Things to do with my 2 1/2 year old
By tanaclark
@tanaclark (570)
United States
January 13, 2007 6:39pm CST
Ok so here's the situation. I have a 17, 15, 2 1/2 year old. My two older ones have their friends and school and such. My 2 1/2 year old on the other hand is stuck home all day with just me and her. I take her to the park we play dolls and she watches alot of cartoons. The thing is that there are no other kids around her age where we live. She has no one to play with except me. This leaves me little time to do the other things I need to do. I also have ran out of ideas of things to do with her. Everytime she sees another little kid in a store she gets upset cause she wants to play with them. I cant afford to put her in daycare and she has another 7 months before she can go to preschool. Does anyone have any ideas on things we can do together or she can do on her own besides watching tv? I would love to hear any ideas. Thank you.
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20 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
14 Jan 07
Have you looked into other activites? During the week libraries have reading hour, Barnes & Noble has activites for kids, or take her to a fast food place with a play ground (she doesn't have to eat the food, just buy 2 drinks and let her play with the other kids). If you go to the library, ask about other activites for kids. They may only have one or tow a week, but should have flyers for other free things to do with kids. If you think she is capable, you can buy her a computer game for her age range to give her a good head start. It would keep her occupied while you can get other things done and she would be learning.
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@tanaclark (570)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Thats a good idea. I have went to like the community center by my house and they only have activities for school age kids. I want to get her around other kids so she can learn to socialize before she gets school age. She isnt a selfish child but I just dont know how she will interact with other kids. Thank you for your response.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
14 Jan 07
I agree that she needs to socialize with other kids. I went back to school when my son was around that age so I put him in daycare 3 days a week for a half a day. He was the only child on our block and always wanted to play with kids. I don't know how hard up you are for cash, but you may want to check with local daycare centers. Often they will offer you a cut rate if your child is only there a few days a week for a portion of the day.
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@tanaclark (570)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I have some money but i'm buy no means well off. I checked with 2 daycare centers here and for her age they want $250 week for 6 hours a day. Thats kind of expensive to me. I also have a fear of other people watching my child because of all the stories you hear these days. I have also searched for play groups but there are none that are close to me.

@yamiboo (466)
• Philippines
18 Jan 07
I also have a 2-year old child and we usually stay at home since I also have a 5-month old. My 2-year old doesn't seem to get bored with her videos and toys, even when I leave her alone to play to tend to my infant. Lately, she just recently found clay interesting, so we bought her a few canisters of it, along with some molders. She plays with it along with her cooking set (making spaghetti with the clay, etc). She also has a bike which she uses when she gets bored with her clay and cooking set, but eventually, the clay and cooking will get her attention again. Sometimes, she reads books, works on coloring books, or just dancing around in the room or running around the room chasing me. How about trying to join a playgroup or playschool? She also has a box full of toys, so if she gets bored with one toy, I'd ask her to pick what she wants to play with, and if I can, I play with her with her choice of toy. Make playing interesting and educational by adding learning stuff while playing, like what color is this plate, what is this called, how many spoons are you holding, etc.
@tanaclark (570)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I worry about if clay is safe for her. She has lots of ride on toys. She has lots of toys just none that keep her attention long enough.
@sidneysoad (101)
• United States
14 Jan 07
When my firstborn was 2 we lived in a really rural area and I didn't know anyone. She was very smart, very short-tempered, and got bored easily. I checked out books from our local library on children's activities and learned how to make home-made playdoh, edible clay (peanut butter dough), homemade fingerpaints, etc. She loved to make crafts with me. I kept art supplies in stock and she learned how to cut with safety scissors, use glue, etc. Also, I kept little sponges and squirt bottles (with water) around, and she would "help" me clean, which she liked to do. Basically, I tried to include her in as many activities as I could. We also went to our local library and particpated in the weekly story time where she was able to interact with other kids. Hang in there! Only 7 months until preschool...
@tanaclark (570)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Thats sounds like some great ideas. I will try some of them . Is play doh safe for toddlers? Thank you for your response.
@wahmoftwo (1296)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Ask around... There may be a play group in your area... Offer to babysit for someone. Yes, you will have another child to contend with, but if they get along they will be better occupied and play together and maybe you can get something done. Good luck!
@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
14 Jan 07
You could go to a nearby discount store and pick up activity books along with some puzzles and coloring book and crayons.
@mom2rottie (620)
14 Jan 07
Check out the toddlers busy book, or if that one is too young there is also a preschoolers busy book. There is tons of ideas for all different kinds of play. Those books were my lifesavers sometimes when I worked in a daycare. Good luck!
@redbull_zico (120)
• India
14 Jan 07
if u have ur inlaws or ur parents around then she can have some quality time with them
@tanaclark (570)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Unfortunately her Grandma on her dads side is too old. She can only handle her for about 10 minutes and my mom is far away. Thank you for your response.
@avs189 (1030)
• India
14 Jan 07
I would suggest try to find out her interest or whether she is keen on doing any other things..such as drawing ,or any other sport such as swimming,gymnasium,, also make her interact with local kids by visitng ur realtives..else she would feel ,she is different ,make her feel is among the same kids,else she would feel lonely,.....jsut try to be interacting with her ... and keep ehr lively,,,,or see if she ahs an liking for particualr sport ...or any otehr interests....
