Every day that goes by never comes back, How does that make you feel?
By shogunly
@shogunly (1397)
January 15, 2007 7:25pm CST
I am 31 now , I feel like I had a whole lifetime of emotions,sensations,experiences,developments,failures,disappointments ,successes,content .
Sometimes I get a strong flashback , I remember a time when I was 10, the smell of the air,the fear and joy of being young ,the comfort in my parents hugs ,I remember all that and I feel sad , first because those days are forever gone,like they never even happened ,and second because I spent a lot of those days dreaming about being an adult ,what I am right now ,and now I feel flashes of sickening Nostalgia to a time where an illusion of love,peace and prosperity was all we knew about life .
All is waste ,ultimately .
your thoughts?
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55 responses
@Geminigirl (1909)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I think we all feel like this sometimes. When we are kids, we want to grow up and be on our own. Then when we are adults, we miss the comfort of our parents and childhood home. I do not feel that all is a waste,though. Not in the least! Every day is a precious gift, and I try to be happy and thankful every day. If I start to think sad thoughts, I try to think about something else.
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@rameshgopal365 (918)
• India
16 Jan 07
Only solution for such a feeling is that make use well of all the 365 days of a year.
Try not wasting even a single minute from now.
Spend all time in the way your mind and heart likes!!
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@darckj (885)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
when i was a kid, i can't wait to grow up a teenager.. when i was at my teenage years, i long for the times i can run freely at school and yell at the playground. but looking back at those memories did not bring me up to that age again.. so what i did was to make the most out of my life.. i am twenty now, and i want to enjoy this life i have.. cause i know, when ill be growing up to mid twenties, ill always look back at this age.. enjoy life..^^
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@Kackie3 (345)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I think the older we get the more we regret that we can't go back. It's a time gone and all we can do it keep going forward.
I will get flashbacks, just from a certain scent, and it is usally a good scent and then I drift off into the past and good times that I had at the moment I first smelled that scent.
Or I may be talking to someone and something that is said can trigger a memory of long ago, and I am gone again to drift into the past.
Those memories are nice for that time..but now is the time to make new memories and make the most of them. Today is today, now, so we have to live it the best we can.
Nothing we do is ever a waste, it is our way of learning life. What your past was, is what made you what you are today.
@pradesh13 (287)
• India
16 Jan 07
HI I am also almost 31 (few months remaining) and I am going in a similar phase which you mentioned, actually I posted a topic on Nostalgia 3 days back for which nobody responded. I also remember the small things which i enjoyed. I am away from home since last 3 months and I can not go home for next 7 months because I cannot afford to do so. But daily I strongly feel to go back to my home and meet with my parents, friends and relatives. But I cannot do so. I am married and I am here in this city with my wife. we spend time happily but those same feelings come in my mind again and again. I feel I am totally trapped in this new city.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I think about these things a lot. I can look back to when I was very young, and remember how bright the world looked and how free I felt. As time went on and life became more complicated, things no longer had that bright shine to it. I attribute that to the lost innocence of youth. I am now 51 and very aware that each day that passes is a day forever lost. No longer do I have the luxury of delusion that told me I was going to live forever, or that I was going to change the world. Now that I am disabled, I can only look back and say "Man I wish I had done that differently". All that is left is the knowledge that we have to make the best of whatever time is left to us. But hey, that's life no matter how you slice it.
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@dm74728 (159)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I know those feelings. I always think of a time in my life I would like to go back to and start over so that I could change some mistakes I made, but then I would make different mistakes.
Try to learn from these feelings. Instead of dwelling on them live your life now like you wish you had done then. You will look back on this time in your life in 10 or 20 years and think about how good it was. Start making good memories to store up for when you look back.
@rainbow (6761)
16 Jan 07
All those days and experiences made you the wonderful person you are today. It is sad that you will never again be as small as you were when you were 6 and dads arms seemed the safest place in the world, I know exactly how you feel on that one.
As children there are many things we do not notice or understand in the same way we do as adults and it is sad that our innocence is destroyed with experience.
Pineing for a time gone by is a sure way of not enjoying the times you are living through and preparing to have fun in the future.
Those times were precious and gave wonderful memories, let today and every day add to your store of wonderful experiences that will last you forever.
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@mnflower (1299)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I don't think that you should look at this as a waste, for these are all human natural feelings and all these things that you have did from day one are stumbling stones of your life that has been put in front of you to make you the person that you are today...I just wrote an discussion of something I wrote that I think you would like to read...It help me out to remember that I am in control of my destiny and only I can make myself feel the way that I feel...When you are sad and depressed that tells me it is time for me to sit down and take a reality check and find out why and what I need to do to make it better..whether it be take a walk, read a book meet new people whatever it takes...emotions are heathly tools for us to continue our life long journey on this earth and to follow our dreams....Keep your head up and remember nothing that you did is wasted it is all a part of who you are....
