i wanna know..... Love is....

@rovenn (69)
January 13, 2007 9:52pm CST
"Love knows no reasons, love knows no lies, love defies all reasons, love has no eyes, but love is not blind, love sees but does'nt mind."
4 responses
16 Jan 07
...the best and worst thing ...it can make you happy beyond words but also tear you apart...
@rovenn (69)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
you can say that again..thanks for the response.
• India
16 Jan 07
I think it's Love when all you want is that person to be happy,even if you're not part of his/her happiness.But in the arithmetic of Love,one plus one equals everything and two minus one equals nothing.
@rovenn (69)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
i agree with u..for ur first sentence..love is not worth when u are being loved in return, or being part of the person u love with his/her happiness but when u truly love inspite of those things. for the second one...to get the full value of love, u must have someone to share it with.. thank u for the response neelima!!
@gadheeraj (446)
• India
14 Jan 07
i say love is the only thing on earth which we cant buy r sell
@rovenn (69)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
agreeable!!! thanks for the response..
• Indonesia
14 Jan 07
love is a promise limited to words
@rovenn (69)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
thanks for the response...however, are u saying ..love for u is just a word? is it like saying "i love u" for the sake of saying it and let it hear by someone u feel like saying it? (but deep inside u dont really mean it).. is that what u mean? im just asking...