What do you think of Mormons?

United States
October 4, 2006 10:47am CST
I love them!
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17 responses
• United States
5 Jan 07
My family jioned the church 46 years ago. However, there are too many problems with the doctrines and history for me to remain a member. My experiance with it, especially when I was no longer a member has turned me off to all organized religion.
@katprice (805)
• United States
19 Jan 07
That happens with a lot of former mormons. They get so disgusted about all the lies and deceptions of the mormon organization and it completely turns them off to any religion. I'm sorry you fell into their trap but I'm glad you are out of there. Have you visited http://exmormon.org yet? If not, please check it out. There's a lot of good information and support there.
@angelicEmu (1311)
11 Jan 07
No offence to any mormons on this site, but in my own experience, they are brainwashed. They don't think they are, but they're all trained up to be little salesmen and saleswomen for their religion. They're conditioned to have certain responses to certain phrases or words, to twist logic in their own minds, and to use circular arguments and not accept logical points from non-believers. I was brought up as a Mormon, and am glad to say I escaped from it as soon as I left home (my parents, sister and grandmother are all mormons). All organised religions are about mind-control and power, but these guys take it to a whole new level. The sad thing is that the individual people are often very nice folks - they don't know they're being objectionable when they start talking about their religion, because they're taught how to talk about it with "non-members" by their leaders whom they trust. It's a real shame for them. Leaving that corrosive organisation was the best thing I ever did. I could finally be true to myself, my OWN beliefs and opinions, and be the person I really was, who I'd had to hide away under the Mormon persona. It's like a cult, and I hate the way they're portrayed as eccentric-but-harmless in the media. The individuals may be, but what they stand for, and follow is far from harmless.
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• United States
11 Jan 07
Oh, I totally agree with you. That they're brainwashed and all. Unfortunately, that didn't hit me until I was about 19 or 20. I realized that never in my life did I think for myself or make MY OWN decisions. They were all made for me and I was BRAINWASHED! It feels good to finally be away from that. Unfortunately, I'm not completely away from it because my parents are still members and think I still attend or WILL attend after my departure from home. Which, I must say, has come too late or rather... I wish it had come sooner. I'm sure I'll probably tell them someday, but I don't think they'll be able to handle yet another "heathen daughter".
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11 Jan 07
Poison_girl, good on you for realising the reality. I definitely recommend leaving that mormon house, as you'll never be able to be true to yourself whilst you're going along with their flow. I do think that "coming out" to them about not being a believer is an important part of the process. It took my family 10 years to accept me for who I am - they cut me off, tried the emotional blackmail route (which of course I knew they would), and to this day can never be completely happy for me that I've found happiness, but at least they respect me for who I am now. It's a hard thing to do, but I wouldn't do a thing differently. I could never have left that way of life whilst living under their roof - they would have tried everything they could to break me again. Physical as well as mental escape is a big part of it, and I had to get therapy to deal with what that religion and my parents had done to me, to separate the real "me" from that double-personality thing I'd learned to become. People who know Mormons, but have never been a part of that cult, or who are still part of it, only get and give the "PR" version they so carefully cultivate in the face of it they show in public. You can never fully understand it, unless you've been there yourself, and have had the strength to leave. The nearest thing I've ever seen to a description of what it's like is George Orwell's 1984. I saw the film as a teenager and nearly cried, as it perfectly embodied what I was going through with the mormon church and my parents' enforcement of it at home.
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• United States
12 Jan 07
Oh, I actually have left. Left Southern California on Christmas Day to move to Washington State. Wasn't my idea, but whatever got me out of there was good with me! I mean, it wasn't my idea to leave on Christmas Day. It was totally my idea to leave that house! Now I'm good and far away and my family can't keep tabs on me as well as they'd be able to if I was close to home. They also can't drop by unannounced! Which is oh so nice. Unfortunately, my mother e-mails me like every day and keeps asking me if I've found my ward or if I got to go to church, etc, etc. I'm hoping she'll stop asking me, but it's doubtful.
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@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
3 Dec 06
Well, I was born and raised Mormon and I like the people, but the religion is just... I don't care for it. It's not for me. I'm just not a fan of religion at all.
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• United States
11 Jan 07
Well, good for you, I guess. It doesn't give me any purpose and... yeah. Like I said, it's just not for me.
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• United States
10 Jan 07
I love being a Mormon. It has given me purpose in life. It has given me peace when the world seems so cruel. I was not raised a Mormon. I am a convert to the church.
• Philippines
12 Jan 07
Mormons are just like any one of us. God loves them, but they follow the Book of Mormons and not the Holy Bible.
@katprice (805)
• United States
19 Jan 07
In the bible it states that these are the final words and nobody is to add unto these words. (see Proverbs 30:6) Mormons broke that rule with their Book of Mormon and the Doctrines and Covenants.
• United States
16 Jan 07
We do use the King James version of the Holy Bible, both the Old and the New Testament. We do use the Book Of Mormon also but we believe that it is a companion to the Holy Bible. Just like the Old Testament is a companion to the New Testament. The Holy Bible is used as much as The Book Of Mormoan in our meetings.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I am a Mormon and it is the best thing in my life. My religion is very important to me.
