Why Do Religious People Bite Your Head Off?
By Brentsky
@Brentsky (164)
United States
January 14, 2007 7:54pm CST
So someone who believes in god, angels, and all that says "I believe in this stuff" and people who do not believe are like "ok, thats cool". Then when I say "I DO NOT believe in that stuff" they bite your head off and are like "you are going to hell" or "thats fine, too bad you aren't going to be saved" or "you love satan." Thats not very "godly" of them to be like. Just annoys me how they think they are superiorly good but yet THEY are the ones saying these things. At least this is the opinion I have drawn from the numerous religion discussions I have been a part of. WHY WON"T YOU JUST LET ME BE?! .
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52 responses
@everybodylovesleah (244)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I really dislike religious fanatics, like someone who would just go and tell another person "You are going to hell." I believe this is VERY ungodly and akin to that person trying to take on a God-like role themselves.
On another token though, you do have to consider that many Christians feel it apart of the religion to talk to you about God if you are an unbeliever.
It, however, should not be condescending.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
15 Jan 07
I have to agree with some of what you have said here. It is wrong for someone to tell another person "you are going to hell".
I am a Christian. I cannot help but talk of my faith, because my relationship with my loving heavenly Father, through the Lord Jesus Christ is a continual experience throughout my life. I am constantly aware of His presence. He has done so much for me that I can do nothing BUT speak of His great love and how He has undertaken for me in so many ways.
I have enjoyed courteous, intelligent discussions on this subject on myLot. I have not engaged in hateful talk and have not mentioned hell unless someone has asked about it. I talk of the great love of God in giving His Son for us. I have not been condescending. If you have been offended by someone doing this, on behalf of true Christians, I apologise, and ask you not to judge all by the few.
@OnfireforJesus (500)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I agree with Cloudwatcher! And let me add, that even we a Christians, are human. We need to watch what we say. Because sometimes the person we are talking to is not ready. To be a Christian, is to be like Christ, although that is our ultimate goal, there is not one perfect person in this world, Jesus was the only perfect human-being.
I agree that we cannot push our belifs of anyone. Why? Because God gave each and every one of us...free will. WHEN IT IS YOUR TIME AND JESUS STARTS TUGGING ON YOUR HEART.....YOU'LL BE READY. I PRAY THAT DAY COMES FOR YOU!
@HighPriestess (739)
• Melbourne, Florida
15 Jan 07
Because their foundation is shaky. Most religions are a whole lot of truth, but they are balanced on sticks called tradition and doctine. When you shake that foundation, the truth will come down on them like a ton of rock.
That's a very scary thing.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
15 Jan 07
HighPriestess, go ahead and try to shake my foundation as much as you like. You won't succeed, simply because my foundation does not depend on me or on what I believe. My foundation is the Lord Jesus Christ and what HE has done. That foundation can not be broken.
Any "shaking" you can throw at me will be answered. It is not a scary thing to me because my Rock will answer.
@Noxmorexlies (739)
• United States
15 Jan 07
Well I am atheist so I do not believe god. . I hate that religious people get so angry and start with the Im going to pray for you and if you dont believe in god and this or that you are going to die and suffer and go to hell and will not be happy and this and that and so on. I don't believe in god for various reasons everyone is entitled to their own opinon but with the way the world is today if there really was a god then life would be different people would not be suffering in so many ways and everyone in the world would be happy and skipping along but that is not the way it is life is not that way and god does not exist. So what? I dont believe and maybe you do but just let me be and stop pestering me with all this your going to hell god loves you it truly annoys me.
@khalablue (309)
• Canada
15 Jan 07
A lot of people are very defensive about their beliefs, and do not know how to deal with anyone who questions them or challenges their statements. Regardless of what your position is with respect to the existence of God or angels, you cannot prove it. You can however take the time to explain why you believe the way you do, even if you say something to the effect that you don't really have an answer, or you have always felt this way, but challenging someone else's opinion in a hostile way will not help them to understand why you feel the way you do.
When I get into a discussion of this nature, it is not with the intent of converting someone to my beliefs, but rather to try and explain what makes me believe as I do.
