Ouija Board?? Do you have a story why you would or would not use one?
@CORDALE (866)
United States
9 responses
@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
story about oujia? hmm i have something similiar like oujia story except they dont use the board, they make it themselves but the principal is the same.
the story goes like this, it involve four girls in school. They decided to try the game for fun at first, to add thing up they decided to offer blood for the spirit (on of the girl has menstrual, they offer her blood). They played during midnight when everyone else was sleeping. they treat it as joke but until, past 1 am they can hear faint voice asking for the blood they offer, they all scatter and run in terror! they forgot to send the spirit back to where it came so the spirit become very angry and possess one of the girl! this is a true story, it happen in brunei not too long ago, maybe 3 or 4 month. this case sent a huge shockwave across the nation and even to neighbouring country!. even sultan brunei (King of Brunei) make a visit to that school to listen to this story, i has a video about that girl being exorcise by holyman, he make the ghost to promise not to return again! if you want i can post a link here.
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@CORDALE (866)
• United States
5 Oct 06
wow..very real...I would love to see a link so I can teach my kids that this isnt a game. I feel that people take these games too lightly and the scary part is you can purchase a ouija board at toy stores. if knowledge is power perhaps people will start to learn that this Isnt something to play with...Please email me the link. thank you for sharing this story

@Jusred (1578)
• United States
21 Nov 06
I used to own one as a teenager, do not know whatever happened to it~?
I never saw anything 'abnormal', but that is just MY story..
I do believe they should not be in the wrong hands, at the wrong time, and definately not at the wrong place!
My mousepad is actually an 'Ouija Board'...LOL~
@blondetruly (826)
• United States
5 Oct 06
Before I became a christain I used to play with them. And one night I was asking questions and my son came into the room he was 18 at the time. Anyways he was not playing with me but was saying mean things to the board and to the so called spirits on there. Well he went into his room and my clothes iron fell off the shelf and almost hit him in the head. He came into the living room later and we had this gas heater on the wall and as he walked past it the flames like jumped toward him. It was pretty odd that it happend like it did. Later that night my daughter was in the room and I was told to tell her she was going to get married to a guy named Steven. So I told her, and later when she did get married His name was Josh. So I said well I guess you did not marry a Steven, She said well mom Josh's middle name is Steven. How creepy huh?!?!
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@CORDALE (866)
• United States
5 Oct 06
thank you for sharing. my mother played it onece and asked if i would have any more kids i had one at the time and it said no more kids well I can tell you I have 4 kids so now i know they tell you anything and i wouldnt bank on anything. has anyone ever gotten the lottery numbers??? LOL just kidding.
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@blondetruly (826)
• United States
5 Oct 06
No lotter winner here...but it would be nice ;)
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
26 Nov 06
hey there,,how ya doin? I have a great experience to tell you..and to this day i still get nightmares once in awhile..I was at my friends birthday sleep over party..we were 13..there was about 6 of us..and Michelle got her board out..my mom told me what happened to her when she was little with her board so i was really freaked out..but at the same time i didnt want to look like a dork/loser party pooper..sooo i went and tried it with them...we must have tried for soo many minutes and i was just ready to say enough this is stupid..when it started moving..and ive never been a dumb nieve person..so i thought it was one of them moving it..i said u guys suck whos moving it??Then all of a sudden her stereo came on..NO ONE WAS NEAR IT..and it got soo damn cold inside..i felt liek i wanted to puke..yea i was that scared..then the window shattered..and the dresser got knocked down..only one person got hurt..a piece of glass cut her tow..we ran out of the room..screaming our lumgs out..tod her mom what hapepend..she flipped cause she didnt know she had one..grabbed it and burned it in the pit..to this day..liek now thinking about it..I wanna get sick...thats my piece of horror..what about you?
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@amikathleen (575)
• United States
28 Nov 06
Coldness hovering above your hands is a SURE indication that a presence is there. I had a few bad experience, but I knew how to handle it. There was one time, when I first began my excursion with board, that freak me out a little.
My mom-n-law loves chimes and had a ton of them hanging in the kitchen doorway. Well, just before we said our opening prayer, it was as if an angry force slammed their hands through the chimes. This happened twice. We were annoyed, so we prepared to go on the board to banish, or at least find out why this entity was angry. It refused to allow us our prayer. By this I mean is, the indicator was zipping across the board, pulling and pushing us away from the starting point. My sister grew angry and we applied all of our pressure on the indicator to keep it in place. Said the OUR Father about 20 times until it was gone. In the meantime it kept on spelling out OLD LADY OUT. My mother n law has psychic energy around her and that is who they were referring to. The washing machine went bananas!
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
3 Dec 06
well, just yesterday I watched a show which said the person which inspired the story "The Exorcist" was a teenage boy (I never knew that, it was a girl in the movie) - an Aunt came to visit and he used the ouiji board with her, which she had brought over.. and beginning that night was the experiences which "The Exorcist" was based on.. That's all I've ever heard, relating to ouiji boards..
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
26 Sep 07
I got into ouijo boards a few years ago and I must say I became addicted. It was so exciting to be able to contact 'spirits' (who knows what they really are-my fiance says it's really the devil). When the glass starts moving it's a mixture of adrenalin, mystery and excitedness. I contacted a few spirits, some I got details out of, others were speaking gobbledygook. When my mum and my aunts were younger, they did a seance and contacted an 8 year old girl called Ace. To this day, onthe odd occassion something happens where her name will come up. All different things have happened in the past 30 odd years like buying brand new books and later finding 'Ace' written in pencil in the back cover, my grandmother's elderly friend saying to her daughter 'there's a little girl called Ace who keeps annoying me, tell her to go away, she won't leave me alone'. Um...my gtrandmother used to read to a blind lady years ago and the blind lady would talk about how a little girl called Ace would bring her friends to come see her etc.
Anyway I was doing a seance one night and I asked to talk to Ace. Sure enough I got her and I was asking questions like 'how old are you' and of course the glass went to '8'. Now when I did this we had our eyes closed, and imagine my suprise when I opened my eyes and say the glass on '8'. But looking back, I wouldn't recommend it, because what if Ace was a bad spirit? She's still with us today and if she was bad that's a possible poltergeist haunting our family for 30 years, so don't risk it!
@bloo_equinox (422)
• United States
4 Sep 07
The Ouija board... (or, YesNo board) is nothing but a game. I have played it many times. and nothing has happend spiritually or hauntingly... it's only a game. People need to stop freaking out over a game in my town. I bought the Ouija board at Pamida (keep in mind I ALWAYS wear black, all black, i'm christian goth) and people stared at me like i was the spawn of satan! WTF?? and one of them actually pulled one of there kids away from me! I looked at the woman and said "Oh Grow up!" it was mean... but then I was having a bad week. im not that mean otherwise. But yea...its a fake game... its no different than the pendelum game or the cootie catcher fortune teller that u make from paper. SERIOUSLY... IT IS ONLY A GAME. It's not evil at all. Oui is french Ja is french. For it to be evil... it would be writtin in Latin. Thank you, I know i know my spiritual stuff. No need to thank me. : )
@barbiegirl13 (1588)
• United States
3 Oct 07
Wow! I also love your comment ant I totally agree with you that it is nothing other than a game. I think that people just get spooked while playing it and every noise they hear becomes a spirit. I had the same topic a month back and I just recieved a nasty response from someone who attacked me on my spelling of the word ouija. They also had commented that I should not mess with anything I didn't know about especially if I could not spell it ;) Keep up the good post and responses