@katprice (805)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Hopefully soon it won't become the ONLY thing in your life. They'll try to own you and you'll spend all your time with church activities, teaching Sunday school, forced tithing, going on missions, etc. I've seen it happen and it's very sad.
• India
21 Jan 07
I think this is another cult group, started with great promise and hopes, but with the judgement of time, they are provrd what they are ,the truth we all know,dangereous to have them in good society.
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@katprice (805)
• United States
23 Jan 07
True. They do not know whether they are coming or going and keep contradicting themselves. Just look at this website filled with info on where in one book they say one thing, and in another they totally contradict it: http://www.utlm.org/onlineresources/contradictionsinldsscriptures.htm
• United States
4 Oct 06
They're usually very nice and friendly people. The only real problem is if you are a non-Mormon and fall in love with one, you have to understand what you might be getting into if you pursue a serious relationship.
• United States
5 Oct 06
I agree. There are alot of concepts to understand. It is a very different lifestyle then most have and are used to.
• United States
15 Oct 06
That is why I tried not to date non-members much. One of the reasons behind that is it is easier to raise a family if you both have the same values and beliefs. It's hard enough to raise kids, I can't imagine fighting with a spouse about what church to take the kids to, or what to teach them.
@busymommy (260)
• United States
4 Oct 06
I am mormon and I love my religion. It is a way of living everyday not just on Sundays.
• United States
15 Oct 06
I saw you being Mormon on Monday and Tuesday and the rest of the week! Mormons are great fun! Aren't we?
• United States
16 Sep 08
visit www.imamormontoo.com I'm A Mormon Too! We have t-shirts, hats, totes, and bumper stickers that say IAM2 which stands for I'm A Mormon Too. Check out our site if you are proud to be a Mormon!
• Hong Kong
19 Nov 06
I don't know about Mormons,I don't specially like them or against them,but I heard that they believe in having more than 1 wife/husband,is that true?
@Random1 (212)
• United States
10 Dec 06
No that isn't true. It is against the law to have more then one husband/wife. When the Mormon church was in it's infancy they practice polygamy, but that ended a VERY LONG time ago.
• United States
10 Jan 07
No Mormons do not have more than one wife. We believe in following the law and the law says "A man can only have one wife". It is true that they used to have more than one wife. That was the case before the law said "no". I am a Mormon and I would never share my husband with any one else. There are alot of rumors about Mormons but if you want to know the truth, just ask one of us who are active in the Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints.
13 Jan 07
They may not practise polygamy, but the ideology of polygamy is still at the heart of their religion, as they believe it's something "God" tells them they must all accept as an idea. They think that when they die they'll have to practise it in "heaven" and that someday it will be legal, and then they'll start it up again. As I say it's part of their ethos, but something which "active members" will avoid acknowledging to "non-members", as it's not an idea they like to promote to the outside world. That's why they advise not listening to ex-members (which I am) - they know all the dodgy stuff, and no longer care about maintaining the facade the mormons have worked so hard to establish.
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@kiwimac (323)
• New Zealand
12 Jan 07
Mormons are Ok folk, great practical christians. I like 'em even as I disagree with many of the stances the LDS church takes. kiwimac former LDS elder, elder, Community of Christ
• United States
16 Jan 07
Good for you. We each can make our own decisions. I for one would not have it any other way. Our personal choices are what make us the people we are. I try to not critize other religions.
@LeslieD (59)
• United States
10 Jan 07
We just converted, Hubby and I were baptised November 24. I investigated the church for over three years, so I think I know what I've gotten myself into. I'm really enjoying the experiences with the church. I've never felt so involved, needed, and wanted by any organization in my life. It is much better for me than the Roman Catholic Church.
• United States
16 Jan 07
Congradulations to you. Our family is converts of the church also. I was baptized in 1993. My husband was baptized a year later. It has given my life so much meaning. I was like you I checked it out good before I joined.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
31 Dec 08
I have a family of very very dear friends that are mormons but my reasons for loving them has absolutely nothing to do with what religion they subsribe to. so tell me this....what do you think of catholics?
• United States
16 Sep 08
visit imamormontoo to get your I'm A Mormon Too T-shirts, hats and Bumper stickers. Mormon's rock. Abby
@AdalieM (1134)
• United States
14 Aug 11
Not very highly. I know they have feelings and they are humans. What I don't get is why you do have to go to church for more than four hours. Why do they have to wear the magic underwear and why do they have to have a strict diet. My brother became a mormon a few years ago and he changed a lot. Our relationship was ruined because of his religion
@miryam (6505)
• Italy
10 Jan 07
I dont know good, and for me I not judicate or tell nothing than sorry......
@cherylmae (173)
• Philippines
23 Apr 07
i just love being a mormon. i love how our leaders train us and teach us to become a responsible adult. i'm so glad my parents brought me up in this church.
• New Zealand
11 Mar 08
Hi ya. I have been a Member of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints all my life. I seem to be like unsure or un-something but that's cos I have a learning Disability. I am getting there but still. New Zealand Members in some areas seem to be different for some reason. I am from NZ and I have not been anywhere else outside of NZ but there's been and is still Members from other Countries who seems to be more friendly or something. Don't get me wrong it is the same Church of course but it just seems different sometimes here. Please Excuse me for that but that is just the way I see it. Catch ya later.