I dont know what to do...
By Ariana17
@Ariana17 (92)
United States
January 15, 2007 9:26pm CST
I've been depressed for years now. It actually went so far that I started cutting. I stopped for almost a year now but its getting to I want to start again. I have just been feeling so down lately and its gotten to the point where I dont want to get out of bed and sometimes I dont care if I wake up or not.
My boyfriend also isn't helping. He keeps making little jokes about me being fat or stupid. I just had a baby 6 months ago and already lost almost 50 lbs (I know I got really big) he seems to think its funny even when I get mad at him and tell him that those comments hurt. He also likes grabbing me when I dont want to be touched and he just doesn't understand that. I can even scream and kick at him and he just wont let go. And to top it all off he never gives me some alone time. He stays at home all day watching our daughter while I work and when I come home he practically throws our daughter at me. And when she's sleeping I try to go in the back room to be alone and he comes back to see what I'm doing and wont leave me alone.
I dont know what to do. Between the depression and him its driving me crazy.
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64 responses
@icjackson (186)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Depression is a spirit...and it is being fed by your environement and your refusal to react to your environment.
The first thing you should do is ask God to help you and give you direction. It often takes time to learn how to position yourself to really receive what God is freely offering to us, but you at least have to keep focusing on asking God to do whatever he has to do to help you.
Then you have to get that bum out of your house. Your "love" and devotion to him will never make him better. He is not going to realize that you and the baby are what's really important to him if you just keep holding on and keep trying. That's not how people work, and that most certainly is not how men work. IF, and I repeat IF he ever realizes that you and the baby should be priorities, it will only be after you are long gone and he has enough time alone to process it.
He is abusing you, and you are letting him. If you ever want to rise from the depths of depression, you have to muster all of the strength you have and work toward improving your life.
Don't focus on big achievements. Just do the little things. Comb your hair. Brush your teeth. Take a shower. Then organize something that is out of order. Take care of responsibilities that you have been putting off. The little victories will give you more strength to begin tackling the big issues.
And if your life is no longer precious enough to you to do it for yourself, do it for your child. Your child needs you to be healthy, sane, and ready to focus on her and not yourself.
I love you, God loves you, and if you need to talk more privately, feel free to contact me.
I.C. Jackson
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@Ariana17 (92)
• United States
17 Jan 07
First off I've been depressed for years before I met him. I know he's not always helping but its not his fault I'm depressed. I wanted help on how to make it work I don't want to leave him. But thankx for your support it means a lot coming back here and see how many people are trying to help
@banta78 (4326)
• India
16 Jan 07
I think you have to get your act together and get your priorities in life right. I think you are responible person who is taking too much care of the entire family, household and child and your hubby is just having good time at your expense. In marriage, both husband and wife should work together and be supportive of each other. I feel your hubby really is insensitive to your feelings, doesn'ty give you your space, doesn't do work at home or outside and is totallt reliant on you and then top it off he makes fun of you. I think in such a environment would get depressed and fed up with life.
But remember that you have made these choicesa nd oly you can correct yur past mistakes. first try to seriously warn your hubby to improve his behaviourtowards you and start taking care of you, child, and supporting you both and doing job and helping youa t home. Alos take the help of community leaders, local women's groups and also take hwelp of your familiexs to get some sense in hs head. but if everything fails then just leave your hubby and start your life afresh so that you can take care of yourself and your child. I think your friends, family and local women's groups might help you out.
Then don't worry about depression as it is only mental condition that can be easily improved if you get a healthy environment both at home and work. You need to recgnise your self worth, have self confidence, dignity and feel you are truly beautiful peson as yu have good heart and ar nice eprson. And god always does good, to good people. So have faith in yourself and your abilites and your god and things will definately improve. Have your personal space, time when just enjoy and have fun doing things which you like. Also consult doctor so that he can counsel you and take medication if required. try doing yoga, and meditation and chanting of prayers it will calm you down. Also don't take yourself too seriously and have sense of humour, it helps. enjoy life, have fun and live life to fullest. good luck.
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@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Depression, boyfriend...a bit 'out of control'...and hormones still out of whack...
Hon, maybe a bit of counseling, some antidepressants, even an exercise program to get your body making a bit more dopamine, not to loose weight...that will happen regardless.
