what do you think of global warming?
By rosebug23
@rosebug23 (1906)
October 5, 2006 2:05am CST
is global warming caused by pollution or is it just a natural cycle
12 responses
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
14 Dec 06
I think that some of it would be caused by pollution as well as cutting down trees that have been around for centuries. The world's population is rising and this is another contributing factor because the more people there are, the higher the pollution levels will be and the more space needed to house and grow food.
No one country or person can fix this problem, and whilst the world is prepared to let poorer nations continue to pollute, many other nations will not agree to a reduction in their carbon emissions, because of the adverse effect it will have on their own population. Australia is one of those countries, because the government believes that to agree to a reduction will put our country and it's industries at a disadvantage when we are competing with countries that have no restrictions placed on them. Either every country must abide by the same rules, or there is no point in having them.
However, I also think that there is an element of this being a natural cycle, because nobody has been around for long enough to know what has happened in the past.
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@wizard2000 (19)
• Romania
20 Dec 06
It is not just the atmosphere and what it contains. Those are the very long time factors.
The basic Earth climate cycles are more affected by the varying Earth tilt, wobble & eccentricity than atmosphere contents.
look here : [url]http://www.koshland-science-museum.org/exhibitgcc/causes08.jsp[/url]
There are theories that say, human activity is affecting the Earth spin. Things like building massive cities, dams, large surface mines, earth moving in general on huge scale. Sort of like moving the weights around when balancing a car tire.
Then you have the ocean currents and their conveyor belt effect at distributing thermal energy on the planet. And how it is affected by human activities, especially putting more fresh water into the oceans.
Clearly we should be paying attention to atmosphere gases and doing far more to limit emissions.
But when an individual buys that big SUV, do they consider the effects. Nope, I got the money, my wife will be impressed, plus I am getting a tax write off.
When they demand a new taller bigger house, do they consider the effects. Nope, only what are costs in money terms. Never that it affects the Earth rotation by 2.13 x 10 to the minus 24 percent.
When we as humans get serious enough to make public policy that forces individuals to live in harmony with the planet then things will change. Going to have to be World Wide. Until then it is like rolling the dice. The new Chinese economy will really put things to the test. What happens when there are two billion rich Chinese???
Excuse me, I got to go flush that toilet one more time, get some more fresh water into the ocean in about another 213 days. Crank up that thermostat another 10 degrees. I am counting on all the enviromentalists to offset my effects. Not to worry I filled up my car and truck today.
You have to save the planet one individual at a time.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
30 May 07
Definately there is global warming but I think it is not nearly as bad as the alarmists would like us all to believe it is. Think back on history and the ice age we have all heard and read so much about. Now if what they say about it, there had to be global warming then too. The big question is what caused the ice to melt back then, as I doubt there was an industry or pollution then.
We can all do our little bit for the environment, but that is to be able to live better lives. We can plant trees, grow our own fruit and vegetables (unless you want to buy some of my organically grown ones that is), we can walk instead of driving everywhere, we can conserve water, recycle water and so on. They will help the environment and reduce the amount of pollution. More important is that if we do these things we will have a better life, with better health and be fitter.
The present problem with global warming has been happening for a very long time. Talk to the oldtime farmers and by that I mean those who are 80+ and listen to their tales. They will tell you what time of the year they can remember planting things with their fathers and how that has now changed. So, if that is global warming it has been going on for most of last century.
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
2 Mar 07
Hi rosebug,
here's my opinion (and I'm never wrong - I know I might be someday, but Hell will be mighty frosty then)...
1. Ice ages have been coming and going for millennia. What has caused all the fluctuations in the past? Did Fred Flinstone and Barney put too much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere? I think not...
2. Nothing is what it seems, and just because the media gets onto a bandwagon (with all the other agenda-pushers) doesn't mean that bandwagon's catch-cry has any more basis or credibility.
3. All the planets - ALL the planets - are going through a "global warming" right now. Do cart farts in outback Australia somehow achieve escape velocity and rematerialize on Mars? I think not.
