Discipline: Would you report someone who spanks their children?
By sabrinam
@sabrinam (1203)
United States
January 13, 2007 5:03pm CST
There is a fear in the US of people disciplining their children, once upon a time, you couldn't go to the grocery store and act up because if you did, the store manager would tell a mother to remove their disruptive child...fast forward to the new millenium and children scream and run wild in stores, backtalk their parents and parents do nothing?
So the question is this, if your neighbors' children got regular spankings for bad behavior would you report them, or think they were doing their job as parents, do you interfere or no?
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74 responses
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Interesting topic. Well I will spank my child IF need be, but I will give him every option in the book to act right BEFORE it gets to that point. If a parent spank their child, to each their own. I know there are parents that is against spanking and by all means, I can respect that. I would never interfere with a parent if they spanked their child. Even today I see women spanking their kids. I guess I just don't interfere in other people parenting skills because I don't want another parent interfering in mine...
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@Itallie (65)
• Italy
14 Jan 07
I completely agree. This is a free country, and we should be allowed to discipline our children. But, children also need to be protected from parents who cannot control their rage or aggression. It's a slippery slope when the government starts getting involved, because soon any physical contact might be perceived as abuse. You can't win.

@shywolf (4514)
• United States
13 Jan 07
As long as i was certain that said neighbors were not physically harming their children, I would see no reason to report them. I think that a little bit of spanking even in this day and age can go a long way towards teaching a child a lesson that they may not learn any other way, or at least not learn as strongly. I know that the few times my very peaceful father got angry enough toe ven threaten to hit me (he never did, as far as I recall) really left an impression upon me and made me not want to act up. I don't see a single thing wrong with spanking as long as it is not putting the child into actual physical danger or harm.
@sabrinam (1203)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I agree, I think it's more about the impression you make on your child than the form of discipline getting there. For a long time when my son said something inappropriate, I would softly flick him on the mouth, not hard enough to hurt his lips or teeth beneath, but it certainly hurt his feelings which was the desired effect.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Jan 07
The same fear is here in the UK as it against the law
No I would not report anyone as long as it is just smacking for being misbehaved it did me no Harm and believe I got beaten not smacked and most the time it was not me who had done wrong but my Brother
And it has my Children no harm if they misbehaved they got a smack on the legs or the Butt
It is wrong that Parents are scared now to discipline their Child
Here in the UK they even have a Childline for Children that can be used by any Child to report the Parents if they smck them
@sabrinam (1203)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I said to my mother one time that I was going to call CPS (child protective services) on her, to which she replied, "By the time they get here, you'll need them for sure so go ahead." I didn't and needless to say never said that again. I intend to say the very same if my son ever thinks of saying such a thing, not that he has any reason to.
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@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
13 Jan 07
There's spankings and then there'S beatings. That's an legal standpoint you have to determine. If a child gets spanked occasionally (to me thats 3 slaps or a rolled up newspaper to the bottom), I see no need for fear. However, when a parent or guardian gets out of control and keeps on going and/or to other areas of the body or uses a spoon, hairbrush or belt - thats cruelty and has to be reported.
@bhchy1 (6047)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Being a mandated reporter of child abuse, if I saw a parent spank his kid with a rolled up newspaper I am required to report it, it is held on the same level as a belt, hairbrush etc. In some situations my job even makes me scrutinize using an open hand on a child's rear. The laws are etting out of control as to what is and what isn't abuse.
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@msbyte (219)
• United States
14 Jan 07
A parent out of control is a reason to report. A hand is for love, not spanking. A wooden spoon, or a paddle are more appropriate becasue the child will associate the spanking with the inanimate object and not the parent. I was spanked with paddles, or wooden spoons, and I deserved it. It taught me not to lie, and not to run out in front of cars.
Mental abuse is far worse than phyisical abuse. We have a whole generation of spoiled, disrespectful children, and it is a direct result of people who don't have children telling people who do have children how to raise them.
@bhchy1 (6047)
• United States
14 Jan 07
A wooden spoon or any object is till considered abuse and as the person before said..that object is still help by a person....in their hand!! The rest really comes under the guidelines of how old the child is. If a toddler runs out in front of a car or any other situation that is dangerous, a swat on the rear is best form to communicate the danger, they are not old enough to understand the danger nor have they reached the age of reason. They will assoiciate that swat with the don't run in front of cars and yes tell them the car can hurt them but don't go into great details you may scare them with information that is to hard for them to understand Or say reaching for a hot object..slap their hand and tell them no, better a little sting on their hand than third degree burns and it will again be what they assoicate with the situation. School age children if they haven't learned already can learn through talking, just remember all children develop at different speeds and do what the child will understand. Just don't do it with a spoon!
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
13 Jan 07
Tricky question. And a bit inaccurate in basis, no offense. The idea that children run wild now because spanking is now considered abuse and isn't regularly used as a means of discipline is faulty. It's a lack of discipline that is affecting younger generations, of course ... but that comes in many forms other than spanking. There are many ways to discipline a child, none of which have to be physical.
