Dry Eyes

@petspets (476)
January 16, 2007 11:26pm CST
I have severe dry eyes caused mainly by my eye medication. My ophthalmologist prescribed Hialid to make the dryness bearable. She also advised me not to rub my eyes because it make the dryness worse. Rubbing the eyes will cause injury to the already hurt corneas and conjunctivas. Rubbing also causes microscopic tears to the new soft healing tissues. Do you have irritated eyes? Do you have dry eyes? How do you manage it?Hialid is sodium hyaluronate. http://www.trechbmedica.com/ang/VISMED/VismedPage3.html Link about Dry Eyes http://www.stlukeseye.com/Conditions/DryEyeSyndrome.asp
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6 responses
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
8 Feb 07
I too have trouble with my eyes, I get a lot of sleepy dust in them in the mornings, they are quite itchy and dry, I use two pieces of cotton wool in the mornings dab them and wipe my eyes with them, I also use cucumber, I know it sounds daft but I put a piece of cucumber on my eye and it really works. Thank you for the links.
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@petspets (476)
• Antarctica
8 Feb 07
I'm sorry you have dry eyes. You have a good cleaning habit. I forgot about using cucumbers to soothe irritated eyes. I'll get some from the supermarket tomorrow. Thanks for the tip. http://www.ayurvedahc.com/articlelive/articles/275/1/Care-for-Glittering-pair/Page1.html
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• United States
18 Feb 07
a faster way than eating carrots is taking an eye nutritional supplement which contaibs both Lutein and Bilberry. Your doctor should know about this because teh research of it's efficacy is all over the place. Carrots are very high in sugar which ineveitable is not good for any part of you and can contribute to an overgrowth of blood vessels in the eye. Keep them moist with your prescribed drops. Chronic dry eye can lead to glaucoma.
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I am glad you posted that because my sugar has been acting up I did not know that carrots broke down into sugar,I will have to watch how many I eat then thank you for sharing.
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@petspets (476)
• Antarctica
18 Feb 07
All fruits and vegetable have differing amounts of sugar content. Carrots are sweet.
@petspets (476)
• Antarctica
18 Feb 07
I'm taking eye supplements. :) Umm, I have glaucoma which is why I'm on Alphagan eye medication. Thanks for you response and advice. :)
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
21 Jan 07
My eyes get dry at times but I have never really thought much about it I just go and splash some water on my face and then dry my face and that helps for a while,I remember that my grandmother had to use something to make tears because her one eye wouldn't produce any so she had to use drops.I also have always heard that if you rub your eyes with your hand or any thing it could cause stys to develope because of bacteria spreding to them.
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@funnysis (2619)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Yes they can be quite bad on some people I hope that it all gets better real soon for you.I hate to hear that you are having problems take care.
@petspets (476)
• Antarctica
21 Jan 07
I splash water on my face, too. Sometimes I wash my face with a mild soap to get rid of the oil on the skin. It is refreshing and helps for a while. There are germs and fungal spores on our skin. I always wash my hands before I apply my eye drops and before I wash my face. My eye doctor had stressed on me not to get an eye infection because it would be disastrous for my vision.
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@funnysis (2619)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Thank you so much for choosing me as best response I am shocked I thought my answer was ordinary I do appricate it and it is an honor.
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@petspets (476)
• Antarctica
18 Feb 07
Your welcome, Sissy. I appreciate that you took the time to response to my discussion. I'm glad that there are subsequent posts which all helpful and also the carrot info has helped you.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
17 Jan 07
No I have never suffered with this sort of thing I have had dry Eyes once and that was enough for me I hate to think what you are going through Pets Do they give you anything for it
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@petspets (476)
• Antarctica
17 Jan 07
Thank goodness your eyes are okay. I wouldn't want anyone to suffer from dry eyes be it mild or severe. Thanks. Hugs. I'm on hialid.It helps. The link to it is not working because it is wrong. I'm sorry. Here is the new link. http://www.trbchemedia.com/ang/VISMED/VismedPage3.html
@petspets (476)
• Antarctica
17 Jan 07
Oh bummer.Sorry again. Kicking myself. http://www.trbchemedica.com/ang/VISMED/VismedPage3.html
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• Philippines
13 Feb 07
Have you tried eating fresh carrots? All I do for my eyes is to eat a lot of fresh carrots :) While still eating, I do feel already the nice effects. I see clearer and pains are gone.
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@petspets (476)
• Antarctica
14 Feb 07
Thanks. I'll try it and hope that it works for me. The other irritants to my eyes are airborne pollution of construction dusts, smoke haze and industrial emissions. These are beyond my control.
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@funnysis (2619)
• United States
18 Feb 07
veggies - I found these maybe they can help our dry eyes.
I will try that to I love carrots and my eyes have been dry for a few days so maybe that will help I found out that peeling a hot onion makes the eyes water.
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@petspets (476)
• Antarctica
18 Feb 07
One of the side effects of Alphagan ( my eye medication) is to cause the lacrimal glands to produce less tears. I refer you to the link ' stluke eye.com...'.