Seems like your boyfriend has no understanding of boundries, and maybe you haven't established any...
All I can say for sure is that cutting isn't going to make any of the problems go away...only add new ones into the mix...I do understand why you used to cut and what you thought it did for you, letting out the pain and establishing that small amount of control over yourself and your life...yet there are other ways, better more permanant ways to accomplish these things.
Most counties have a 'human development dept.', offering reduced fees or even free counseling. Depending on your income level, there are organizations offering 'respite care' for children, giving working Mom's a break, especially when there is an obvious need such as yours.
Do something nice for yourself. I don't care if it is a long bath or a couple hours at a movie, or buying something pretty just because you like it.
Call Social Services and ask about respite care and counseling services, help may be much closer and more available than you ever imagined.
You are not alone. Please make a call and ask for help. Do it for you because you are worth it.
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@shivprasad (176)
• India
16 Jan 07
To get rid of this you must have to get off to the routine you used before.
If it does not seem to work at all then you can try to get him at work or seek a job on his own and get busy in the work.
Else you can have a direct talk with him but like of a friend and not an advice.
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@konyaku (116)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
you should try a new hobby to keep your mind off your problems. When you're thingking about something else and being preoccupied by that certain thing, you'll forget all about your worries. Just make sure that the new hobby will keep you away from your depression and is worthwhile
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@CC09241974 (69)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I also forgot to say WAY TO GO on quick weight loss!! Many take years to take the weight off or never!
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@Lemongrass18 (313)
• Singapore
16 Jan 07
Your boyfriend sounds insensitive to your feelings. Have a serious one-on-one chat with him and let him know that you need some personal space. If all else fails, will it be possible for you to move to your friends or parents' house for a couple of days just to be alone?
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@CC09241974 (69)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I don't want to say I completely understand, but have an idea of what you are going through. I have went through some times in my life I wanted to give up! Just a couple weeks ago I was almost admitted to the psychiatric ward, but lied my way out of it! I did get help though and feel MUCH better!
First, if you are thinking of hurting yourself, get help please. If for nobody else, think of your little girl! You may not think so right now, but she does and will need YOU in her life!
Second, Do you love your boyfriend? Or do you think he is using you? If there is a strong enough bond between you two, you should be able to work things out, whether by talking and working it out together or counseling.
Third, yes you do need a little time for yourself! Without time for yourself, you go crazy! My husband and I could not work this one out (as well as many others) we are filing for divorse.
Last, You need to take care of yourself and your little girl, if that means you would be safer and happier without him, so be it! You do not want to be miserable for years to come. It will put strain on your little girl. My son is depressed and unhappy most of the time, because that is how he was raised. Even if you feel you are hiding these feelings, young children still sence this!
These are ONLY my suggestions...Do NOT think I am telling you this is what has to be done!
Good Luck and keep me posted on how things are going!
@ihsanul_aniq (1118)
• Malaysia
16 Jan 07
My suggestion to this, we even know the happy family was. And it will never happen when there is no contribution both two side. The almost thing seem happen is like your cases. I didn't say this cause i have the experienced, but from the others story and thought. There is something good that we do not know behind the scene. When you expecting something good, then it will come, no matter how long it will takes, it just about our believes.
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@mommy2taylor1 (405)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I know you said you've been depressed for years & just recently wanted to start cutting again. I'm sorry. You sound like you've got a lot going on with your life. Way to go on losing the 50 pounds :) But, first of all--you just had a baby-- your emotions/hormones can all be out of wack which could explain why your feeling the way you are. Not to mention the comments your hearing from your boyfriend, having a baby that needs time with you as well as working. That's alot to deal with.
Have you thought about seeing a counselor? I know some work places offer free counseling it's like EPA's or something where the work place will pay for counseling for you. Even joining a support group on-line or boards like these can be helpful as well.
Also, if you haven't already--maybe check with your Dr. & see if there is some medicine that could help you. I think you should focus on all the great things you have in your life and your accomplishments & make some time for yourself & do something you enjoy and love to help you relax. Good luck.
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@Hipponater (262)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Definitely talk to him about it. Tell him exactly how you feel and really make it clear to him that what hes doing is NOT ok.
