have you ever slept with other girls other than your girlfriend

@vyaasrad (565)
January 13, 2007 10:10pm CST
I have a very cute girlfriend who is 2 years yelder to me ,i used to be close with her friends amoung them one girl who always have an eye on me and she also looks good ,once we went to an hill station where i have got a separate room where she came and proposed me i refused she was begging me i said no and i was already in love with her friend she dint leave me ,she hugged me and started kissing me badly i could not control she was very hot ,so that night i had with her ,now she is blackmailing me to marry her ,my girlfriend is ignorent of it ,what should i do now
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22 responses
@vikhram (201)
• India
14 Jan 07
Let her black mail no issues you did not force her yo jus hit off and she too enjoyed it.. What she blackmails... Do the same to her back..No issues nobody can do anything for having her with her consent exceot your galfriend...So yo can discuss it with her.. If your gal friend is cross with you find a new one..forget both She cannot do anything And marriage is your wish and none can force it on you.. look out there are lot of people around
3 people like this
• United States
14 Jan 07
Tell your girlfriend the truth. "And the truth alone will set you free." The only reason this girl can blakmail you is because you are afraid your girlfiend will find out. If you tell your girlfriend the truth, this girl who came onto you is powerless. Hopefully, your girlfriend will understand. If she loves you she will. Just tell her that this girl came onto you strongly and admit that you made a mistake. Even if you submit to the blackmail the odds of your girlfriend finding out eventually are really high. So the only thing you can do right now is tell the truth.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
14 Jan 07
If you believe that she will tell your girlfriend that you cheate don her, you should come clean with your girlfriend. Your girlfriend may be mad, but it is better for you if the news comes from you and not the friend. If your girlfriend knows what you did, the friend can not blackmail you. Also, don't let anyone talk you into getting married for any reason. You control your life and your actions, not anyone else.
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@ahmed2th (127)
• Egypt
14 Jan 07
I agree with that.
@Dolcerina (3376)
• Hungary
14 Jan 07
it is a sin. You do not deserve a good girl. She will know what happened. I would never forgive you. I would brake with you. You should have been thinking about it earlier. A relationship based on trust. You ruined it, so There is no base of this relationship anymore. I am sorry, but that is the truth.
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@vyaasrad (565)
• India
14 Jan 07
this makes me to feel more guilty.. but i did it an unavoidable suituation, i dont want to miss my girlfriend she loves me badly and belives me a lot
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@aelyus (634)
• Romania
14 Jan 07
hmm.. very bad situation. evry one has temptation but you must think about consecinses. does it worth to renounce from a 2 years relation with love and trust for a night of pleasure?
@rsp9098 (755)
• India
14 Jan 07
what u did is very wrong!u shudn't hav done this!u really hurt ur galfriend!better u tell ur galfriend abt it before the other gal tells her!i don't know how ur galfriend is going to accept the fact!
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@vyaasrad (565)
• India
14 Jan 07
i dont have the guts to tell my girlfriend ,i cannot face her eyes..i feel so guilty
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• United States
14 Jan 07
Ok well you and her friend deserves a good butt kicking. You knew what you were doing. You need to tell your girlfriend, because if she realizes what is going on it will be worse on you. Her friend is only doing it, because now she has you exactly where she wants you. This girl isn't going to give up until she knows that she has you and your girl seperated. Even though you still need to confess. It will make you look a little responsible if you confess to her what you did. Once all that is done, if she still wants to be with you, then you let her know what her friend is doing to you. I am pretty sure that she will have a not nice talk with the girl.
@Meljep (1666)
• United States
15 Jan 07
So sad that you have broken your commitment to your girlfriend. You should come clean with your girlfriend if you think this girl is serious about the blackmail. It would be better for her to hear it from you than another person. Let the chips fall where they may. Hopefully you will learn from your mistake. You took something from this girl that belongs to her husband. An apology would be in order.
@hmike_d (1529)
• Philippines
15 Jan 07
Marry the girl whom you really love.
@yrteja (651)
• India
15 Jan 07
no.i have not slept just ,with my girl friend also,beacuse i dont have any girl friend.
• India
14 Jan 07
u shud go and tell ur girlfriend evry thing that gal did wid u...and dont forget to tell her that u were not ready to do that...but she laid u... i may b sounding funny...but u will have to tell her this only then she will belive u..
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@ahmed2th (127)
• Egypt
14 Jan 07
Yes it's normal but it hurts the other couple. Why would you do that? If you're not satisfied with your girl, just tell her we can't continue with each other.
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• India
15 Jan 07
No ever but i think it goin to add more fun ... m i right...
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@vendan (127)
• India
15 Jan 07
Very bad!! better confess...
@nibory (177)
• United States
14 Jan 07
If you could not control yourself, you are not likely mature enough to be marrying anyone. You should tell your girlfriend what happened but don't be surprised if she breaks up with you. Good luck and whatever happens, please remember this lesson in the future. If you are in a commited relationship, it just isn't worth it to cheat.
• Thailand
15 Jan 07
Yikes, you're in a mess my friend. First of all if you really love your girlfriend you should have find ways to have not done such thing. In my opinion you should tell it to your girlfriend, i know....she'll freak out, but you have to face the consequence of your actions. Its better to tell her yourself than coming from somebody else. Explain to her what happened, tell her that her girlfriend have seduced you and now she black mailing you. We are human beings...sometimes prone to temptations. Cross your fingers and hope she'll listen.
• India
15 Jan 07
@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
15 Jan 07
I would never do that, i mean, dont you think your girlfriend would cry her heart out? whoever does that is an insecure f***. on the other hand, there are moments where you cant control and things just happen.
@marcky (77)
• Philippines
15 Jan 07
Don't feel so guilty, ok. You are man enough.
@sweetee (420)
• Australia
15 Jan 07
I would end contact with both girls - but be honest with both of them. Your girlfriend needs to know that her boyfriend and friend aren't really the people she thought they were.. I would also suggest keeping your pants zipped up too..