What have they done to Fox?

United States
January 16, 2007 2:16pm CST
I can not believe what they have done with his character. He used to be a strong man. He had morals and ethics even though he was a Crane. What they have turned him into after changing who plays his character is beyond ridiculous to me. I never thought I would see him in the light of being so cruel and heartless. The way he is acting does not even meet up to Crane standards. No other Crane would go to this level in order to 'keep a woman'. What are your thoughts on this?
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7 responses
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
16 Jan 07
At first, when they changed actors, I was kind of happy because it meant the original actor was moving on to bigger things. I liked Fox's actor a lot, and I've seen him in mainstream shows and been impressed. But... yeah, not happy with the changes. He was always the 'good' Crane, as far as I was concerned. He stood out because he did have morals and he wouldn't stoop low to get what he wanted. And now....
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• United States
16 Jan 07
I completely agree with you. Its hard enough for viewers to get used to a new actor/actress playing the parts of some of their favorites but then to change the way the part is played always boggles my mind. The old Fox was sly and cunning but this new persona doesnt fit the 'Fox mold'. So sad to see a good part turned to something so silly
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@shambuca (2524)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I never liked him from the beginning he seems very wimpy- now that they are turning him into a real Crane I can hardly stomache watching it. I am sitll upset that Julian and Eve are broken up- I like the old/new Julian when he was nice.
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• United States
17 Jan 07
Yes I know what you mean. Julian makes me ill but the way Eve can bounce back and forth between the two men is amazing as well. Seems her heart has less to do with the fact that she cant handle to be alone...
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@mandakat (879)
• Canada
19 Jan 07
Ugh I know. Especially lately. At first, I had mixed feelings, because I don't think the new actor resembles him much, especially his height, and I don't like his looks (from loving the previous actor's looks). But then I thought hey, don't be judgmental... Does it ever feel to anyone as if they SAY oh "the actor wanted to do other things".... maybe whether it was the studio dumping them, or the actor dumping the studio? Like some... unwritten contract? You be nice to any studio you dump, with the assumption that should any studio ever dump you, they'll be cool about it?? Because every time they change characters on shows, I often feel that they... "use the opportunity"... to change the character COMPLETELY. Sometimes I even suspect the old actor reads through and that it affects their urge to go do other things. Regardless... ugh. I was such a huge fan of him... and then him and Kay. I even still am, more than Kay and Miguel... but I... he just keeps being HORRIBLE. Then again, I suppose I liked Kay even ALL through her HORRIBLE (as in, from the generation of her character to ALMOST the present) forms... I also LOVE Fancy (as much as I thought I"d LOATHE her when they introduced her). She's almost my fave... but the new plot? Where they're making her out to be crazy? It's driving me nuts. She's not, and the constant recap, and Sheridan attention, is buggin' me. Enough rambling huh? LOL! Sorry... I'm away from my Passions-watching friends at the moment and I had to vent. ;)
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I used to really like Fox, but now they have made him just one of the Cranes. I really wish they would not have done that.
@jfeets726 (775)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I don't watch Passions as much as I used to, but I wasn't very impressed with the guy who took over Justin Hartley's Fox. I can't remember the new guy's name. Now it isn't that he is really bad, but you could almost tell right away that they were going to take the character of Fox into a new direction. One day a few months or weeks ago, lol I can't even remember, and I turned on Passions and I was shocked. It was kind funny, like what you mentiond, they were talking about how he was a true Crane, because he was being evil and all that crap, but it was so stupid. Like you said, no Crane would go through that much trouble to keep a woman. I just found it kind of ironic and stupid.
@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
17 Jan 07
The new Fox doesn't act smart and dad has to bail him out a lot. I think part of the problem is the new Fox isn't as good an actor, so is letting us down and hopefully won't be with us long. He doesn't make me want to watch and many times I walk out of the room when he is on the television.
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• Canada
12 Feb 07
I totally agree with you. But I do have to admit that the new person that does Fox fits his character. The old Fox (justin hartly) is too sweet looking to be that evil
• United States
12 Feb 07
That is my entire point though. This new Fox is not the character he has always been. Fox although a Crane by birth has never acted in such a vile manner until they brought on this new guy to play him.
• United States
13 Feb 07
That always happens! Everytime a new actor comes in it totally changes the character and ruins every situation! I wish that the same actors would just stay forever!!
• United States
13 Feb 07
I love Passions, I've been watching it since day one but it seems like everyone is turning evil on this show! It's funny to hear what others think about the characters because I didn't see Fox as an ethical or moral person as you do which is different...how you think of Fox is what I thought about Miguel, now he's all evil, too. Sheridan was one of the most moral and ethical person on that soap but it seems like even she is turning a little bit evil, too! I don't know what's going on with this show because Theresa used to be such a sweetheart...but now she's just crazy!