Can you take hearing a baby cry?
By Muslimah
@Muslimah (811)
United States
15 responses
@reindeerpaws (228)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I simply can't take it. I'm getting a lot better, though. When my son was first born, his cries went right through me; felt like a knife just stabbing me over and over. If he'd been fed and changed and I was trying to hold or rock him to get him to stop and he wouldn't, I'd just have to put him down and get out of the room. Usually I'd end up running to the bedroom and screaming into a pillow. I just couldn't handle it. I had postpartum depression, so I really wasn't dealing with much of anything very well.
I'm a lot better now. I pretty much know what all his cries mean. I do still ignore them sometimes, but that's usually because either: 1. It's naptime, he's exhausted, he won't let me rock him, and he's really fighting sleep; or 2. He's done something he knows is wrong and he's in the playpen for punishment. lol. And yeah, I do still have to leave the room to deal with it sometimes.
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@reindeerpaws (228)
• United States
14 Jan 07
lol I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that! Sometimes it feels like he spends WAY too much time in there, but it's pretty much the only thing I can do to punish him. I mean, I'm not gonna spank him or anything; he wouldn't understand something like that and I don't like hitting anyway. Sometimes he gets a little hand slap, but that's only when he tries something dangerous, like trying to poke at an electrical outlet or chew on a cord. lol
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@jbones32103 (717)
• United States
16 Jan 07
No I can't hear them cry. It rips me apart. It's the mother instinct inside that tells me to comfort the child. I never could do that at all.
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@Muslimah (811)
• United States
16 Jan 07
yeh but if she/he is fine and you need to get some things done around the house or something, i dont see why they cant cry themselves to sleep. but i understand i was like that with my 1st child but now that i have 3 i cant spend all day with one child.
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@jbones32103 (717)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I know it's hard. I have four,three step children and one of my own. I still can't help it. I try to respond to them all even to this day. That might be why I'm so tired all the time. lol Good luck
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@amber81 (288)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Well, not usally i have to hold her to make sure shes ok, and then if she is i try to rock her to sleep or put her in the bouncer chair, or swing something to occupy her... but if she still isnt happy then yea she will just cry for a little bit... and usally fall asleep.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
15 Jan 07
If you have done everything for the baby then you simply MUST let them cry!
If you keep picking htem up and offereing comfort they begin to cry just to keep from having to learn to comfort themselves.
In situations where the baby's crying is driving you nuts, you buy ear plugs. Check on the baby every few minutes to make sure they are alrgiht, but your probem wil not go away if you keep offering comfort.
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
14 Jan 07
It depends. If he will stop crying if I hold him, I will hold him forever. (; My son was a fussy baby for his first 2 months, he would be fed, and dry and everything was alright, but he would cry and cry and cry. Even when we held him, he would cry. SO my hubby and I took turns holding him, trying to comfort him, and found a few things taht worked. But sometimes, after he'd been crying for an hour, we would put him in his crib, turn on the monitor, and walk away for a few minutes. It was hard, but we needed it, to not have him screaming in our ears for five minutes, then we would regroup and pick him back up and start all over agian. Thankfully, it is a stage that he outgrew fairly quickly.
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@shaz6611 (951)
• Australia
14 Jan 07
A baby cries for a reason, if they appear to have had all their needs met you need to look further for the problem...maybe they uncomfortable, their clothing too tight, an annoying tag, I know these things bother me and I'm sure they would bother a baby as well and their only way of communicating their plight is by crying. Can I sit back and listen to a baby a word, NO
@kruell_intentionz (1159)
• United States
28 Jan 07
yes I can take it. Some times its good to just let them cry. Like when my son doesnt want to sleep and he thinks if he crys he gets his way well it doesnt work. I know some children when they cry they get everything they want and I wont let my child be like that
@ErrollLeVant (4353)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I love to hear a child cry, it is the sound of life itself!
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@eu_ursuletzu (1197)
• Romania
14 Jan 07
yes i can!she/he is just a baby and you never know why are they crying and you just have to do your best and give him/her what she/he needs to stop it.she will stop in a while...
but i can stand it....i was crying to and you to...all of us...
@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
12 Jan 07
I have heard it said that babies do not cry without a reason so if I hear a bay cry, and they have been fed, washed and changed then it is most likely that they are looking for attention. I would always pick him/her up and rock him/her gently and I would also sing to him/her. I think most babies like to hear music and they always seem content while listening to it.
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@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
13 Jan 07
My 3 week old cries usually unless she is sleeping pr eating. I try to not let her cry, but sometimes there are other things that I have to get done. If I can I will send one of my older 2 kids in to try to entertain her or possibly feed her.
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@sweets9900 (726)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I hate when a baby crys. It drives me up the wall. That is the most annoying sound I can hear.
@simplysue (631)
• United States
28 Jan 07
It didn't really bother me too much when my boys were very little as the pediatrician said if all their needs are met and there is no sign of physical illness that crying is good for a babies lungs. The only times I remember either of them crying a lot was when they were sick. When they were sick, I didn't put them down much. :)