Mylot Star rating..!!

@adnanmd2 (830)
January 13, 2007 9:48am CST
I need a help from mylot people..can anyone tell me what are the Mylot star ratings usefull for..!!!
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3 responses
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
13 Jan 07
The more disucssion you start and participate in that are great content discussions the better the search engines like it and the better myLot admins like it so they reward you with a better rating. When I see you have a good rating I am more likely to choose you as a friend also.
@adnanmd2 (830)
13 Jan 07
Thanks for the response and thanks for helping me..
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• United States
13 Jan 07
I believe it is based on the quality of the content and it slightly factors in what others rate your responses. I have also heard that the higher your star rating the more money you will get for each discussion you start and respond to.
• Thailand
13 Jan 07
It really doesn't do much other tahn signifying a users reputation to the mylot community. I believe star rating doesn't affect a users earning. If you got a high star rating which is a rating of 10, mylot sees you as more reputable compared to other mylot users who has a lower star rating. But mylot also states that regardless of your star rating, mylot still recognize you as an important part of its community.