Wich Pc lang you like to learn (C++,C#,Vb,Etc...)?
@RxONE1 (495)
United States
January 14, 2007 9:36pm CST
Hi guy's i am just wondring whats ppl will choice to learn/code with
After we get into 2007 alots of thinges happend and many thinges we are waiting for it
so i am just saying wich lang u like to code with it?
for me i stoped coding with c++ and asm and i decided
to try C# (its looks like a good lang and with good future)
because it passed on .NET and now its supported on Linux and other platform with Mono(http://www.mono-project.com)
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25 responses
@RxONE1 (495)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Try C# first , you will see it is better then java if you are going to use it on Windows you will find that's each program you made it with java (Jar) should be run in CMD but if you are going to use wrapper then you wont have any problem with it
But try C# first , it's easy and i am sure you will enjoy learning it :)
@captainoats (45)
• Northern Mariana Islands
29 Jan 07
I would love to get into C# and advanced java...I am already familiar with C, C++, VB, VB.net, JAVA, UNIX/SOLARIS (basically alike/commands), HTML, ASP... I am also used to SQL ....Its kinda hard remembering stuff though...anyways im more of a vb.net user though i majored in java...and oh yeah...i have yet to learn javascripts...hehe...so sad..
@RxONE1 (495)
• United States
2 Feb 07
That's really nice
By the way if you like solaris , java are giving free Solaris 10 and Dev tool kit on DVD for free (With Shipping) you can find the link on my blog (Link: http://bznz-blog.blogspot.com/ )
You learned HTML AND OTHERS and you forget JAVASCRIPT ;)
No one can forgive you for that , it's really easy and many people using AJAX to do many things with it :) ,. so i advice you to learn it (you will master it in few days!)
and good luck with learning it :]
@jgeorge (132)
• India
25 Jan 07
i am now learning c,which is the most important programming language used.i would like to learn java,vb,cobol,nature etc.c# is a good choise.its a developed version of c n somewhat like it but c has more application feilds so take that point into consideration too
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@RxONE1 (495)
• United States
26 Jan 07
C is nice lang , but you maybe like to try C++ (it's newer) you will find it easy to learn because they didn't change every things they still printf (like C does) and others :]
So if you are learning C i suggest after you finish it to go for C++
and you are right about C and C#
and good luck with learning programing lang :)
@RxONE1 (495)
• United States
26 Jan 07
C++ is pro lang , and Vb.net is easy lang
if you are needing to have some of power of C++ , you can make a dll file in C++ then using it on VB.net (Some coders and doing that)
VB.net giving you fast way to make the program you want in short time and you can say it's good :]
If you are going to learn VB.Net then good luck :)
@Pus2Meong (94)
• Indonesia
29 Jan 07
I've learn Pascal, Delphi, C++, and now interest to C#. Why? Because XNA using C# for developing game for PC and also for XBOX 360.
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@RxONE1 (495)
• United States
31 Jan 07
that's really nice :}
By the way XNA looks good and easy but i really dont know why it's not installing on my pc (I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005) anyway , i will try to get their free one so it's will work with it
And good luck with learning C# (i like to see some of your own games on the market) :D
@register (1064)
• India
16 Jan 07
I know c,c++,vb,php,html,css,oracle ...
but when it comes to web programming/ desinging .. we really need to do a bit of code lifting ..
some sites i frequent for codes
@flikkenni (537)
• Indonesia
16 Jan 07
I like to learn all kind of programming language. Because I am a programmer so i must know all programming language. But my favorite programming language is Java. Because it was one of the most powerful programming language.
@cyb3rjunk13 (470)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I like C++ since it was in my electronic engr source.Well the structures gave me a the hard time but im doing well.I hope i will do well in VB as well.
@mohitchandila (68)
• India
25 Jan 07
C/C++ are my favourite langs. These languages form the basics. I love coding with these. Every other langauge becomes easy once you are deep into these languages.
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@RxONE1 (495)
• United States
25 Jan 07
You are right about C# is the best one :D (New Lang + Good = Perfect)
I think Microsoft can't make our future depends on the .NET
there are still people who are using other then .NET , And .NET isn't perfect even if it was good.
But it makes programmer life easier and that's true :]
And thanks for telling us about your fav lang
Have a nice day :)
@tamanash (950)
• India
26 Feb 07
i already know C++ and right now i am leaning JAVA.as both of them are object oriented language and after learning C++ java is quite easy.after java i will learn .NET as JAVA is closely related to it..NET is really hot in market right now and good .NET coders can earn heavy amount right now ,so i think learning .NET is really important.
@dholey (1383)
• India
15 Jan 07
I AM A programmer and language instructor in collage, i am have command on c c++ java sql vc++ c# .net and many more, i started with foxpro then shifted to c and c++, after it i learned many languages as mentioned but i am hooked with c and c++, i love work wit it.
@arvindsbabu (290)
• India
15 Jan 07
Well i've learnt C,C++,JAva,VB....... and i'll be studying more of it........and of these languages i've learnt i like C++ the best because of the pointer puzzles and the power they've got is simply amazing and i love them though java is better i hate to do programming without pointers and pointers r notsupported in JAVA......that's y i like C++....
@winter_man (407)
• Malaysia
16 Jan 07
I used to learn C++ language but it just made me sick and the subject was hell suxx!! I'm an engineering student and I wonder why I need to learn that subject. All the tests and quiz I just coppied from my friends,because I just can't understand the codes and the language. I got D- for C++ thats the worst grade ever for my study in university...
@RxONE1 (495)
• United States
16 Jan 07
C++ isn't good for beginners and really not good to start with it (i start on ASM and that was one of my own mistakes wich is hard like C++)
but now i am good with asm and many other lang's with it
But you should try Python its will help you
you don't need more then 3 days to master it :)
and you wont ever need semicolons with it :D
anyway good luck with you studing hop's you get good Mark and A+++++ :}
@unfathomedpsyche (858)
• Thailand
15 Jan 07
I would love to learn more on javascript and master css since im into web age making. But i aso like to try c++, i guess to be more well verse in any if not all computer language is a great asset.
@RxONE1 (495)
• United States
15 Jan 07
Good luck with that
but i suggest for first not to begin with C++ Because you will find it too hard to learn (Most people say that)and try vb.net or C# (there is free complier wich is SharpDevelop on this link http://sharpdevelop.net/OpenSource/SD/Default.aspx )and you would be able to code with asp(Active server page) for web
and if you are realy intersted in Web stuff , i suggest you go for CSS (try DreamWeaver 8) its will save you alots of time with learning CSS and try photshop and php :)