The Problem of Pain
By danjenkins
@danjenkins (646)
United States
10 responses
@craftwave (1338)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Scripture says that by one man sin entered into the world and by one man a way was made to overcome sin. It is because of that sin that there is pain and bad things happening in this world. We live in a fallen world. Scripture also says that it rains on the just and the unjust. Meaning that things will happen to everyone. How you choose to deal with it can make it worse or better. God can use what Satan tries to do to us for good if we let Him. When we suffer it is not because God wants us to feel the pain like Jesus did but because there is sin. God can use the pain to make us more compassionate, more caring and more appreciative of what we have. And we know that we have a caring God in the name of Jesus who also suffered and can understand all that we go through because of his suffering.
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@craftwave (1338)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I totally agree with you. At least we have a God who understands when we hurt so he knows just what we need and how long we need.
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@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
30 Jan 07
In addition, suffering from pain makes us humble and patient which is the way of God to purify us like gold being passed on fire to purify it, seven times, just imagine.
@danjenkins (646)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I just realized I've been on at least 3 weeks ago! WoW .. this has already been an interesting journey.
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@jennybeans (912)
• United States
3 Feb 07
God or no god, pain exists in life to create balance. If life were good all the time, would we appreciate it or take advantage of it? If we knew nothing of suffering, how would we know to enjoy the life we have? We would have nothing to compare it to, and even the slightest dent in our joy would be a major drama.

@danjenkins (646)
• United States
4 Feb 07
WoW .. good cannot exist without evil, or else we cannot know what good is? I see your point, BUT, Goodness IS! It does not have to have contrast to be known as good. You've raised a very interesting point, and I'm going to have to think about this some more.
Someone has done extensive philosphical thought about defining beauty. (Maybe it was a psychological or artistic based study). They say that the standards of beauty can be defined .. there are certain aesthetic shapes and proportions which are instantly recognized as beautiful. In fact, it is only a sick psyche that views ugliness and profane things as "beautiful". So, the question might be, if everything in the world, and if everyone in the world were beautiful, wouldn't that fact still be recognizable? hmmmmmmmmm
And, the further focus of the book, if it ever gets finished, will be on accepting and adapting to the reality of pain and suffering in the world. Those who get hurt the worst are those who refuse to accept that the world is less perfect than they demand it to be.
I'm a very positive cynic, firmly based in reality. The cynic part of me expects the worst and is thus constantly surprised to find that people are much, much better than expected. However, when a real dirt bag comes along, it doesn't upend my world! And, I'm a positive person, because I work at keeping my attitude and perspective rooted in optimism .. I believe that I can improve on every situation in my life, with God's help. And, as a realist, I don't allow idealism and fantasies to lead me into a belief system that does not work in this reality: time, space, etc.
@jennybeans (912)
• United States
4 Feb 07
That's an interesting explanation for it. I do believe that good could not exist without evil, how else would we know it was good. Thanks again for posing this question, and good luck with your research.
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@chello63 (305)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
even our God got pain when he is executed. he just wants us to feel the pain not being executed but for our wrongdoings. not all the time we feel happiness. we are human that can be happiness, we also feel pain, sadness, sorrow andto cry.. just believing in god and to put trust in him im sure you can only feel a little bit pain..
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@danjenkins (646)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I appreciate your perspective. If I may ask, if pain is for wrongdoings, why do good people suffer and experience pain from time to time?
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@moneyseeker (1024)
21 Jan 07
I feel that we are here to learn and are in control (or should be) of our lives. We bring pain and sorrow on ourselves. It's the 'eye for an eye' in the Bible.
Once we learn our lessons there will be no more pain.
@danjenkins (646)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Jesus totally changed our understanding of that OT principle .. it is no longer an "eye for an eye". He taught that we do not return evil for evil. I doubt seriously that we will learn sufficient here to be able to live a totally painfree life in this realm of time and space. The eternal realm does not include physical pain, according to Scripture, unless we end up in torment.
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
Believers in God should grow in their knowledge of Him. There is no glory without the cross of suffering. The royal road to glory is full of trials and testings that include pain to purify our faith and bring us closer to God. Roses are trimmed to blossom beautifully and Christians have to go through a trimming process to bear fruit in their christian living.
The problem of the presence of evil in a world created by a Sovereign, holy and loving God is what theologians call the problem of Theodicy. It is an attempt to explain the goodness of God in the presence of evil in the world He created. This is better addressed in a much wider forum as it will surely raise several questions.
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
Sorry, I guess I was not able to make my self very clear. I didn't mean pain in the sense of inflicting pain just for the sake of suffering pain. Nothing like that. Both believers and non believers do get sick due to several natural reasons. The believer may think that God allowed this to happen to him in order for Him to think of God and treat it as God's will for him.
Sickness brings pain, the feeling of pain comes with it but its not the main thing. It was never intended to let him go through pain. It's a result of an event that happened to him.