Losing 50lbs is great! Good job on it. It sounds like you have tons to live for, especially with a daughter. Try to talk to your boyfriend and tell him, and if he doesn't listen, maybe talk about being seperated so he gets the clue to pay attention if he really wants to be with you.
Best of luck!
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@uniquewndr (13)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Depression is very serious and you cutting yourself is a very serious act I know you mentioned you have a small daughter at home who is just six months the best thing you could do is try to seek some professional help and talk to someone if not for yourself but for your daughter, because if you are not well it would ultimately affect her also. Your boyfriend seems to being add fuel to the fire if he is not part of the solution then he is obviously part of the problem. The last thing you need is someone who is going to talk down on you and make you feel like less of a person because as the old saying goes you have to love yourself first before you could love anyone else.
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@harishyeshasvi (327)
• India
16 Jan 07
Please dont depreesed, love yourself, love things surrounding you, and enjoy it
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@jaredlp (418)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Wow, time to get a little indepth. First off y are u supporting his a_ _ make him get a job too no reason he cant be doing a lil something to get out of the house. You didnt mention rather u r religous or not but most churches now a days offer councily both for u indepentaly and for couples i would do both... i said churchs cuz they are a lot cheaper then going to a indepentant coucler but if u are not religous then go through ur companys insurance to find one or yellow pages tomorrow the sooner u start the sooner u will see a differance. through couciling u can bring up the boundary issues and the alone time issues. When u go on ur own u can bring up the self worth issues... though his comments do not help and how ever funny he thinks they are, are not funny... Be prepared though for him to resist wanting to go because he got a good thing going y would he want to change. Good luck and remember that the sun is shining somewhere
@milosmom (60)
• United States
17 Jan 07
i have benn depressed nearly my whole life. it got alot worse after i had my baby so i finally started taking medication. i didn't want to before b/c most of the people i know look down on that sort of thing, but it really does help. alot. i have taken zoloft for about 2 1/2 years and i have no complaints. people who don't have depression don't understand. it's not just being sad or having a bad day. it is a real medical condition that for some people requires medication. please talk to your doctor and see what your options are. as for the husband, he sounds like a real jerk. you should try to talk to him about this stuff. good luck!
@loved_0506 (84)
• United States
16 Jan 07
you know what honey, learn to love yourself for who u r on the iside not your outward appearance..... once you do that, the outlook on life for you will be much better!! LOVE YOURSELF FIRST!!! and if someone is putting you down they really dont love you and you do not need that .... nor does your child need that sort of environment ...... i will send up prayers for you my friend ..... keep your head up, learn to smile at yourself in the mirror........ you ARE beautiful and you ARE worth more than being put down!!!!
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@rking247 (65)
• United States
17 Jan 07
wow,you say you have been depressed for years,you dont say how many,but when you describe how you feel,right now i'm going thru the same thing,my situation is a litle different.its an economical matter,but i have the same feelings i don't want to get out of bed,i just want to be alone in my room,i got this awfull pain allover my neck that just don't want to go away,i 'm lying in bed and can't spleep,or two months already and i'm just tire of it,but we need to thinkabout our self a litle bit more couse nobody else will for us,i say to you,lets figth this together,your not alone,and like some one else wrote put faith on God,you can do it,we can do it,i can see you are very strong,for carring this for years,but you have the power to change this,don't think about it no more...just take charge,stop and say;no more,today i'm making changes,and do it,i belive in you,
@ChuckGel (244)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
If I were you Ariana17, i will have to talk to my boyfriend and let him know what you want to do. Let him know all the things that keeps on bothering you so that he can help. Talk to him for can never guess what are the things that you needed and what your problems are. Tell him frankly and show to him the real feeling you have inside cause if he really loves you he will then help you but if not, sorry to tell you that he somehow doesn't love the real being you. Let him know everything okey?
@yourbeeswax (16)
• United States
18 Jan 07
hello Aromatherapy helps you can visit yurbeeswax.com and pick a candle (melts are very good too) that contain these essential oil.that benefits the symptom of depression.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
24 Oct 10
Well, sometimes its unavoidable that we feel depressed for the day..but for the health its not a good side, i believe in Meditation which will balance our mind and helps to be normal at situations
