Most Embarressing Moment
By djshocker
@djshocker (400)
United States
January 17, 2007 1:44am CST
What is your most embarressing moment?
Mine would have to be while I was in the Army. I was in Basic Training and was sleeping on the top bunk and fell off in the middle of the night. But, when I fell off I somehow landed on my feet and woke up standing there next to my bunk. The guy that was sleeping on the bottom bunk woke up and asked me what happened. I told him and he laughed and the rest of the platoon found out the next morning.
Tell us yours...
Short answers will get a negative rating!
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48 responses
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
17 Jan 07
The most embarrassing moment that I have ever experienced was when I was in high school and while in gym class a girl snuck up behind me and pulled down my shorts. LOL That was quite embarrassing and was happy that many people were not looking at the time. I definitely kept my guard up after that experience. I wonder if this has happened to anyone else. LOL I am sure I have done other embarrassing things but this one sticks out more.
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
LOL Gotta love High School Pranks huh?
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@xionous (439)
• Belgium
17 Jan 07
it was somewhere in april 2003 i went to college campus and it was a off time so guys and gals were everywhere. i had a friend circle of 20 including 6 girls. all of them were there and we were having fun there. among the girls one called as shikha was my closest friend and she was sort of a girl who always loved to do stuffs that freaks everyone else. while i was telling everyone about one of my crush that i recently had she went behind me and without any prior notice she pulled down my trouser! though i had my underware on but it was embrasing coz one of our female teacher's saw my underware! i still shout on shikha for what she did that summer! its funny and we both laugh out loud when we remember it. now she went to UK and i miss her often on specially wen i remember that embracing incedent!
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@jompach (97)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
it happened i think 4 years ago. i was in a train with lots of people. feeling so sleepy because i didnt get much sleep from an all out party the night before. i fell asleep all of a sudden and suddenly a security guard wake me up because it is the last stop of the train. first i dont know why is he smiling at me, then i noticed that the upper left side of my t-shirt is very wet. i realize it when i have left the station, i have been sleeping quite awhile that i did not control my saliva from running out of my mouth due to lack of sleep and i also realized that it is a rush hour of day so many people have seen me drooling on my shirt.
@Sarah1977 (495)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I hope that nobody gets offended by this, because even though nobody talks about it, eveyone does it....Anyway, my most embarrassing moment was when I was a teenager, maybe 16, I was in my bedroom, ummm, exploring my body. My sister came in without knocking on the door, and she screamed and ran out. We didn't talk about it again until we grew up. Now we laugh about it.
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
:-O Wow! LOL Don't worry, I was 13 and my mother walked in on me! HAHAHAHA I have NEVER shared that....she laughs about it to this day!
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@hegde_parvathi (77)
• India
17 Jan 07
My embarassing moment was i Was in a training of a corporate company,Every day we were given a topic to talk on the stage I was given a topic of female reproductive system one day,those days i had a very shy nature that was the first time i left home for a month & that was my first job also.So i was asked to speak next day morning at 10am i was so shy to speak about certain terminologies that i could not speak at all every body was laughing at me,that was the most embarrasing moment of my life.I cver come it afterwards,now i can speak of anything,any where any stage.
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@Rumple (301)
• South Africa
17 Jan 07
HAHA... some of these are really funny. I'd have to say my most imbarressing moment would have to have been the time my father caught me... ummm... flogging the dolphin :P yeah it wasnt the most comfortable situation and lets say i wasnt really comfortable making eye contact for the next couple of days. Its just one of those things i guess...
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
LOL Don't mother caught me, like I said earlier to another comment. ROFL I was so embarressed too.
@jojopuff (520)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I haven't had too many embarassing moments (which is a miracle for me...) but my most embarassing moment was probably when I was in high school. The guy I liked was in band with me, and there were little rooms inside the band room where we could change into our band uniforms. There are no locks on these doors, so you basically have to have someone stand guard at the door while you change. Well the person that I had guarding the door apparenly wasn't doing her job and the guy I liked walked right in while I was standing there in just my bra and underwear. He quickly left and was like "I'm so sorry!!" while my face just turned beet red...
Another time, my best friend's boyfriend shouted in front of the whole band who my crush was, and of course it was the same guy I mentioned above who was IN band. Yeah that wasn't too good either... haha. At least I can look back on both situations and laugh now...
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
LOL Some friend! Thanks for the the way? What happened to the guy? LOL
@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
lol like I said, some friend! Sorry to hear about the abuse. In my terms thats not a man, that is a...umm...let's just say a wuss (actually a bad term I can't say here)
@jojopuff (520)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Haha which guy? My best friend's boyfriend or my old crush? :P
My best friend's (now ex-)boyfriend ended up being an abusive you-know-what so she dumped him. I still hate him.