And different people have different pain threshold.
Anyway. This is a good topic you started. Cheers.
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@AmberNormandin (883)
• United States
22 Jan 07
well this is a good question. Alot of good people are suffering in one way or another. I think that there is a reason for it all. In my short 26yrs of life, ive been through alot. Looking back on almost all of it, i can see the reasons for it. Ive also found a way to be thankful for some of the heartache that ive been through because if not for that, i wouldnt be where i am now. God sees the big picture, we do not. Alot of his reasons, i believe are because he wants us to come to him during times of hardships and lean on him and develop and even closer relationship with him. I know its hard to be thankful for pain and suffering, but if people would try and keep their head up and their faith strong through it, i believe they will be rewarded.
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@danjenkins (646)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Isn't it amazing that we can only remember God as our Father when things go opposite. But, we can't have the same relationship with Him when things go good .. well, it seems to be harder for most of us.
@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Well first of all, the Bible says to call no man good.
What we call good,He calls mediocre.
The Bible explains when pain began.During the fall of Adam and Eve. The Lord gave woman great pain during childbirth.
If you do not follow Gods laws (and none of us do all of the time) then you are taking yourself outside of Gods protection. How can He be expected to shield you from everything when you are not doing what He asks?
Just because a whole lot of people don't believe there is spiritual battle going on doesn't mean it isn't true.
If you open a door in your life that God said not to, you should expect the consequences.
It's just like with your own children. You say,"Don't play with that snake. It will bite you." But if they play with the snake anyway, they are going to be bitten. Hopefully they will learn from that mistake and listen to you next time.
God is your Father. Just do your best to do what Daddy says and if you mess up, learn from it.
@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
3 Feb 07
By the way, why do people always ask "Why did God allow this to happen?" Why is it always Gods fault?
Does no one read their Bible?
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I do not believe that man can ever be so perfect as to be without sin. Not anymore. Maybe in Old Testament times but not this day and age.
Pain, I believe is part of the fall from grace, but I have seen people healed without explanation.
Yes, I do believe that "good" people can be afflicted by serious pain. Myself included. I have fibromyalgia,chronic fatigue syndrome and I suffer migraines. But I DON'T ask why God allowed this to happen, rather, I ask Him for help.
There are numerous reasons a person might be in pain.
1. The body wears out. Plain and simple. Our bodies weren't meant to last forever.
2. Our food is not nutritionally adequate anymore. We messed with what God meant for nourishment and we screwed it up, to put it mildly.
3. We have become an "I want it now" generation. Fast food, microwaveable food, over processed food that we have to turn around and add back in what we have processed out of it.
4. Generational curses also apply. What did someone in your' line of people do to curse even the third and fourth generation to follow?
In my Father in-laws' line, no man as far back as he can remember has ever lived past the age of 67.
I'm not saying, "Here is the simple answer. You better believe it". I am simply saying that the answers you are looking for are in your Bible. They are also (and I should have said this last night) all around us. Look at how we live now versus Biblical times.
It's an interesting question with no one right answer.
I hope your book sells 10 million copies! Good luck to you!
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@danjenkins (646)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I've been around people who believe this way most of my life.
Problem .. Man's goodness or badness has nothing to do with the question.
Second, are you saying that obeying God's laws protects us from pain? At what level of perfection would one have to obey God's Laws to be protected from pain and suffering?
Have you ever met a person who follows God's Laws who had a painful disease? I have.
Simplistic answers don't get to the real core of the problem.
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@HeartofFaith (25)
• United States
22 Jan 07
The Bible says there "will" be trials and tribulations. Isn't "pain" a part of the trial and tribulation He's talking about? I think so. The pain and evil in this world are part of what makes us who we are in Christ. They develope our ability to endure the pain of a lost loved one or physical pain, don't you think?
@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
17 Jan 07
I don't understand the God part of it all. Were we created to suffer just like Jesus did.....I don't know.
Pain is so all encompassing it takes away the ability to cope with other things as well....does pain exist to drive you mad that you call out to God ....any god just for release?????
You ask a tough question, I hope you find an answer.
@danjenkins (646)
• United States
17 Jan 07
An interesting response... are you saying that Jesus was mad? I'm just trying to understand how you connect ideas. You way we are to suffer like Jesus did, but that pain drive you mad.
I do not believe that the purpose of life is suffering. However, pain and suffering are a part of life. But, it is not usually continuous.
Do you think that we would be as able to discern good and pleasure if there were no evil and pain?
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@danjenkins (646)
• United States
17 Jan 07
If God stepped in to help people, would we be robots? Would we have the freedom of a child instead of the freedom of an adult? Why is it that people who say they have no faith in God can also experience pain? They have no faith to be tested?
Sorry for the questions, but the issues are not as easily stated nor as easily solved as we would like them to be. This is one subject that just seems to provoke more and more questions
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