Who is a bigger terrorist: Saddam hussein or George bush ?
By steve21
@steve21 (37)
January 12, 2007 1:56pm CST
If you were asked to define a terrorist ,the most probable reply would be one who kills innocent people,who is autocratic and one who tries to impose his personal views on the society.
If carefully evaluated and thought,these hold good for George W. Bush,the president of the United States.He said that Saddam Hussein was a terrorist and should be hanged.Well if we think logically,Saddam was accused of killing around 200 shias in Iraq.But why forget ,the Iraq war took thousands of lives,of not only innocent civilians of Iraq,but brave US soldiers who died of absolutely no reason.
George Bush was so clever that he ordered saddam to be hanged before even the entire trial took place.Many people would not know this,that in US a person who is 70 years or above cannot be hanged,and the maximum punishment for him/her is life imprisonment.Saddam was 69 years old when hanged.
If the entire trial would have been conducted properly,he would have crossed 70.
What do you guys think.Who is a bigger terrorist?Who gave George Bush to drive his country into war killing thousands of innocent people?
17 responses
@ndraj_2006 (1422)
• India
12 Jan 07
Saddam is closed chapter. bush is the terror than terrorists.
he is killings more people more than saddam or laden killed.
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@ashumit02 (818)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Definetely Saddam and the matter of Bush is solved by peoples of America in the next election.
@carbonblack91 (78)
• India
12 Jan 07
definition of terrorism from answers.com:-
the unlawful use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for a political or ideological reasons.
( now judge George W Bush and Iraq war on the basis of this definition )
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@destroyer (784)
• Pakistan
27 Feb 07
I think both of them are terrorists! Saddam inflicted pain and misery on his own people whereas bush is following the expansionist policy of British under the garb of fighting terrorism!
Even if you leave asided the fact that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq like bush alleged and for a sec believe that he wanted to liberate iraqi people than i say his job is done he should now withdraw US forces and leave the fate of Iraq to the Iraqis!
@carinnadia (17)
• Indonesia
28 Jan 07
both r terrorist. the differ r Saddam had tht status i meant he really is a terrorist but Bush.. tho he's a president he acts even worse by the Iraq war or things u've well explaned. i think he's only intention is to be the leader of the world instead of just the US
@normanlewisword (242)
• India
27 Feb 07
Terrorists...George Bush is the biggest of them all. Having demolished Afghanistan and Iraq, he feels that it is his moral responsibilty to inflict the same treatment to Iran. And be rest assured... Mahmood Ahmedinejad will be hanged without a proper trial. Luckily he will be out of office in a few months and be actively involved in promoting his ordnance business.
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@nadh1981 (75)
• India
19 Jan 07
Bush is bigger terrorist. Saddam only bothered Iraqi's and Palestine, but bush? he is bothering every one in the world with his passion for war. Just think about the countries that were invaded by Bush, neither Americans nor the world is happy with bush. So who is bigger terrorist? Bush or Saddam?
@rdurusan (624)
• Philippines
12 Sep 07
It is Busch of course,the crime of Hussein is limited to his country and Iran.Busch 's crimes is global in nature because it covers the entire globe.He is also responsible for the poverty of small nations that are rich in natural resources,because today these small nations are below the poverty line with his economic sabotage,economic sanctions and so on and so forth.Even Hitler will pale in comparison with Busch because Hitlers war is a legal war of nations,while Busch's war are manipulated to create a war without a basis.Maybe his basis is aggression and oil.
@cooldream08 (10)
• India
5 Mar 07
ya,u r right bush is biggest threat today only because saddam is a story of past and Osama is in some holes.
@ashikkalam (187)
• India
16 Sep 07
George Bush had no right at all to march into Iraq and taking over accusing Saddam of terrorism.Lets face it Saddam was a lot more popular among his people than Bush would ever be.
Bush has caused more innocent lives to be lost in the pretext of fighting terrorism.He butchered thousands of innocent Iraqis and thousands of brave U.S soldiers.The world has had enough of Bush,its time he should be tried for terrorism just like Saddam was.

@ashikkalam (187)
• India
19 Sep 07
And here is some stats for you.
