Birth Day Game/ Try It
@aswaniexpress (1454)
January 13, 2007 6:49am CST
Birth Day Game/ Try It
RULES--Please select month, date and colour that is relevant to you or the colour you like and complete the sentence.
Pick the month you were born in:
January-------i shot
February----- i ate
March---------i killed
April------- -i ran away with
May-----------i fell in love with
June----------i murdered
July----------i gave my shoes to
August--------i sang a duvet with
September ----i had crush on
October-------i danced with
November -----i kissed
December------I hit
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1-------------homeless guy
2-------------a fat lady
3-------------a mad cow
4-------------a mad monkey
5-------------a mexican
6-------------a gangster
7-------------a monkey
8------ ------an ipod
9------- -----my best friends boyfriend
10------------a goat
11------ -----my dog
12------ -----my cat
13------------the computer
14------- ----my science teacher
15-------- ---my neighbor
17------------a giraffe
18--------- --my bestfriend’s girl friend
19------------a gorilla
20------------a stuffed animal
21------------a permenant marker
22----------- a policeman
23------------a cannibal
24------------a baseball bat
25------------my pshyciatrist
26------------old lady
27------------hockey stick
28--------- --a football player
29--------- --a post man
30------------a paperclip
31------------my cell phone
Pick the color of shirt/top/salwar you are wearing:
White---------Because i was high
Black---------Because I was drunk.
Pink----------Because I m a half dead.
Red---------- Because I was in mental hospital
Blue----------Because i cant control myself.
Green---------Because I hate myself.
Purple--------Because I’am shy
Gray----------Because that’s the way Iam
Yellow--------Because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange--------Because I enjoy it.
Other---------Because I was hungry.
2 responses
@mohammed4444 (363)
• Egypt
13 Jan 07
so i think that this is my sentence he he he ...I hit homeless guy because i was in mental hospital ..geat i'm really crazy thx for the game