affirmative action?
By cisco1
@cisco1 (539)
United States
January 14, 2007 3:11am CST
PLEASE! No insults, no racial slurs or comments. Let keep it clean or I will give you a negative rating and report it as abuse. What are your thoughts about it? Are you for it? why? Or you against it? why? I am against it. My reason is this, i believe the better person should get the job with better skills regardless of their skin color is. Yes I am a Mexican-American, I could see why its there because it will prevent discrimination and force people to hire minority but at the same time it promiting reverse discrimination.
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7 responses
@annieroos (1845)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Well that not a good thing.. I think everyone should have a chance at any job no matter what they are, male, female or color and race. We are created equal and they should hire people because of expierence and how well they are good for the job not just to fill a quota.. If i go for a job i want to be hired becuause i am good for that job not because i am mexican american.. thats not right..
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@hovikvardanyan (21)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I am against it as well. I also believe the person should get a job based on their skill. Half the people i know are officers of the law, and if their partners were people hired due to affirmative action it would be wrong. They must trust their life with other officers, so imagine the other officers were the ones that could not do their job as good as another officer would have.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
26 Aug 07
Dr. Martin Luther King was completely correct in his famous speech where he stated we all should be judged according to the content of our character, not the color of our skin.
To that end, the government should not be allowed to keep any record whatsoever regarding anyone's race. Colleges should not ask your race. Employers should not ask your race. Government agencies should not ask your race. There should be no record in any beauracracy concerning your race.
This makes affirmative action impossible and unnecessary.
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
30 Jun 08
Personally, I think the idea of having to hire someone based on his or her skin tone is wrong. Hiring or awarding business contracts or admitting people into college should be based on merit and merit alone. Ethnic minorities can succeed without the help of the law. I don't denny that racial prejudices do exist but forcing you onto someone who is not predisposed to you because of your race won't make him or her any better disposed to you.
If you look at the US institutions with the most success in integrating blacks and other ethnic minorities, is the US army. In the army you have to take people based purely on merit. You want to trust the next guy to be able to back you up and not worry on whether he was chosen because he was the right colour. Somehow or other, the US army has been exceedingly successful at integrating blacks, one of the few places where you'll find more blacks telling whites what to do. Of course, you learn to lose your prejudices quickly when the other guy saving you from a combat situation is of a different colour.
Having said that, affirmative action has had its uses. I think in the 1960s it did help black kids get into colleges that might otherwise not have taken them. However, I think this policy has probably come to its end.
I also realise that we don't live in an ideal world and the best people don't always get the job. People will use old boy networks, family contacts and all sorts of other things to get what they want. If an affirmative action law works in ones favour, why shouldn't one use it to ones advantage?
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
30 Apr 08
I worked with a private college that believed in trying to balance their entry class each year and make sure that they were a diverse college. What they did differently was to set the type of student they wanted and then went out and tried to recrute students who were qualified and fit the admission requirements of the college. It was interesting that most of the minority students were successful and graduated from college. This way of giving minorities the opportunity is far better than setting up students for failure.
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I agree 100%. I am a minority in various ways. I do not want to be hired for any reason other than because I am the best person for the job.
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
30 Jun 09
To be clear, AA was introduced for sterling reasons to rectify an economic and social imbalance!
Over the last couple of years, the debate over the legality, constitutionality of Affirmative Action has raged. AA Opponents claim that it is itself, a form of racism. That AA promotes strife and is detrimental to the very persons it intends to help. I happen to agree 100%.
The nation has endured this for an almost equal duration to the prior most heavily weighted oppression period and has since had far more appropriate policies and procedures implemented to ensure that wealth is more evenly aligned to previously disadvantaged citizens. The implementation of THESE procurement policies correctly is critical to ensure that your fellow human neighbour does not continue living in abject poverty and without hope.
BUT it also gives those that this "plan" is designed to help the opportunity to do absolutely nothing and still reap the benefits from it. IF you're any race but white, feel free to slack off, screw up or just not do any work. You'll get promoted anyway to promote 'equality' and meanwhile, the white people who carried them, are stuck at the bottom of the ladder.