The Ten Stages of a MyLot User

@Ashida (1370)
United States
January 13, 2007 8:12pm CST
How many of these stages have you been through? We'll start at when you first signed up and move forward. Stage 1: Wow! This is so cool! I actually get paid for this?? I'm gonna be rich! Stage 2: Hmm.. Man, this post is going to be great! I bet I get 500 responses! Stage 3: (3 responses later) Hmmm... maybe I should write a racier headline or make it simpler -- That "wat's ur fav color" question got 154 responses. Is one question mark enough or should I use more? Maybe I should change my avatar... Stage 4: Okay. I'm gonna make a fortune on here! 50 posts and it's only my first day! Stage 5: 37 cents??? Stage 6: Hmm... I gotta get some referrals. That's where the real money is. Stage 7: You actually talk your mom, spouse and a friend into signing up. Together the three of them have made 1 post. Stage 8: You report your first spammer. Why do those stupid posts keep getting so many responses??? Thanks for sending me your referral link -- here's mine. Stage 9: Man I wish there were some decent posts on here tonight... Stage 10: Does Duno really pay that much?
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83 responses
@Wanderlaugh (1622)
• Australia
14 Jan 07
Er... you left out living in a schloss among the wild mountains and playing a steam organ while responding to messages... or is that just me?
@Ashida (1370)
• United States
14 Jan 07
lol -- Hate to say this -- but I think that's all you! ;)
@ahmed2th (127)
• Egypt
14 Jan 07
I agree
@Ashida (1370)
• United States
16 Jan 07
by the way -- what's a schloss?
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I think you have missed some stages. LOL 11. How do these cheaters find a way to copy and paste when myLot has supposedly stopped that ability if they are under 500? 12. I swear, if I see this same question stated in 50 different ways, I am going to scream. 13. Fine, yes, I know I have answered this question 5 times already. But this one is stated differently. So I might as well answer anyways. 14. What is the point of having friends if nobody is creating anything? Are they all busy at once? 15. Where did everyone go? 16. If this person continues to be mean to me, I am going to quit! I did not join myLot to be insulted. grrr 17. Wow, I really enjoy talking to these people. They really make me think sometimes. 18. I am completely addicted! I didn't even make dinner or burned dinner because I couldn't tear myself away. 19. 20. You wake up and rush to myLot to see if you topped yesterday's earning.
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
those are great additions to the list -- I was wondering about your number 11 one to -- I came across a number of people who hadn't topped 500 but who had pulled a wiki if you get my meaning -- i tried to cut and paste within my own comment one time (to move a sentence from the bottom of my response to the top) and I couldn't even do that. lol -- thoose are really funny -- i've ben there and thought that a dozen times
• United States
14 Jan 07
I have been through stage one...The first few nights that you're on it, You think you're like the ruler of the internet, or something...And you think..Oh my gosh..I am gonna be so rich, Muwahaha...I am gonna be the best ever! Yes, Yes!! Stage two, I have also been through...You are like...Whoa! Yeah, I'm on fire, Yeah,Uh huh uh huh, Look at meh now! No one will stop me, Posting is my thing, BRING IT ON! Stage three I have been through.....Stage four I also went through, still do sometimes, where you make alot of posts, and you get A big rating you can't wait to keep boosting it up higher, and higher. Stage 5...Yes...You're kind like 37??? Or whatever you get...That's all?? Stage six yes...But haven't got nones,yet,Laugh out loud...I think I am acutally doing pretty good myself.. Stage seven...No..My mom introduced it to me, Laugh out loud...And as I said, No refferal. V_V Oh well...Laugh out loud.. Stage eight: Nope, Haven't reported anyone yet. Stage nine: Yes, Because you get on Mylot, Hoping that there was something good to discuss, and there is nothing but dull posts...And you're just like. V_V Ahh pooey! Stage 10,,,No I haven't been through that yet....You also might want to add...The " Missing some of you're appointments, to where you are sitting on Mylot for so long, you forget the time, and lose attention of the time, and you finally notice, and glimpse at the time, and are like ' Oh CRUD! I GOTTA GO!" Or the addiction to Mylot stage...Laugh out loud..Nice topic!
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Jan 07
Yeah...You should make something like "The return of the Mylot addiction stages" Or something like that, no problem, Laugh out loud.
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I appreciate the great response -- I totally forgot about the addiction stage, and the "yes, honey. I'll be there in a minute stage" Hmm... maybe there should be a part two to this...
• India
15 Jan 07
Stage 21) I am having problems with paypal..what to do? Stage 22) After 500, Search topics in other blog sites to paste here in mylot. Giving way to your new even find answers to preculiar discussions. just copy them and paste it here..easy job Stage 23)My lot addiction is at the dreaming starts
@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
friends don't let friends become cut and pasters!
• United States
14 Jan 07
Yeah, I think I'm around stage 9 territory. In my case there would be the stage where I almost quit but then was miraculously sucked in anew.
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
14 Jan 07
yeah -- been there -- that's really the subtext in my stage ten -- but here I am! This place is addictive.
@Ashida (1370)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Well, I'd say don't worry too much about the money. this site is a lot of fun, and it's a great way to meet people from around the world. I'm just so amazed that I'm connected to people from just about everywhere and they're all right here in one place. I had a professor in filmschool tell me to watch the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves. I think about that a lot when I'm on here.
• United States
14 Jan 07
LOL, that was hilarious. Good one.. "The stages of Mylots".. I think I'm on the "Hmm 37 cents? Well, the money must be where the referrals are."
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Jan 07
Thats a good one. Thanks for the laugh.
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
and thanks for laughing!
