
October 3, 2006 11:31am CST
are chiuldhood days our best days in life
12 responses
@Aali311 (6112)
• United States
3 Oct 06
I think they were the best days in some ways, no worries about alot of thing, and you have fun anything you do. But as an adult there is soo much more you get to experience and explore. So I would say some of the best days in my life were in my childhood and some are now as an adult, and there are alot of best days still to come.
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5 Oct 06
Naturally Moh, as you don't have reponsibility of adult life to grind you down.
• India
14 Oct 06
but you should know that responsibility with age when you are a child you never know what to do and what not and hence no one will grind you down
• India
5 Oct 06
yes but more of better days were in the childhood when compared to adulthood
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
14 Oct 06
Yes. The childhood days are the best. Those were the days when all children were innocent, everything we see with curiosity and always playful, seeing every part of the village with valleys, rivers, hills, sheep, cows, buffaloes, monkeys, climbing the trees etc. Oh No. The children of this generation cannot imagine about this.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
14 Oct 06
You are welcome and thanks for awarding best response.
• India
17 Oct 06
thanks it was really nice
• India
14 Oct 06
thank you for the reply and i totally agree with you
• United States
3 Oct 06
it depends. Some adults don't believe children or think they are stupid, and you have fewer rights as a child.
@neon2000 (2756)
• Philippines
14 Oct 06
yes agree too!
• India
17 Oct 06
thank you for the agreement
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
23 Oct 06
They are the easiest days for sure because we have someone else being responsible for us. They are the fun, carefree days of our lives.
• India
25 Oct 06
thank you for the reply
@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
5 Oct 06
I think it is! A child can just play all day long and take naps when they want to. They dont have any worries in the world unless a toy breaks or something! I miss being a kid!
• India
6 Oct 06
to be true everyone misses his childhood but people seldom accept it
• India
17 Oct 06
yes u r right
• United States
23 Oct 06
The best days are when you are watching your children play. Yes more worries but worth every one of them.
• India
25 Oct 06
a new element in periodic table
5 Oct 06
They should be the best. Life is exciting and new, you can embrace things without fear.
• India
6 Oct 06
• United States
14 Oct 06
Being a child was wonderful, life was care free and I was taken care of no worries. Now that im older and a mother those days were great but im excited about the many days to come. I have my beautiful little girl to take care of and raise alongside my husband, the holidays are going to be splendid this year.
• India
14 Oct 06
i agree it is often said the mother has another childhood with her children
@Betso221 (1699)
• India
14 Oct 06
Yes man dnt remind me of those dayz. Sometimes i feel why do v grow up. When i still c these kids playin nd njoyin i stil stand at look at them like wht these small devils r up to. I luv ma childhood days.
• India
17 Oct 06
even i feel the same thanks for the reply
• India
14 Oct 06
yes buddy, those were the best days of my life. cant help it. Life is so hectic for a adult nowadays.
• India
14 Oct 06
yes r right thank you for the reply
@gamerz_84 (918)
• India
23 Oct 06
ya.i really miss those childhood was carefree,energetic,n fun.
• India
25 Oct 06
yes they wre and thank you for the reply
• United States
25 Oct 06
For the most part, I loved my childhood. When I look back now, though, I feel that I was sheltered and overprotected. But I do believe that my first 12 years were great!