How do you think Al Gore would have handled 9/11 if he had been president?
@sarahbeth1977 (384)
United States
January 14, 2007 12:41am CST
I personally am glad that Bush was in office during 9/11 - things were taken care of that should have been dealt with when Clinton was president, but were never finished (ie Saddam Hussein). But I'm curious as to how anti-Bush mylotters feel about 9/11 in particular - excluding the propaganda that Mike Moore put out, how do you think Al Gore would have handled 9/11? Would there have been any retaliation?
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18 responses
@AvarianParakeet (55)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I will come right out and say that I know little about Al Gore's policies, but I will say this. I think that Bush may not be the best President we've ever had, but he is a determined and (dare I say) moral man who made decisions that he knew would not be popular, but they were the right thing to do.
From what Al Gore showed in his Inconvient Truth, he is a very passive man. A true politician. He presents grand words but no actual plan. I saw him as ineffective, and I don't think he would have been decisive enough to actually take a stand, because it would have been an unpopular decision.
(Raises Flame Shield) That was just my 2 cents. I am fully prepared for hate responses.
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@sarahbeth1977 (384)
• United States
14 Jan 07
*laugh* you'll get none from here - I raise a shield with you, my friend, because I completely agree with everything you said. I may not agree with everything that Bush has done, but I do think he has been honest and forthright with the people and he took the steps that needed to be taken. Thanks for your comments :).
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@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
4 Feb 07
United we stand! Having a man in office that believes in something (no matter what) is important. Bush may be doing the absolute wrong thing (I don't believe that, personally) but he's sticking to it. He believes it's right, and in the country's best interest. I doubt Gore could find the country's best interests with a map.
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
4 Feb 07
but do u guys not understand, we hung the person NOT responsible for 9/11, yeah bush has excuses to make saddam responsible, but osama's the one who pulled the trigger and i won't have any respect for bush until he goes after the right man and brings him to justice, while bush is busy planning the war in iraq, osama's planning his next attack!

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I agree with you about how Bush took care of things, things that needed to be done. Right or wrong at least the man acted.
Personally I think Gore would have sat in the office and whined about what happened. He would have hemmed and hawed, he would have complained it wasn't fair, but he wouldn't have done anything else. He would have done speaches about how wrong Saddam and Bin Lauden were for what they were doing but he wouldn't have done a thing to stop them. He would have just continued to plead with them to behave, to do things our way, but that is about it.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Very true, we aren't given all the information those in the white house are. We don't know everything that is given to the President and others who need to make these decisions. How can we really say what needs to be done or not done? Just by what CNN tells us? Please they are out to get you to watch the news, they are going to show what sells. Same with any other tv business. So very often we only get part of the story and not the full details, sad but true.
I think you are right on Gore. The man did not have a good track record in my opinion. Lets face it he admitted defeat, he conceded the race for the Presendency, and then a few hours later whines about it and wants a recount? That to me wreaks of sour grapes. If he would do that and couldn't handle something with that amount of tension and stress well how would he handle the attacks and all that came after it.
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@sarahbeth1977 (384)
• United States
15 Jan 07
Yes, I believe my favorite part of the presidential race the second time around for Kerry was when a lot of the younger voters pulled out their flip-flops and waved them in the air, yelling, "Flip-Flop, Flip-Flop"...that was Kerry, right?
@sarahbeth1977 (384)
• United States
14 Jan 07
This is what I continue to believe, also - I'm not sure how I feel about the current situation - I'm not so sure the answer of sending more troops is a good may be time to withdraw, I don't know. I don't have enough information to be able to say yes or no...but I still can't imagine Gore doing anything that would have helped our country - I'm afraid he may have made the situation even worse and opened us up for more attacks.
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@itsjustmeb (1212)
• Canada
15 Jan 07
I don't know too much about Gore, but I think anyone but Bush would have handled 9-11 better.
Seriously running into war was not his best idea. Again just my two cents.
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@sarahbeth1977 (384)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Thanks for commenting - how do you think they should have handled it better? I'm curious to know how you would have liked to see the US react?
