What was your first job and what skills did you take from it that you use today?

@blueskies (1186)
United States
January 15, 2007 11:19am CST
My first "real" job was at my parents' restaurant. I washed dished and did kitchen prepwork. I also helped to set up and take down for huge parties and wedding receptions. It was hard work and I didn't get paid, but I did learn a few things. 1. Always be courteous to your fellow workers 2. Always smile and be courteous to your customers--even if they are being jerks. 3. Keep your promises 4. Always do your very best work, even if it's a menial job 5. Always value your job, there are many that don't have one.
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47 responses
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
17 Jan 07
My first real job was when I was in 7th grade. I took a job as a live in nanny for the summer. The job was a few hours away from my home so it was difficult for me. The mother of the home worked night shift and the father worked day shift so one of them was always asleep. They had 5 children from the age of 2 to 8. I was the oldest of 6 children myself so caring for the kids and cooking was an already skilled task for me. 1.I leaned the importance of being dependable. 2. I learned that I was capable of doing anything I wanted If I worked hard enough at it. 3. I learned to be a responsible and compassionate leader 4. I learned to be independent. I had a job every summer after that and I also worked my lunch break all through high school.
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• United States
17 Jan 07
The first job I worked was cleaning motel rooms. The only real skill I took from it was wasting time on the clock. I'm super good at it still. :p
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
18 Jan 07
My first job was at McDonald's. The first thing they teach you is "the customer's always right" - I didn't always learn that one very well. I learned that in order for people to follow you, you have to be able to lead them. When I got into management and training, I could get just about anyone to do just about anything. Still use those skills today as a CPA.
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@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
15 Jan 07
I took on my first job at age 14 and worked construction. I learned so many things it is hard to name them. I learn a good work ethic and as a result I work hard at what ever I do. I learned about angles for cutting boards, how to use power tools and hand tools so that I don't have to hire people to fix problems around our home and yard.
@blueskies (1186)
• United States
15 Jan 07
Thanks for the response. I wish I had better carpentry skills. That's certainly an area where knowledge come in handy (no pun) for the rest of your life.
17 Jan 07
My first job was a clerk typist. It was very boring but it was a work study job. What did I learn? I learned how to type and answer the phones. I worked hard and I kept to myself. Hard work does pay off. I learned how to compromise, get and take, grin and bear it. I didn't like the job but I did earn my paycheck.
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• United States
17 Jan 07
I served lunches to the elderly during my summer vacation, when I was 15. It has taught me to appreciate my youth and respect my elders.
• Portugal
23 Jan 07
I start as a course seller, and learn that with hard work we can achieve to our goals. That without customers there is no business could survive, that image is very important, to be professional and at last that we can never give up.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
15 Jan 07
My very first job was when I was about 13. I had a babysitting job. Of course,now, those kids have kids of their own.lol. I watched two kids while their parents were out managing a band. The only thing I really learned that I use today is to have patience. And lots of it.
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@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
19 Jan 07
My first real job was in the navy.I took away with me better communication skills. I did not speak up very much outside of my friends but that soon changed when I joined the military. I had to assert myself because I was put in charge of people. Be on time.
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@SimplyJo (1694)
• India
23 Jan 07
hi my first real job was in a restaurant as well. i learnt so much - I met new ppl so gained so much confidence. I learnt to always be presentable and neat. To work my a** off - clean, help in the kitchen.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Jan 07
My first job was at an ice cream parlor.I learned alot of things. the first thing is you can't eat all the profits lol the second thing is how to deal with the public. the thrid thing is always try to do your best. the foruth thing is always be kind to your co-workers because they can make your life a living hell if you are not. and most important is to be nice,smile and your day will always look brighter if you have a postive outlook on things.
@Pekachu (1112)
• United States
15 Jan 07
i stocked cattering trucks while i went to high school i learned how to stab pop cans with an ice picker lol
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
15 Jan 07
LOL! I can imagine that was a wet and sticky job.
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@Shar11 (419)
• United States
17 Jan 07
My first job was at 14 years old at a local hospital..I worked for the cafeteria and brought food trays to the patient's rooms.. It turned out to be a wonderful experience for me because it was then I decided I wanted to be a nurse.. I learned that helping people who are sick can be very rewarding. I also learned that it can be hard..Most people in the hospital can feel really bad and because of thier pain can be grouchy...I learned how to be patient and understanding as well...
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• Nepal
18 Jan 07
Ok, Every man should be engage with any types of work, all of works are good but with the capability of man can do with his work, angryness is always decrease ur business, so if you work hard you will be success...
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@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
23 Jan 07
My first job was being a newspaper boy when I was very young. I learned that it was better to be early than late when delivering the papers as people were very happy to wake up and find their paper there as well as being dry and protected from the weather. They could always rely on me. This job actually helped me land my first real job working at a bank as the manager there was also the one that managed my delivery route and she loved the way I worked and was reliable.
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@ChewySpree (1832)
• United States
23 Jan 07
My first job was also at a restaurant. I learned that I should always try to do my best, regardless of whether or not I wanted to be there, and I also learned how to deal with the general public. That was a real eye-opener, and it has come in handy through the years.
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@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
My first job was roofing and to this day I still do it. I learned hard works pays off and its nice to provide a service that everyone needs.
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@stailgate (2363)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I got my first job when I was about 14 and it was at Wendys. I didn't much care for it. I had to get a job to keep a dog that I wanted. I had to pay for it's food, vet care ect. It taught me allot of responsibility, and I had to be on time, and had to not only learn that I was relying on others to get my job done, but others are depending on me. I also had to do things I thought were nasty like take out the trash and do the nastiest dishes I ever saw. After that, my dishes at home didn't seem so bad:)
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• United States
23 Jan 07
my first real job was working at Radio Material Cooperation as a tester for radios the parts were called pills with 2 little prongs on them which I had to slide down this electical board if the lights came on then I put them in the good pile if not than I would dump them into a big cardboard barrel I could not work too long at that job because of my disabilty.. Hay but at least I tried.....so I guess I learned that there was a lot of little things that goes in to transister radio
@khalablue (309)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
Hi blueskies, My first job was picking berries in the summertime. This was very quickly followed by working in my parents restaurant before and after school and on weekends. Somehow I managed to get good grades. Like you I acquired a solid work ethic and lessons that carried me well throughout my career. I ended up becoming a professional accountant, but the best lessons I learned were the ones where I had to deal face to face with all different kinds of personalities.