@ashu_aryan85 (494)
• India
15 Jan 07
hey its not all religious people..it just depends on the people how they are..
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@renascent (35)
• Canada
15 Jan 07
Religion is always such a touchy subject. You are entitled to your opinion and feelings and any 'good' Christian would never say those things to you. I have a few Christian friends who don't preach it or judge. If anything, a good Christian would be the opposite and pray for you, not tell you you are going to hell in a handbasket!
I am not religious but would say I am spiritual. Organized religion to me is the cause of so many wars and problems. That is how I feel. I don't believe we need to pray in a building to believe in God. Live and let live is my motto. Ignore the 'ignorant' ones who tell you how you should feel or what you should believe in. They are just small minded people who love to impose their opinions on others.
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
15 Jan 07
I wouldn't classify those that you feel are "ignorant". I think that what they are trying to do is earn their way to Heaven (if that's what they believe in) by doing good deeds and therefore should be classified more as "do gooders" than ignorant. They are obviously well versed in the teachings of the Bible and believe in them fervently. What they fail to realize by their good dees that not everyone believes, or wants to believe, in the same manner. They continue to be good people and try to help others around them but they are not obsessed with the "do good" attitude.
@renascent (35)
• Canada
16 Jan 07
Sorry to disagree with you but that is what is good about an open discussion :)
Anyone who tells someone that they are 'Satan worshippers or Going to hell' because a person does not follow 'their' religion is ignorant. There are many religions and to tell someone such non Christian things is to me, rude and ignorant. They can believe what they want to and let others believe what they want. If they are that strong in faith then it should not matter to them what anyone else is doing or going. There is alot of wonderful things to be learned by many religions. If they want someone to go to their church they would go about it in a kinder and more supportive way. Again, just my view on the subject.
@achyuta (2851)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I believe in God. But I agree with your point. People who are compassionate wont say this. This is ridiculous to say things like 'it is there in this book so you shoudl accept'. If one wants to preach he has to logically explain exiostence of God. Not beat you up with God and holy sticks. I believe God is most compassionate and so He wont appreciate such stupid egoist preachers.
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@sarahbeth1977 (384)
• United States
15 Jan 07
Actually, someone above me hit closer to the truth than anyone. In most cases, these people have listened to preaching but never really studied the Bible for themselves to firmly defend what they believe. They can't explain why they themselves believe it so they strike out for fear of someone proving them wrong or making them feel ignorant.
However, I will comment on one thing - if someone mentions that you could be going to hell, it's not necessarily an ungodly thing to do (unless, of course, they're saying it in a degrading manner which one should never do as a Christian - you always show love). In my belief, if you do not accept Christ as your Savior, you will be eternally separated from His love into a place we call 'hell'...when I discuss this with someone, it is not the intention to condemn anyone to hell - it is because I care enough that I don't want them to have to suffer from that horrible eternal experience. Can you imagine dying and suddenly experiencing the most amazing, unconditional love you've ever felt, and then suddenly being yanked away from it? I don't ever want anyone to experience that - there's a wonderful relationship you can have with the creator - it may not solve all of your problems, but He will definitely bring you peace.
Sorry, I'm not trying to preach - but sometimes love is the motivation for talking about hell.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
15 Jan 07
You are right to a point but not all Religious people are like you are saying I am religious but that is your business if you do not a believer, but no one is the judge and cannot judge others otherwise they will be judged that is part of the scriptures.
@sylvrrain (659)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I was brought up going to church, but as I got older, I saw that many people do not live by what they say they believe in. Many people need faith in something to survive.
I am confused by religion. "Miracles", come on, the only way a man can walk on water is if it is frozen, right? Immaculate conception? really, what's that!
I feel that man had to have a reason things happened, and a code to live by, therefore, he created religion.
I read once that going to church makes you a Christian about as much as standing in a garage makes you a car.
I have some really great friends that have never gone to church or studied any kind of religion. Those friends are compassionate, loyal, kind, caring and generous. I have met people who have been going to church all their lives and are condescending, rude, spiteful, selfish and greedy. I am sure that does not describe everyone whether they go to church or not. It is just my experience and observation.