@carolynpb (647)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I agree with you. I am glad President Bush was in office when we were hit. If Clinton had been in there would would be in deep crap now. As for Al Gore??I think the same thing. He's a wimp and he would not have stood up to them any more than clinton would have.
@sarahbeth1977 (384)
• United States
15 Jan 07
What I'm afraid of right now is that Bush will send all of those troops over, and Congress will refuse to give them any more money to go, and it will be another situation similar to Vietnam where they don't have the materials they need to survive the war...and it doens't hurt the president's decision, it hurts the troops who would have benefited from that money, possibly sacrificing lives.
@aquariancore (608)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I think Al Gore would have handled it differently, but you can't tell whether or not he would have been more effective. Gore is more cerebral of the two and it would be impossible to judge never seeing him be put on the spot in any emergency.
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@sarahbeth1977 (384)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I'm not sure if I agree with that - in general, you can guess what they will do by their previous history - we are creatures of habit and we tend to react the same way in similar situations. He may not have had that exact situation, but his voting record would have given some idea...however, wasn't he famous for doing and saying whatever the public wanted to hear at the moment? That might have caused him to wage war...I don't know - but even if he did, I still think he would have pulled out much sooner and we would not have made the accomplishments we did by capturing as many of Al Qaida (don't know how to spell that) and Hussein's men.
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I think he would have apologised for makeing them mad enough to attack us. I dont like Al Gore. He is to much of a wimp for me. I dont think there would have been any retailiation at all because he wouldnt have the bal*s to do anything about it. Just my opinion. Okay, Im prepaired for my user rateing to drop now:)
@MntlWard (878)
• United States
15 Jan 07
The real truth is, you have no idea what Al Gore would have done. I think it makes you feel better to think that (despite how badly Bush has screwed up the War on Terror) Al Gore would have made worse decisions, because *you* voted for Bush, and you don't want to think that *you* made a mistake in doing so.
But *I* don't know that anymore than *you* know what Al Gore would have done in response to 9/11.

@MntlWard (878)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I wasn't simply responding to your question. I read it and understood it just fine. I've also read your replies to your other responses in which you *do* say what you think Gore would have done, at least in your agreement with what others have said.
By the way, I did admit that I don't know for sure what your reasoning for the question was. Seems you're the one who's not reading everything.
Also, it wasn't an attack. You may have taken offense, but it was a statement of belief, not an attack. I was merely pointing out an aspect of human nature: the desire to believe one is correct in one's thinking. We all do this.
Now, the statement to follow is attack-ish: I think you need to lay off the right-wing propaganda, or at least not pay attention to it *exclusively*. The concept that an absence of terrorist attacks on US soil isn't proof that Bush stopped any attacks. Our soldiers are being attacked every day by Al-Qauida (I don't know how to spell it, either.) as well as Iraqi insurgents.
See, they don't really need to attack us here, because our government has given the terrorists plenty of targets in Iraq right now. Before you say something to the effect of "We're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here," I'll say that they'fe fighting us there because we're there, and they don't have to fight us here.
@sarahbeth1977 (384)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I quote, "I think it makes you feel better to think that (despite how badly Bush has screwed up the War on Terror) Al Gore would have made worse decisions, because *you* voted for Bush, and you don't want to think that *you* made a mistake in doing so."
That is a personal attack - with the *'s to accentuate your words, and the insinuation that I doubt whether I would have made a right decision in voting for Bush - none of this had anything to do with the question - I asked for your opinion on how Al Gore would have responded, NOT whether I thought I was right or wrong.
As for right wing propoganda, I don't necessarily listen to alot of it - why, because I like Bush, does that automatically imply that I do? I have actually voted democratic on several issues. You're making a lot of assumptions simply because I support Bush in this effort. Please stop bringing ME into the issue and answer the question if you're going to continue to participate in this discussion. What do you think Al Gore would have done? Looking at his past history, how would he have handled it differently?
