Bipolar and Drugs

United States
January 15, 2007 3:56am CST
If say you had bipolar what kind of effect does it have with drugs?
3 responses
@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I am not bipolar, but I have grown up with a bipolar parent and now that I am an adult and he is getting older, I am in a caregiver position with him. I pay his bills and set up his meds in a pillbox on a weekly basis. As I understand the condition, it is a chemical imbalance in the body that makes it harder to regulate the moods, and the medication helps your body find a better balance. It's very very easy to get off track with it, though, and that's partially because when you first start to get manic it feels better than normal life so you don't want to have your meds bring it down to normal. My dad has to take a lot of different medications for his bipolar and with my help he is very consistent about taking his meds. He still gets off track, though, and in fact just came home from a 2 month stay in the hospital because his chemistry got messed up again.
• Davisburg, Michigan
24 Jan 07
Ok here goes the teacher, the LNA, and the Mom in me lol. I was first diagnosed with bipolar 3 years ago but i have had my bipolar since i was 21 i will be 37 next month. I had showings of bipolar threw my teens but it wasnt until I was hit with post partum depression after my son was born. I have taken many kinds of meds and alot of them made me sick until we found the right combo. and remember you have to be on the meds for a few months until they have time to get in your system. Next issue: do they have you on SSRIs or another type of antidepressant? some bipolars like myself can not handle them to the extent that they caused me to have a 4 day manic where i could eat, sleep or even go to the bathroom. thats when i found out I had a negative reaction to the antidepressants. Right now I am on lamictal and klonipin its what works for me. and after finally getting on the right meds and being on them for over a year now. I feel wonderful and I only have attacks once every few months now so no more constant manics or constant depressions. and please believe me you will feel the difference when your finally in the right head space. Ok shutting up now. I talk to much
• India
16 Jan 07
• India
16 Jan 07
ok.gud for nothing