@tanaclark (570)
• United States
14 Jan 07
She is to young for sports but she does love the water. We have no relatives here. We live in a neighborhood with no kids her age. They are mostly teenagers. Thank you for your response.
@ashwinsinha2003 (156)
• India
14 Jan 07
try asking on yahoo answers coz people here wana earn money and give u stupid answers.
@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
14 Jan 07
WOW I know where you are coming from mine are 28,18,and 2 1/2 she is the same,I have just gotten her a leapster and she loves that as well as books, and educational coloring books . The park is also our highlight. If your yard is fenced try getting some swings and slides maybe even a sand box I have all of the above and she loves those. But I also have 3 grandkids that come over on week ends so she does have playmates then I have another suggestion have anohter child or adopt one . Have Fun
@tanaclark (570)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I want to get her a swingset she loves the park I just dont always have time to take her there. I have no desire to have another child. I would love to just have my family around with my nieces and nephews. That way I can send them home when they are done playing. Thank you for your response.
@kabella50 (309)
• United States
14 Jan 07
if you are paying attention to her that's good and although she doesn't give you much alone time to do what you say you have to do ,This time with you is more important then you think.You say in 7 months she will be off to join some program to be with other kids and that's fine but really this time with her is very valuable and soon other people will be influencing her.I would spend this time just being together ,cooking and not just watching tv but talking about what's on together.I realize that there has been a time gap with you for having another child and you aren't use to the confines of this young child,but you will see that she will flourish having an older mom and you will learn to be more patient and together the two of you will become such good friends.Try to just be with her and sometimes just lay with her because really the time will pass and this time now can create a bond that you will need when she becomes a teenager and you are a little older and less accomodating,so suck up now to her and shoe her love and patience for time will pass and she will be going out into a world that could if you let it influence her more than you.
@tanaclark (570)
• United States
14 Jan 07
That is true. I do try and take in every moment with her. But I do have alot of things to do to keep the house clean and errands caught up. She is always with me and I love it. I just think she needs child interaction with children of the same age group. So she doesnt grow up to be shy. You made some very good points. Thank you for your response.
@getnbuy (1312)
• United States
14 Jan 07
2 year olds do not really interact with eachother. they play besiide eachother. Your little girl is beginning to get to the stage where she will want to play. You could take her to the park to interact with other children, or arrange "playdates" with other peo;le you know. going to church is a good way to meet people with kids. Usually there is a nursery or a class for the children, so she could play there. As for getting your own things done, try to involve her in what you are doing. get her a little broom so she can help you sweep the floor. Show her how to fold wash cloths. There are a lot of things kids can do to "help" mommy. It may take you longer in the long run, but you will have had time with her AND got some work done!
@tanaclark (570)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Thank you. That is a very good idea. I think she would love that.
@karinna (233)
• United States
14 Jan 07
mylittle one will be 2 february 8th and im a stay at home mom, i also have another one on the way for july 13th :-). anyway i know what you mean about the traffic i have the same pronlem here living off a highway and im not good with heavy trafic. my daughter and i started practicing the abc's and 123's like the week she came home, i always sang them to her, she can count to ten on her own and say her abc's we are now working on 11 to 20 numbers. i found that big books with numbers and letters are great for learning and fun, i also buy the flash cards for her she loves them. and she loves to color, she does try to eat the crayons but i sit with her and she has a ball. we ;so do dance she loves music. i found that these things keep her stimulated as well as teach her. also what about play dates? do you know any other moms or dads with young children, you can invite them over for an hour or so a day? good luck i know its not easy
@tanaclark (570)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Wow another one in July. Congratulations! I also teach my daughter her letters and abc's. She loves music as well. She loves dancing. The only thing is she gets bored easy and it dont last long. Thank you for your response.
@kodeshkodashim (925)
• United States
14 Jan 07
my son was a ton of fun at 2 1/2.Only child so he learned how to entertain himself.Toys,Toys,Toys,healthy snacks.and if he sat in front of the tv.It was educational vidios,animals,music,science,and documenteries.I loved that time.and if he was being dificult that day then there was always the childerens tylonol cold medicine to knock his little butt out for a while....Opp's did I say that?lol.If the weather was good, a trip to the park was golden and wore him out.
@tanaclark (570)
• United States
14 Jan 07
She sits in front of the tv alot and we go to the park. I have yet to find something that will wear her out. Thank you for your response.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Try joining a mothers' group. They have free play groups. Also follow the other myloters' suggestions. We are a smart group.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
14 Jan 07
maybe you could take her out for a walk most days or go to a resource centre to learn and read books, also how about taking your daughter to a mother and toddler group where she can meet other children and play with them, i go there with my little one and she loves it, or how about a museum just for a look around or go window shopping, i do most of them things and it kills a bit of time while im out! hope this helps. :O)
@tanaclark (570)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Thank you for your response. I have looked for mommy and me groups but there are none close to me. The traffic where I live is incredibly congested and I have two other children that I homeschool. I live right next to a community center but they only offer things for school age children. Thank you for your help.
@sureshtvin (120)
• India
14 Jan 07
u can make her learn lot of things.....
u can act lik many charectors any make her happy,take hr to a cartoon movie