Would you sacrifice your only child to save another life (lives)?
By shannon76
@shannon76 (1232)
United States
January 16, 2007 11:19pm CST
So I just saw the movie "Most" for the first time yesterday and I can't begin to say how sad I was by this movie. Yet I was completely changed. I have been saved for about 4 years now and have yet to have a movie quite describe to someone the love that God has for us and what he has done for us and now this movie has completely described it and shown it in "real" terms...
So the story line: A father is raising his only child (they do not say what happen to the mom or where she is). The father is a bridge operator (the type of bridge that raises and lowers for boats to come underneath and the bridge is a train track).
So one day, the son asks to go to work with his dad. His father took him with him and went on about his day at work while the son played. Well the father had to let up the bridge for a passing boat. AFter he let up the bridge and the boat passed, the father went to do something. The son noticed a train coming and was calling out to his father but his father did not hear him. The son knew where the emergency switch was inside the gears of the bridge and was trying to pull the switch when he fell inside the gears. The father then notced the train coming and was calling to his son whom didn't answer. He screamed for his son over and over again as the train approached, but again, no answer from his son. He was left with the decsion to lower the bridge and save everyone on the train but inturn risking his only son's life. You could see the pain in the mans face as he lowered that bridge to save the oncoming train. It showed the faces of the people on the train just going about their ways, totally oblivous of what just happened. They had no idea that a man had just gave up the life of his only son to save them. Now to anyone that does not understand just how much God loves you and I, that is it. He sacrificed his only begotten son that day on the cross so you and I could spend eternity with Him.
I cried so much during/after that movie. It left such a sick feeling in my stomach. I asked myself, what would I do in that situation? I look at my son, my beautiful 9 month old baby and I cry yet again because I feel miserable and selfish because I don't think I could do what that man did. I don't think I could do what God did for us. How could I live with myself if I let my child die? But then again, how could I live with myself that I let a whole train full of people die?So, my questions to you, what would you do in that situation? There is a train full of people and you are the bridge operator. Lowering the bridge will kill your only child but you will save the people on the train. What do you think you would do?
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4 responses
@michele609 (1687)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I cant even tell you what I would do becasue it is such a hard thing to decied and I will never live with myself after that no matter what way I would turn because that would mean that someone will die nomatter what!
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I know, huh. You are left with an empty feeling either way you look at it. On one hand, you sacrifice your child to save innocent lives - but you are now childless. You will never get your child back on earth. Then on the other hand, you save your child but you have to live with the fact that you killed (indirectly) many people just to save your child.
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@Candacefraser (31)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
I would save my only child...I wouldn't even need to think about it, sorry if I sound self fish, but my child means more to me then anyone else on this earth. I wouldn't be able to sacerfice my own baby.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Don't be sorry. I can't say that I disagree with you one bit. It is a hard decision to have to be faced with.
Thanks for your comment!
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@Citra1881 (528)
• Indonesia
17 Jan 07
tough decision;
in my case, it depends on the people..
if those people can make the world a better place to live or not..
i would sacrifice my child to save thousands of lifes if those thousands will ruin other lifes.
but i will sacrifice every children i have to save one live that could make a determinate change to loads of people; in a positive way.
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
17 Jan 07
But thats the thing - you don't know who those people are. You won't know the outcome till later of who those people will turn out to be. Would you still take the chance on them knowing that they might not make the world a better place? And what if they would but you didn't take that chance?
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@Citra1881 (528)
• Indonesia
17 Jan 07
i forgot to tell you that my mood is also depends on the weather..
if i wake up in the morning with a bad weather outside, i will be gloomy..
loads of thoughts insid my head..
just trying to survive the day.
how about you?