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@paw004 (10)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
We have our own share of disappointments, griefs & failures. But that shouldn't stop us from living a wonderful life in this world. That should give us enough strength to live to the fullest. When we look back we can say that we've done our part as an individual and it's our turn to touch somebody else's life by sharing with them our experiences and lessons in life. No regret, whatever that had happened, the Lord give us each day to live according to his will.
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@OOHCUTE2340 (761)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Oh I don't know, I don't think everything is a waste, I think all things happen for a reason and purpose. I think that all children around the age of 10 starting dream about being "older, wiser, bigger" its an age where you are starting to gain your footing in the world, making some of your own choices and decisions, and you start to get little taste of having some "power". From then on until your about 16, then 18, then 21, so you can't wait to grow up, to have your driver's license, your own car, your own apartment, you can't wait to be able to make all of your decisions.
And then somewhere around 30-35 you start reflecting on life, your life, your dreams, your plans, your great expectations of adulthood and you find that in some areas you are achieving what you think you should have by now, maybe you thought you'd be married, have kids, own a home, be a the top of the firm, etc. etc. and when you realize you aren't there yet and all your dreams, plans and priorities have been altered or dismissed you start feeling like it's all been a waste, but it hasn't when you begin to think about, I mean really think about it and reflect, on the lives your life have touched, and the good things that have come your way. Childhood is supposed to be a time of love, peace and prosperity and it sounds like you grew up with wonderful loving, caring parents (a whole lot more then many) take some time and look around you, in the news on the streets -- children abused, beaten, scarred, homeless, abandoned and on goes tragic reality for these kids -- look at them and then cherish those beautiful, warm, nostalgic days with your parents and friends -- from what you have described you are one of the wealthy in world today -- wealth not measured monetarily but you had security and love, peace, oh my what I wouldn't have given to have those types of vivid memories - instead the ones I have been left with.. best you should take those memories, and put them to good use, by creating some good memories for someone in need. Life is not a waste, it is a gift and we each have a choice to waste it away or put it to good use -- and the beauty of whole thing is you can change it any time you want to -- Change your perception, change your world~ :)
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@PlanetProzac (166)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Makes me feel sad too that I haven't done more with my life. That I haven't laughed enough or spent enough time with my family. I think most people will feel this way because we are human not superheroes. My biggest regret is that I didn't spend more time with my daughter.Our children are our greatest blessing. We can't get back the time but we can commit to being more loving and doing more good deeds. Atleast that's how I feel.
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@Kangleicha (376)
• India
16 Jan 07
Time is an illusion. What is today and what is tomorrow? What is yesterday and what is the past. These are all the illusions of Maya.
We are not this aging body, not this wizened mind, but we are something entirely indestructible, which can withstand the truth...that time is an illusion.
@Gohanick (50)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Finally, someone who thinks the same way I do. Though I am still a teenager, I miss all those years as a kid. Back in those days, we were innocent and carefree. As an adult for you, I think you have much more responsibilities and have to earn everything yourself. Also when we were kids, there was so much to explore and learn about. As we grow, we reach a point where we have all the knowledge there is to "survive" in society and we begin just living our days to keep ourselves alive and happy.
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@kokopelli (4842)
• United States
16 Jan 07
as we grow older, we usually look back. when i do this, i don't delve on regrets, i just focus on the happy, successful times, and the lessons i've learned from past experiences. when i made a mistake, the best i could do is to pray, repent, and forgive, then move on. life is too short to spend on sad, mad, and bad thoughts, that would just be another wasted time. i just try my best to live every moment of my life, do good to others, be good to myself, and give my best in every situation. live, laugh, love - that's the essence of life :)
@kishchun (497)
• Oman
16 Jan 07
i agree with you about the nostalgia that we have at times - yes, i do remember those good old days of childhood just like you do, being with my parents, my parents being young and i don't like the fact that they are growing old now. there is a deep sense of fear, a fear of losing them, being seperated from your loved, cherished ones.
yes, when young, we did think growing up,being big would be fun, but now we know the world , the reality, don't we? yes, there are things that are sad, but there are happy things too, right? so, let us look at the happy side of life - we can do something for our parents, something to make them happy - if we only can, if we can be near them, or anything that we can do to make them and ourselves feel good, feel better ...
hey, have i ended up confusing you more than showing a way out? hope not.
do get back to me, and yes, wish you good luck. cheer up!
@cisco1 (539)
• United States
17 Jan 07
it doesnt make me feel any better nor worse. that part of life. You have to realize that you are not going to get any younger. Yeah sometime i remember i miss the old times but you cant just dwell on it. reason being you are not going to go back in time. but i could understand what you saying and think everybody goes through it.
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@harishyeshasvi (327)
• India
16 Jan 07
enjoying each minute is must in our life, what ever it maight be
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@jeb083079 (839)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
when i reminisce those days, i can hear the song "those were the days my friend, you thought would never end..." humming through my mind... when we're getting older, we really have a tendency to be nostalgic about our past... i've lost my father last year and sometimes i can just imagine those days that i should have spend some days with them... anyways, life is too short... we really should make the most out of it... time is gold, a second spent can not be returned anymore...