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
15 Jan 07
LOL that is way too funny and yet soooo tru. To be honest I have covered all 10 stages and I so totally past them it is not funny. At least we all learn from our mistakes and move on.
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
yeah -- i think that was my thing too and this was my way to say -- all right I've moved on. plus you know that they say -- there's always truth in good comedy
@gochrisko (468)
• United States
15 Jan 07
yah rofl ive been through them all
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
it soesn't take long does it? By the way -- what is your avatar?
• United States
15 Jan 07
I think I'm on stage 8 or 9. But, I didn't go through many of the other stages. I haven't had much luck with referrals.
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
me neither -- but hey, i still have fun on here. that's the strag=nge thing about referrals -- for some reason they nevr seem to get as excited as someone who just tumbles in here by chance -- what's up with that? I'm sure it doesn't apply in al cases, but I tell people about this place and they seem to act as though i've been duped into something and I'm going to get scammed -- it just doesn't make any sense to me
@tambdy (1967)
14 Jan 07
Brilliant topic, i have been through them all apart from Stage 7: You actually talk your mom, spouse and a friend into signing up. Together the three of them have made 1 post. and also Stage 9: Man I wish there were some decent posts on here tonight... Stage 10: Does Duno really pay that much? but i am sure i will get there soon, what about the power trip one where you think i am going to get the spammers tonight, then get bored or forget.
@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I've been there too -- sometimea i think i'm going to go on a spammer hunt -- and then I realize there would be no point and I'd just be wasting my time
• Canada
14 Jan 07
LOL That's funny!!! I know the feeling. I'm on here for the fun of it, and if I happen to make a few bucks, why not? I'm not going to make my LIVING on here...but a little extra coffee money will be greatly appreciated.
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
that's great way of looking at it -- and besides all that extra coffee you can by will help you to stay awake longer to post more on here so you can get more coffee money so you can stay awake longer soyou can post more on here so you.... well you get the idea!
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
14 Jan 07
mmmmmmmmm 11, giving enemas to constipated goats and still posting? anyone else with me on this one? great topic, ive been here 8 weeks and recognise myself in all of them, except maybe the last one....
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
yeah -- maybe we should skip the last stage -- I'm allergic to goats, and come to think of it enemas too
• United States
15 Jan 07
Currently up to stage six...I think...
@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
man -- stage six already and with only 19 posts -- you are moving fast! Well welcome aboard mylot. I think you'll have fun here
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• United States
15 Jan 07
that is a really good way to sum it up. You could say that I'm on stage 5, but for day 2 that is pretty good!
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
wow -- stage 5 so fast. i agree that's pretty good
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
14 Jan 07
This is a very good and funny topic. I have been through quite a few of those stages. I have not gone through Stage 10 or 3 as of yet but that could change at anytime. LOL I have two friends who were on here and they did not post many topics and decided to quit myLot really quickly. Thank you for this lively discussion. :-)
@Ashida (1370)
• United States
14 Jan 07
thank to you for adding to the discussion! I often wonder why so many referrals don't hang in there. I think this place is so much better than other websites out there.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
14 Jan 07
I think I just made Stage 12. Duno is OK but, look! All the idiot questions are turning up there now ... oh, what the heck!
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
that's a great point -- maybe all those kinds of posters will go over there now -- that would be great!
@Eskimo (2315)
14 Jan 07
You've missed out stage 11, wow that was a great topic I just posted on, how come I didn't get even 1 response, ...dispair, stage 10, probably pays more than not responding at all.
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I've noticed something like that too -- I'll post something and then someone else will post almost the exact same thing -- I will get 2 responses and they will get 102 -- it just doesn't make too much sense to me
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Think I passed nine of them and I'm going to skip over number ten. I already know there's no money to be made on these sites. LOL
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
yeah -- i think at first I was thinking I could make a good bit -- then I realized that that was foolish and so I just look at the money as a perk for doing something I enjoy
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
14 Jan 07
LOL! I love your post. It is a really humorous look on how a lot of users here have probably felt at one time or another. ^_^ My stages went more like this (not funny and humorous like yours, but oh well *laugh*) 1. Sign up.. thinking I am going to only post a few times the first day and wait and see how much I've earned before I carry on posting. This goes out the window within a short time and I end up posting 69 times within the first day, lol! I end up making $1.55 that first day and am _so_ totally hooked! ^_^ 2. Trying to find posts to reply to is hard when new. I didn't realize that you could have notify turned on for your friend's posts, plus I had not built up a friend list yet. I started noticing people around who's toipcs I really liked and would be drawn to, though, and that helped me to find more things to reply to. I kept posting about 70-100 times per day. 3. Finally had some good friends on my list. Getting even faster at replies because of getting email notifications about my friend's posts is a lot quicker than finding the posts through the site. Getting still around 80-100 posts a day but using less time. Still really addicted! ^_~ 4. Started making more than ever once the new star ratings came into effect. Even more addicted now and am actually enjoying posting topics because I can get a few replies through my friends, moreso than before. Have had a few topics that were in the top of the day. Loving Mylot more than ever before!!! ^_^ That's how far I am. I'm not tired yet! *laugh* ^_~
@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I know what you mean -- I love it here too -- there is always something different. a lot of it may be garbage-- but one person's trash is another person's treasure , so who am i to judge
• Romania
14 Jan 07
My question is how exactly are u getting payd for? How much for the discussions how much for those who answer on you discussion how much for being nominated best answer. There are so many thing that are not clear. Can sommeone explain them?
@Ashida (1370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I can't explain it but then I stopped even thinking about it in those terms an just try to see wht interesting things I can see on here -- i think all the money does is make me feel less guilty about spending so much time on mylot