4. Nothing is what it seems, or what we have been taught to believe. The Sun is NOT a big fluffy ball of nuclear gases. It's a big, black, very SOLID ball at the center of the Solar System. And our "scientists" have got it SO wrong, they actually have NO CLUE IN THE WORLD as to just WAHT the Sun and the other stars might actually be, or how they work.
5. The Sun has been getting hotter ever since anyone bothered to start taking measurements. Remember those previous Ice Ages? The Sun does whatever it feels like doing, and no amount of plugging cows' butts is going to make any difference to the temperature here on Earth, on Mars or on any of the other planets.
Now, I'm not suggesting for an instant that this means that it's okay to chop down forests, destroy rainforests, kill off cute little critters by the truckload and generally stuff up the biosphere. The biosphere is where we live - and it's not going to sustain us if we keep screwing it to the wall. Just the reduction in atmospheric oxygen levels has made a huge difference to human susceptibility to degenerative diseases. And cutting down forests really isn't all that smart - cue a rolling shot of the Sahara Desert... that used to be all forests and farmland, and now it's a desert bigger than all of Australia (hint - that's big)...
BUT save your energy and brain power and don't waste time on this "Global Warming - Greenhouse Gas" nonsense. If anyone wants to be doing something constructive, they'd be putting some serious thought into just HOW we're going to cope as the SUN (not the cow-farts, kiddies, the SUN) keeps right on doing what it does and just keeps getting hotter.
And for anyone out there who wants to know HOW hot, forget about asking the "scientists" - they're all still living in the delusion that the Sun is a big fluffy nuclear furnace, and worse, actually believe their own propaganda when they tell us that they know what's going on - no kiddies, if yu want an idea HOW hot the Sun can get if it feels like doing it, go look up the verse in the Old Testament that refers to a time coming in the future when the Sun will shine sevenfold, and the Moon will be as the Sun (another hint, kiddies - that's getting pretty warm)...
@sumitvella (379)
23 Dec 06
Watch 'An Inconvenient Truth'
The movie is a real eye opener on this topic.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
28 Mar 07
I dont doubt for a minute it is happening. What i do doubt is the alarmist's cry that we are doing it. The first thing they say is that it is undisputed in the scientific community. WRONG. there is a vast number of them world wide who doubt the current politicaly correct theory. The stuidies that point to humans are flawed and skeewed at best. A single large volcanic eruption spews more greenhouse gasses in one burp than the entire human race has since the dawn of the industrial age. What was the cause of climate change before there were humans? Did the dinosaurs drive big SUV's?
The fact is climate change has been around as long as climates have been around. its a natural cycle of the planet. A planet i will add that we still are just beginning to learn about relatively.
Another point alarmists like to pint to is the hurricane season a couple years ago...they lay ther blame of katrina on global warming. WRONG AGAIN. hurricane seasons run in regular cycles....was camile a result of global warming back in the day? or the galviston hurrican? The cycle is roughly a 50 year cycle and those 2 hurricanes are about 50 years apart and roughly 50 yrs later along comes katrina right on schedual.
Now i dont advocate pollution and im all for conserving energy and cleaning up the environment but i think it does a great dis-service to human kind to push alarmism into the for front of science.
@milott (2646)
• India
14 Dec 06
Global warming is a very dangerous and slowly killing phenomenon which most of the countries at present are ignoring or pretending to be ignoring it. This could be partly because its effect is not going to affect in the very recent past but will take 100 years to have effect and destroy the whole of earth. I feel all these were man-made due to pollution from vehicle and other sources which is unavoidable these days. With the ice in north pole breaking every year, I really don’t know what will happen in the future and what will be future our generations to come. All the countries should look into this matter very soon before it becomes too late and goes beyond our hands.
@ahmedmohiuddin (305)
• India
23 Dec 06
its a serious problem, we have to collectively take measurements to prevent it
@whitematter (501)
• India
23 Dec 06
there are many factors which increase global warming such as
The gasses our cars and trucks emit into the atmosphere, air conditioning and heating our homes and offices and other abuses of natural resources contribute to climate change. If we continue to abuse earth and overuse our resources we don't know how much climate change can be expected in the future. But , we know we must do something to try and stop this global trend!