Purity of the Child's Heart

@marcky (77)
January 15, 2007 8:13pm CST
The purity of the child's heart is manifested in his good deeds. Aren't you agree? Explain your idea.
1 response
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
16 Jan 07
The purity of a childs heart is in GODS hands as long as the child is taught correctly and not lead astray by the evils of the world I say the biggest part of a child and what they learn are instilled by the parents beginning at birth if you instill good values the child will follow that path allow the evils of the world and the lack of communication from the parents the purity of a childs heart could be damaged.
@marcky (77)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
Communication from parents is really the key in order to maintain the purity of the child's heart. I agree with you.