i love you

January 16, 2007 3:55pm CST
Have you ever used these words without trully feeling it?Would you be capable to live with someone you didn´t love?
15 responses
@uaccou (35)
• Italy
22 Jan 07
It was terrible. I did it, but I felt too dirty inside to go on like that. I went away from him, and now I'm happy. Sure, I'm not able to stand a situation like that, even if I've lived it. I think sometimes can help thinking before cutting a relationship that may really worth and discover that you really love. But when you know you have nothing to do with him... them, it's time to go away and say bye bye. Sad, yes, but that's the truth
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• Portugal
22 Jan 07
Sometimes the best thing to do is walk away and don´t look back.
@occasus (27)
• Italy
22 Jan 07
I've never said these words, because I've never fallen in love.
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• Portugal
22 Jan 07
Well i hope you will someday.Good luck
• Hong Kong
16 Jan 07
I have never told anybody that I love him,because I'm afraid of this kind of promising saying,but I've heard him used it on me,and I didn't think it was 100 % true.
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• Portugal
16 Jan 07
It will come the day when you will say i love you when you find the right person.
• Philippines
22 Jan 07
Saying I love you is not a play so don't say words if you do not mean it or you will end up broken hearted. Why you should live with someone you did not even love at all? Or it will be a life time sacrifice.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
21 Jan 07
relationship - Happiness
Yes, I can admit I said that also. But, loving them just not being "in love" with them. I am divorced and I couldn't live with the person I as with. When the feelings and love is gone, you are not happy anymore...
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• Portugal
22 Jan 07
We can be happy as friends,but living in the same house with a person that we don´t love anymore isn´t easy.
• United States
22 Jan 07
No I can't say those words without feeling the love. It's not right. I also can't waste my time living with someone who I didn't love. I proved that with my last husband. At first, I loved him until things went bad which crushed the love so I got out. No one should be with anyone who they don't love. It's a waste of time.
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@katyzzz (2897)
• Australia
17 Jan 07
No, I don't think so
• Indonesia
17 Jan 07
no... i cannot do that.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Jan 07
No I have not and I have no intenetion of ever using those words without meaning it either and no I would not live with someone if I don't love them why make myself unhappy
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@jenbatres (799)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I take love seriously and would not say it unless I meant it. If someone told me they loved me and I didn't love them -- I would either say nothing or tell them I enjoy their company. I could live with someone I didn't love but i couldn't sleep with them.
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• United States
17 Jan 07
I did as a teenager and it made it hell to break up (the guy just didn't get it). I then used it when I was engaged and it hurt when he couldn't fully commit to the relationship by telling his mom and the last time I did was with the man I thought I loved (very quickly realized it was a mistake) and was stuck being married to him for 11 1/2 years (and were they ever miserable!) After we separated, I made a decision that I wasn't going to be the first one to say it, that the man would have to say it to me and I've held true to it. I've only gone so far as to say to him "I think I'm falling for you...and I wish I wasn't". Still no L word from him. I don't know if I could.
• Pakistan
22 Jan 07
I have just said these words once and these words werent said by me. These words come out directly from my heart. My mouth just expressed it but the connection was directly from my heart. No, ofcourse not. How can we be capable with the person whome we dont love. How can we spoil our life by spending whole of it with the person whome we don't love.
• Portugal
22 Jan 07
The discussion is about if u said the words without feeling it,you must not have understood.
@darkblade (123)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
For me that's the worst thing that you could ever do to the other person. It's like your lying to them and giving them false hope. I really couldn't live with someone i didn't really love because it would show on me that i really don't love her. And what good would that do? Would you want that done to you? I know i don't, coz it would hurt too much.
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• India
17 Jan 07
i dont knw abt future bt still i've not experienced this kinda situation .
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• United States
16 Jan 07
never ever