Number of US troops killed in Iraq=4000,seriously injured=28,000
Number of civilian casualties=600,000
Number of journalist killed in Iraq=12,000 out of which 15 were killed by the U.S army itself.
Thats more number of journalists were killed than terrorists in Iraq.
Iraqi insurgents killed=55,00
And each day America is spending 200$million of its tax payers money in Iraq.
Is it all worth the supposed to be war on terrorism?
@ashikkalam (187)
• India
19 Sep 07
And here is some stats for you.
Number of US troops killed in Iraq=4000,seriously injured=28,000
Number of civilian casualties=600,000
Number of journalist killed in Iraq=12,000 out of which 15 were killed by the U.S army itself.
Thats more number of journalists were killed than terrorists in Iraq.
Iraqi insurgents killed=55,00
And each day America is spending 200$million of its tax payers money in Iraq.
All this for the supposed to be war on terrorism.
@buliangxianren (425)
• China
18 Sep 07
who is right between George W. Bush and Saddam hussein? nobody knows in fact.can you say George W. Bush who is the president of the united states was wrong or Saddam hussein was right? no,there is no wrong both of them.all things we do are in order to get more interests,that exist in china long long ago.George W. Bush is planing to get more interests in irap but addam hussein set barrier on the way.addam hussein isn't willing to cooperate with the united states because he thought his country reap no benefit of the cooperation.there is no right or wrong between them just like lions and sheep.can you ask the lion not to eat the sheep and to eat lawn.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
17 Sep 07
see how many people think KING BUSH is a terriost and he is still in office. He has killed thousands of american and iraqi people and what for. POWER and MONEY thats all he cares about and he has the nerve to say that God talks through him what a nutcase. Duh duh duh thats what he sounds like. We dont even need to be in Iraq b/c we are taking our country forgranted while we are being in other countrys business. Most Iraqis want to be muslim which means they want to be controlled. Let them take care of there own country. It just pisses me off and I want to show Bush a taste of his own medicane. Did you know that Bush has a guideline that says if there is any protesters when he walks in a room that they need to get them out of the room and if they cant then they have to yell USA USA over the protesters, thats BS. Vote ron paul and get our country back from all these money hungry politicans. I was told the other day by a police man that the constitution was made for the president to protect us from the states, but it has turned around now the states have to protect the country from its own president. We need to stop this NOW.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
17 Sep 07
" the states have to protect the country from its own president."
this is actualy the way it was intended. Being a libertarian you should know this. This is exactly why the second ammandment exists. The citizen militia's were created as a last line of defense for it's citizens against the government.
I agrea over all and I like ron paul as well. but to call Bush a terrorist not only marginalizes the real threasts out there it is down right in accurate.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
17 Sep 07
like i said before I like people with there own mind. I know not everyone will agree with everyone. I was just stating what the police officer said. Shouldnt it be both ways though they both should watch each other and make sure that one isnt trying to controll the other. I dont think Bush is as bad as a guy as most put him out to be I think he is a little misunderstood but I still dont agree with what hes doing or whats going on. and I still dont really like him I dont trust him and if you do thats good. I want you to know that i do stand behind the troops though even if i dont stand behind the war. did you know that bush has passed 800+ laws since being a presidnet?
@srisankeerth (1477)
• India
19 Jan 09
in my view saddam hussien is the bigger terrorist,,we cant atleast compare these two members saddam and bush...Bush is the president of he AMERICA.saddam had killed many people who belongs to america.so due to that reason bush make a war for the of saddam..due that many of them killed..some of the protected the saddam...this is the mistake that these countries done..so bush make a war..so that saddam is the terrorist..Bush the well dignified person.
@android781 (46)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
read the qur'an and you'll know who the real terrorist/s is/are.... i'll give you some clues...
"Remember thy Lord inspired the angels with the message: 'I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill TERROR into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.'" surah 8:12
"Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike TERROR in the hearts of the enemies of Allah, and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly." surah 8:60
"And those of the People of the Book who aided them - Allah did take them down from their strongholds and cast TERROR into their hearts. So that some ye slew, and some ye made prisoners." surah 33:26