I have 5 kids. None have run wild in a mall, grocery store or otherwise, and are all well behaved kids. I've never spanked one of them, and I never will.
To me it's a clear cut case. Hitting someone across the head is abuse. But hitting someone on the butt isn't? *confusion* To me, it absolutely is. Location doesn't matter, and is nothing more than rationalizing a parents frustration at feeling like they have no other options.
Spanking is a way to induce fear into children. I don't want my children to be afraid of me, I want them to respect me. You don't earn respect from a child by hurting them physically. I've used many forms of discipline .. removal of priviledges, grounding, increasing their chore load for a few days, suspension of allowances, time outs, and some a little more original. None that are physically detremintal to the well being of my child. And as a result, I have 5 kids that know their manners, that bring home good grades, that all respect me and show that with their actions on a continual basis. I've never had any serious problems with any of them, and they all feel comfortable coming to me with problems, questions and admissions of guilt .. something they wouldn't feel comfortable doing if they were in fear of me hitting them for it.
For the record, my parents did believe in spanking. I was terrified of them growing up. Not really a way to encourage an honest relationship between parent and child.
As for the subject matter, yes and no. If the family in question was using spanking as a main form of discipline .. if I ever saw a mark on the child ... if the child acted jumpy or timid in any way .... if it were obvious that this family could find no other means of raising their child without using physical discipline, I absolutely would report it, without a second thought.
If this family were like the average family in the US and Canada that used spanking as a last resort method, exhausting several other forms of discipline first, then no. As much as I might not agree with their choice, I wouldn't report it ... but I would hope it doesn't backfire on them later.
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@sabrinam (1203)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I should clarify, when spanking is the last resort, I think so far most of you are like me and wouldn't interfere in others' choice in punishment unless it had obvious affects on the child.
I think children should be treated as small adults-in-the-making.
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@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
13 Jan 07
That would be the right way of putting it. I may not agree with their parenting methods, but then ... it's not my choice to make. As you said, if it's not having obvious effects on the child, it's not my business to get involved. I'd keep myself out of their choice of discipline until I saw it being a detriment to the childs health, physically or emotionally.
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@happy29 (28)
• United States
13 Jan 07
There's a big difference between whipping or spanking and beating a child.My mom would bust our butt if she felt we needed it.She regularly used a belt,switch,or flyswatter.But she could take us anywhere and we didn't show out.We knew that if we showed out in front of people,we would get our butt whipped in front of people.We are all grown know and turned out just fine.I think if more people were like my mom,there wouldn't be so many kids running around acting like wild animals.
On the other hand,I had a friend whose dad would hit him in the face with his fist.Even broke his nose once.Now this is abusive and uncalled for.There is a line and you just gotta know where that line is.
@wahmoftwo (1296)
• United States
13 Jan 07
As long as the children weren't injured or being preyed upon for no good reason I definitly would not report them. I do spank my children if need be (not daily though) and hope that they would give me the same benefit of the doubt.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I think this is when one should know the difference between spanking and discipline. Sure parents tap a child's butt from time to time when they get out of line. Not all parents or other people agree with it. But I do not see it as abuse. If the children were abused, they would have bruises and most likely, that child would not be acting like that due to fear of he next beating. BUT...beating a child into submission is not the answer!!!!
Would I call and report if the neighbor child was spanked? NO! But would I if the child was abused? Yes. But most likely, one would not know that the child was being abused.
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@Kscott (634)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I got spankings as a kid, when it was totally warrented, I needed to be taught not to do something. I think it depends on the relationship you have with your children. My children can be talked to, they dont ever run wild in public places, thats what the heck they do at home inside and outside. My children have been taught well by me and my husband I think....we have developed a good relationship with them, we pay attention to them, do activities with them, and allow them to voice their opinions, you can call that backtalking if you want, but they are just miniature people, with alot less experience than adults, and need to be taught what is right from wrong, that is our job as parents. There are times when children, do things that warrant a spanking, but not hitting with objects. I cant say my kids have never acted up in public because they have embarressed me a time or two, but they were never physically punished then or when we got home....they got something taken away from them that they like to do, or grounded. When they did act up in the public place, I looked at them, got down to their eye level, and firmly said, you are being really bad right now, and if you keep it up, we will leave and then we wont be able to buy groceries and we wont be able to eat this week and it will be your fault....that stopped them. My neighbor used to regulary yell horribly at her overly active kids, and I didn't get involved, because her kids were out of control and ran over top of her literally.....I talked to her on a regular daily basis, and she pretty much ignored them when they asked her questions, wanted her attention, etc. I just have a different relationship with my kids and this doesn't happen. If a child was really being hurt right in front of me I think I would stop it...I tend not to get involved though because it's not my responsiblity to....and if I dont know the situation that happened, I really dont want to assume and end up having the child being taken from their parents.