@sarahbeth1977 (384)
• United States
17 Jan 07
If you read the question, it asks how you think Al Gore would have done - not what *I* think he would have done, nor whether or not I voted for Bush - for all you know, as a student, I was out of state for that election and couldn't get back to vote because they didn't get my absentie ballot. You try to personally attack me because I like Bush - yet you don't bring a substantiate argument to the table. Please read the question and answer it.
And if I had gotten to vote for Bush, I still believe it was the right decision. Fortunately, we still have a country that hasn't been attacked 100's of more times by terrorists to prove it.

@xkaraix (595)
• Australia
15 Jan 07
I'm not sure it would have happened if Al Gore were in office at the time. It seems strange to me that after all the years of clinton being in office and nothing like this happening and the year Bush gets in it does happen.
So I don't think Gore would have had to deal with it because it wouldn't have happened and the world would probably be a better place.
@sarahbeth1977 (384)
• United States
17 Jan 07
There's even less information to prove this - What about when the twin towers were bombed the first time in 1993? Remember who was in charge then?? Yes, Former President Bill Clinton. Please don't make statements like this on my discussions unless you have proof to back them up - these are remarks that are made simply because you don't personallly like Bush. That's your perogative and that's fine. I'm only interested in educated, substantiated arguments.
@xkaraix (595)
• Australia
21 Jan 07
You don't like my opinion so I should respond to your discussions?
You asked for an opinion and I believe that had Al Gore been in office 9/11 wouldn't have happened... that is my opinion, just because you don't agree doesn't mean you have any right to stop me responding.
And you're right I don't like Bush as I'm sure a lot of people don't and there are many reasons behind it. I really think he's given people a reason not to like him and I hope the democrats win the next election.
@pondadog (101)
• United States
23 Mar 07
I suggest you visit this site with some time to invest...
look at it with an open don't have to be brilliant to see what happened..
A few facts..they spent more investigating Bill and Monica out than they did on the 911 Commission....Bush would not allow himself to be interviewed about 911 without Cheney present..guess he didnt want any slip-ups on the stories...and jets were scrambled countless times before and adter 911 for radar blips or a plane not answering, etc....but why werent they scrambled with any punctuality on Sept 11...all good questions and thousands more..just do your homework
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
24 Mar 07
During the 2000 elections Bush was calling for a $5 billion increase in military spending.
Gore wanted to increase military spending by $10 billion.
This paints Gore as being somewhat more militaristic and aggressive than Bush.
According to Clinton's foreign policy adviser Strobe Talbott "Bush was right to identify Iraq as a major problem. A President Gore...would have ratcheted up the pressure, and sooner or later resorted to force".
Subjected to the same pressures as Bush, and surrounded by advisers such as Talbott, it is reasonable to believe that Gore would have reacted much the same way that Bush did.
The invasion of Iraq was a result of geopolitics and a changed domestic situation, and was not dependent on who was in office.
After the Gulf War, the US (Clinton) had laid siege to Iraq with sanctions and bombings.
At the same time, attempts to overthrow the government and install a pro US government through US sponsored terrorism, attempted coups , and other dirty tricks (Clinton), had continuously failed.
The longer the siege lasted, the weaker Iraq's military became and the more likely an invasion would occur.
9-11 made the invasion possible because of the support that it generated in the American people for such an invasion.
It seems that our government has been doing things it shouldn't for at least the entire Clinton term, and maybe prior to that.
Bush claimed that he was against nation building, but that evidently changed after 9-11.
9-11 happened as a direct result of Clinton's foreign policy and that policy continues now.
Those who claim to hate Bush as a result of what he has done with Iraq should also hate Clinton for the same reason.
If they still think Clinton was a better president than Bush, it can only be a result of their blind and unreasoning hatred of the Republicans, because Bush's policy is a continuation of the Clinton Agenda.
@hcromer (2710)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I think that George Bush did a horrible job dealing with 9/11, mainly because he didn't really deal with that, he pulled the wool over everyones eyes and diverted the attention to Iraq. Al Gore would have done a million times better because he would have done something, anything is better than nothing.
