still have the video of your little girl's wild ride? That one could be worth some money on funniest home videos. lol
@djtribalfunk (24)
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
im a newbie rider... my first wild experience is when we are about to drag race on a highway.. we were both riding underbones - suzuki. as the race started, and releasing the clutch with full throttle, i didnt know then how to start a race so... i popped a wheelie doing 50km/hr, bike almost straight up, and i was like superman about to fly!! good thing why i love my bike now is that he caught me after gravity pulled me down, and just rolled like nothing happened. had a few scratches on my left foot and thats it. now, ive learned my lesson.. the hard way!
@dip_cool (411)
• India
13 Jan 07
well i have always tried to take it easy on my bike and never gave in to road rage expect sometimes so i have avoided big accidents till now,luckily.but one escape is worth mentioning.it was the 31 eve and all the world is crazy that day.so me and my friend on my scooter decided to drag with another bike,and the other bike suddenly cut infront of us,i jammed the brakes,but they didnt work.luckily the bike sped off and i was spared.
another and only time i had a fall was when i was bending too much on a turn and there was water on the road and i just skidded and had a fall.
@berta67 (176)
• Virgin Islands (British)
13 Jan 07
My most scariest moment on a motorcykle was on the beautiful island Koh Chang, Thailand. Yopu can rent a small bike for about 4 dollars a day and the explore the island on the leftside of the road. It was terriblr to remeber to keep left and the hill was sometimes high and you felt closer to the sky than the sea. But I survived but can still feel a bit fuzzy thinking about it. There is a God for fools like me.
@cyndhirella (549)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
I was having a neck to neck ride with one of my friend. It dark and i'm quite hazzy with the weather. While rushing, a lady with a baby stroller crossed the street! Oh my, at that moment, I thought I would smack crashed on the baby.. Thank God, my breaks never failed me. My heart pump hard and that day, I told myself I would never try neck to neck battle again.
@cyb3rjunk13 (470)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I use to do stunts on bike.Here we measure it by "Kanta".My wildest experience was crossing 4 kantas.