@xcmatx (173)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I agree. Just be honest, have smart comebacks, and try not to insult them and you should be fine. Well if people respected each others' religious opinions, the numbers of wars would be cut down tremendously. And we all know the status on that.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I think it depends on the personality of the individual person not religion as a whole. there are many good religious people out there who are not cruel and mean. While others are just plain mean! My daughter used to be manager at a Fazoli's restaurant.She hated working on sundays. She said the rudest people were those still dressed in their church clothes. Se said they were ruder than the anyone.
@Jewelyluv (104)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I won't bite your head off, I believe in what I want to believe in and I don't care what others think about that, however I know what you are talking about, because they feel they have to save your soul from eternal damnation, I guess its coming from a good place, but its scary how into it they get. yikes
@somnolence (460)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I don't think all or even most religious people are that way. Some of my best friends are very deeply devoted to their religion, and they have never given me any issues with being agnostic. But then again, that respect goes both ways.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
15 Jan 07
Brentsky, if you have received comments like those, I apologise on behalf of true Christians.
I have entered into many such discussions here on myLot. I am a Christian, and my relationship with my Saviour is so real and means so much to me, than I cannot help but talk of Him. However, I have always stressed the love of God, and have never even mentioned hell unless specifically asked about it.
I have enjoyed quite lengthy discussions with atheists, agnostics, pagans and Muslims. These have been intelligent, courteous discussions with no animosity or "biting heads off". We have shared ideas in a friendly way.
I do not apologise for my beliefs or for how my life is centred on them. I will continue to talk about them, for they are me. On the other hand, I know that people are wrapped up in many other things, like football, or dating, or how much money they are or are not making on myLot and they will continue to talk about those things.
Isn't myLot here for an exchange of ideas and for the intelligent discussion of those ideas?
@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
17 Jan 07
There is no group of people that doens't have it's fair share of assh*les.
Religious people included.
@shiboleth (270)
• Canada
15 Jan 07
They are only trying to help you. They want you to understand that there are consequences to your lack of faith. You should be grateful that they take the time to help you out of Christian love and charity.
@tiffanymarie (191)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I am a believer - and you are right. Some believers often go about sharing their faith or religious beliefs in a way that pushes people away. I believe that we should share with others, but we should not force our beliefs down your throat. I believe if we love God and want to share his word, then we first have to show love to people who are around us. Why would you or any other person want to listen or believe what we are saying if we are displaying any of those negative behaviors. I realize that you have ran into people who are like you described, but just know that there are so many others who do not act this way. They love God and share his love - not judgment. Please don't let a few people put a distaste in your heart for ones who are religious.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
16 Jan 07
You are so right, Tiffanymarie.
We do not throw away all our $50 and $100 notes just because we know there are counterfeit banknotes in circulation. Counterfeiters don't bother counterfeiting lower denominations. They counterfeit the BEST, the most valuable, so it stands to reason that people will "latch onto" CHRISTianity without having a relationship with Christ.
As you say, putting everyone in the same basket is wrong. Don't throw out the good with the counterfeit.
@ethanzap (37)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Here is my opinion about hell, it doesn't exist at least not in the way that the typical christian thinks it does. We hear about the eternal damnation and all the stuff but really that's not what we need to worry about, what we need to be concerned about it the reality we create right now. Many people are living in there own created hell on earth. When people are self absorbed and mainly concerned about themselves then life becomes like a shell, hollow and empty and the person most likely won't even see it. If you focus on love and sharing it with others you will creat your own "Heaven" on earth and that love will carry with you when you die. Most Christian would rather say that by accepting Jesus you are saved no matter what and going to Heaven but if you live a very loving life but don't say the words "I accept Jesus" then you are going to hell. By doing this they take away accountablitly that they create their own reality here in life and their own reality after they die.
Brentsky, it's too bad you have to put up with people being so judgmental, the most important thing I think you can do is to listen and follow your own heart and do what it tells you, just be how you feel is best. Doing this you will create your own Heaven.