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
14 Jan 07
God commands parents to teach and discipline their children. God allows spanking. As the saying goes which is similar to that in the Holy Bible Spare the rod and spoil the child. God Himself disciplines His children as He says that He loves those whom He disciplines.
As spanking is allowed by God, I would not interfer with my neighbors spanking their children for bad behavior. It's different if they do it to harshly to seriously injure their children.

@venshida (4836)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I would not interfere. If they are abusing the child thats a different story, I would report that. I hate to see kids running in the store and back talking to their parents that shows the parent has no control over the child. It's very annoying and disruptive to other customers.
@Sawsen (793)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I think it depends on the type of spanking and the reasoning behind it. I mean you're saying "bad behavior" but it depends on how bad the behavior, and how bad the spanking. I think some people take it out of proportion and just wanted to phsyically abuse their children, and those are the people that I would report on. But people who are trying to raise their children, and sometimes need to spank them for the purpose of punishing certain behaviors, I don't think I would report them. But I honestly don't believe in spanking, because I don't think children can learn from being hit.
@marslynn (21)
• United States
14 Jan 07
There is nothing wrong with spanking a child.
My parents used switches on us,and we listened.
Now,children run the house and it is because if you smack them or punish them then you get in trouble for abuse be it physical or mental.
I strongly believe in spanking my children.
I will not let my kids tell me what they are going to do.
One time we were at a restaurant and it was closing,my 15 year old son would not get off of the game they had so I pulled on his arm and told him it was time to go, Well he turned around and hit me.
So I back handed him and he ended up on the floor,He yelled ,I am going to call social services on you mom.
I said go ahead ,when I get out of jail I will make sure to whip you to where you can't use the phone.
Point being they are getting out of control!!
@timou87 (1638)
• Singapore
14 Jan 07
Indeed. With social services tending to believe the child instead of the parent, and with over sealous and self righteous social workers, it would actually seem unsafe to have a child. How would one discipline a child then? By talking reason? Children do not understand reason by nature. Some pain is needed to tell them that what they did was wrong.
@marslynn (21)
• United States
14 Jan 07
sometimes pain is required to teach a child something.
For instance I had a friend and her three year old had a thing for biting when she didn't get her own way.
It got so bad that she was drawing blood and biting everyone. My friend would spank her and she would turn around and bite her again. So I told her to bite her back and show her how it feels. Well, one day she took my advice and bit her back just hard enough to make her feel it. She only had to do that three times and her child stopped biting people.
So yes sometimes it is needed to show them how it feels.
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
14 Jan 07
That's ridiculous. Pain is required to teach children? In what barbaric society?
You know, I came into this discussion with the mindset that tolerance for other practices is the best way to go. I don't believe in spanking, and have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt to anyone who knows my kids that it is not required. But I don't consider myself worthy to judge all parents everywhere, so I consider 'to each his own'. But I'm sick and tired of seeing grown adults WHO SHOULD KNOW BETTER say that you CANNOT discipline a child without physical means. If that's your honest opinion, do the world a favor and don't procreate.

@getnbuy (1312)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I read once that spanking is abusive if it leaves bruises. I believe this is a fair diagnosis. I spanked my children now and then, but I really didn't see much benefit in it. I think time out and other disciplinary measures work better. My mother spanked me way too much and too hard. I think it was abuse.
On the other hand , I have seen children run wild in stores and I think parents should not allow this. Perhaps the child could be told that he would have to be taken out if he misbehaved. --something along those lines.
@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I am a mother of 3. I do spank my children with a open hand no more than twice at a time. I personal fell that there is a big differnce between spanking and betting. My children never have makes on them from getting spanked infact there bottoms are not even red. I was spanked as a children and I turned out just fine. I think that the problem with the childrens behavior is because parents are too afraid of lossing their kids so there for they run wild.
@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Sorry I forgot to answer the main question. No I would not report them unless I saw that it was leaveing makes and they the parents were useing objects and not their hands.
@cwgrlsarefun (1581)
• United States
14 Jan 07
You are very right, there is a great fear now a days with people and being able to disciplin there children. This is also why so many children run wild and out of control. I only spank my children as a last resort. By this time I have given the more warnings then I probably should have. I only swat them once on the butt and then they know for sure they have gone to far. I don't have a problem with people spanking their children but there is a difference between spanking and beating. I also do not feel that anyone should ever use any object of any kind to spank with. As far as reporting a neighbor for spanking their children I don't know that I would, unless of course their spanking went beyone the point and it was actually abuse.
@docmeme (28)
• Ireland
13 Feb 07
i wouldnt interfere, as long as the punishment is not meant to harm them.i'm not a big fan of corporal punishment or anything like that,but a little harmless use of force like spanking is a more effective tool for disciplining kids these days.but if i have a kid of my own i would only use it as a last resort,sparingly, and always explain to them why it should be done.