ex mother in laws.

United States
January 15, 2007 4:58pm CST
ok heres the deal. my ex-boyfriend's mom wrote a letter to my 2 year old saying she wanted a picture of her. the reason that the letter wont address me is because she's always had a hard time acknowledging me. She never believed that i was pregnant with her grand-daughter because her son never did either. When I was pregnant i called her to let her know the first time i left a message - the second time she answered and was yelling at me. So now i dont have any support from her son whatsoever yet she wants all these favors from me. To me it is hard enough being a single mom, and feel like i need privacy from her. I knew that she was going to be like this even when i was pregnant (not acknowledge me but only the baby i was carrying) I JUST KNEW IT EVEN WHEN I WAS PREGNANT. NOW i want nothing to do with her. is that wrong?
1 response
@Metallion (2227)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Sorry, but if you are going to claim her son is the father of your baby , then grandparents have rights to access to their grandchild. Was it ever proven through a paternity test that he is her father, or is his mom just trying to keep in touch with your daughter until she finds out for sure?
• United States
16 Jan 07
yes a paternity was done days after she was born. She was mad when she found out though that this baby was actually his, he even said that she wants to disown him (her son)when she found out about our baby. Now she wants to pretend that she's a good person. NO! - i have no responsibility for her and dont feel bad for her at all. After all my attempts at getting child support -- she can just send letters while i am here struggline. so im going to send her medical bills that the baby has. yea so she can see that its not all honey and caramel..lol...