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I do not know what Al Gore would have done. I don't know if he also would have lied to get us to invade Iraq. But since Bush did, I consider that unforgivable. I would have thought by the time it was found out he would have been removed, but had that happened, I would hope Cheney would be removed as well. That guy scares me even more than Bush...
The only thing I agreed with Bush was the initial invasion of Afghanistan in the initial attempt to capture (or kill?) Osama Bin Laden. That's the only thing he did right.
@5000ml (1923)
• Belgium
8 Apr 07
I'll tell you this much: when Clinton left the White House he had prepared several memos and files about the threat that Osama Bin Laden posed towards the US. Bush ignored all these warnings and proceeded to do absolutely about them until 9/11 happened. I'd also like to point out that it was his father, Bush senior, who should have dealt with Saddam Hussein, but left that unfinished! Clinton always tried to be much more diplomatic as a president. Starting two blind wars were not how he worked.
I find it's funny that you mention Saddamn Hussein and 9/11 in the same discussion, he had nothing to do with it. The Bush propaganda machines would like us all to believe that Hussein and Bin Laden were firm buddies, but they hated each other. Bin Laden especially believed Hussein to be damned and a bad moslim to boot.
No, I'm not glad Bush was in office during 9/11, but at the same time Al Gore might have felt forced to react in a similar way. Perhaps with a bit more care and definitely without making enemies of the countries that didn't blindly (or forcibly) agree with him.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
10 Apr 07
Do some research...Clinton was bombing Iraq throughout his presidency in order to soften it up for the coming invasion.
That's right, it was Clinton's intention to invade Iraq and depose Saddam. It became official US policy in 1998.
Lets not forget about Kosovo or any of the other places Clinton attacked without provocation.
Clinton was no diplomat.
Bush Sr. wanted to leave Saddam in power because he knew that Saddam was keeping the rest of the Mideast in check.
@tredale (1309)
• Australia
7 Jun 07
I dont think it would of happen, I find it funny that Bush is a oil man and its the arabs we picked on when there is proof he was on good terms with most of them. Also with so much lying going on I think it was a bull anyway. My hubby believes in conspiritory theorys and I have read a lot of things and watched lots of things on the planes and them being remote control and I am swinging more and more to the American government doing this to themselves. I of course struggled with this but I have been forced to watch alot of things that made 9/11 seem less terorist and more home grown.
@charlazio (215)
• Italy
23 Jan 07
rediculous. as for Gore, he would have done nothing different in the initial response to 9/11. The american public was crying for blood and so the response bush took was basically the only one possible for a president. This difference would have been after the Taliban had been attacked and was in dissaray (which it isn't now).
So are you saying that Clinton should have dealt with Saddam Hussein through war like GW bush? Although, the UN was dealing with him and there still have been no connections made between Iraq and terrorism. I'm quite sure that President Poppa Bush was the one that walked away from Iraq the first time, thus leaving the door open for saddam to stay in power.
@ConservativeArtist (201)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I think Bush handled everything as best as he could. Gore would have treated 9-11 like a criminal action, when over and over, these terrorist organizations have declared jihad on the West. He rightly called it a Global War on Terror. It is reasonable to assume that Gore would not have done anything substantial, since Clinton and Gore didn't respond substantially to any of the terror attacks (Trade Center bombing in 93, Khobar towers, USS Cole). Talk about an inconvenient truth!
I don't think Gore is smarter than Bush, but even if he is, intelligence means nothing in leadership if one doesn't have the fortitude to back it up with action.
Also, people accuse Bush of "rushing to war" and not being "diplomatic." I remember the year long run-up to the Iraq war. Saddam had plenty of time to change his ways, and this was after a decade of tricking UN inspectors. What message would it have sent to the terrorists if again we did not back up our words with actions? Finally, we got someone in office who did what they said they would do. I respect that, and even though I voted for Gore in 2000, I voted for Bush in 2004 and am now a much wiser person.