I stopped liking my old crush after about a year...and ended up marrying someone else!
(By the way, my friend who was guarding the door felt really bad after that lol...she was talking to someone else and got distracted!)
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@chimex4real2k2 (1853)
• Nigeria
17 Jan 07
Stuck in a changing room in a posh shop with a size 10 dress tight around my waist! Couldnt move it up or down. In there for ages. Got really hot and sticky!Didnt wanna ask for help cos they would think what the hell was I doing trying to squeeze into something that was obviously too small .
I had to rip it to get it off. No, I didnt own up. pretended I was gonna buy it and then put it back on the rail and ran out. Not been back since..
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@armywifey (882)
• United States
17 Jan 07
About 3 years ago I was living in an apartment with my ex husband. I had been taking a shower and I found there was no towel in the cabinet, they were all downstairs where I had just folded laundry. I didn't think anyone was home so I walked down the stairs tracking water all over the house to get myself a towel. As soon as I get to the bottom of the stairs and turn the corner into the living room I see my ex-husband and 4 of his co-workers sitting in the living room. I turned and ran back up the stairs, but not before I heard one of my ex's co-workers say "Damn your wife is hot, you are a lucky man." I was mortified and couldn't look at them anymore after that.
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@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
17 Jan 07
When I was in junior high school, we were in an awards assembly before graduation and had to climb a stair to get to the awards podium when you were called. Across the stage sat all the department heads as well as the Principal and Vice-Principal. My name was called for Best Vocalist in my class from the music head and as I came to the top of the stair, the heel came off my shoe and I slid down. making a split right in front of my where the Music Head was sitting! We were eye to eye and as she asked me if I was all right, the class erupted into hysterical laughter. I was so embarrassed! I heard about that in gym class the next 4 years when we had gymnastics in PE.
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
OMG! LOL That is a good one! I would hate for that to happen to me. Thanks for the response!
@cyndhirella (549)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
Wearing an inverted blazer during a job interview!
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Wow, I think that has happened to plenty of girls? Thankfully I am a guy!
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@cindrella (6)
• India
17 Jan 07
ok so this happened in class, few days ago,,, i was gettin up from my seat n my skirt got stuck in the chair...n it ripped!

@contusion12878 (669)
• United States
17 Jan 07
That is embarrasing, but i think i got that one beat lol. When I was in elementary school I was in the school band. We were having a concert infront of the entire school, parents, faculty etc. It was a contest between schools. I was a trombone player and was on the third deck of the stage. THe highest deck. I stood up to play my solo and nailed it. Everyone was cheering. I sat back down and the two hind legs of my chair fell off the edge of the platform i was sitting on making me my trombone and chair go completely backwards and slam onto the ground. It was the loudest noise in the world and ofcourse i was in the center of it all. Good Topic
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Wow! LOL Look at it this way, at least you nailed the solo! Thanks for the comment

@Courtney79 (45)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I suppose my most embarrasing moment happened about 5 or 6 years ago. I was with my parents and we had went to look at a new vehicle for them at someones house. While we were there I really had to pee. We didn't know the people so I wasn't going to ask to use their restroom. We left and I had to wait til we got back into town so that I could go. We stopped in at a convenient store and I was in tears by then. I went into the store and got all the way to the bathroom and seen I had to get a key from the clerk. I couldn't walk by then because everytime I tried to take a step I would start peeing. My mom got the key and we couldn't get it to work. She tried to get me to leave but I refused because I peed on myself every step I took. I sat down in the floor and waited till the clerk opened the door for me. It was humiliating. Especially for a 21 year old woman! Needless to say I never went in that store again.
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
:-O OMG!!! Don't feel bad, LOL I have had to pee that bad before but never in my pants. So sorry to hear that, but thanks for sharing!
@brazil123 (16)
• India
17 Jan 07
I was eating one day and i got up hastily ..guess what i went out and i had marmalade all over my mouth and it was all over my shirt too..i had to go for a presentation..i had food all over my shirt and yet i gave the presentaion and at the end ..someone said..." we must go for lunch...not u mr.presenter..u look to have had food already !"
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@southrnbell21 (7)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I think I was 13 and my mom and I went to eat lunch after my basketball practice and while we were eating the guy I had a huge crush on walked in, so silly me I wanted to get his attention (boy did I). He was making his way to the drink machine and my mom needed a refill so I said I would do it. It had rained all day and the ceiling had been leaking so the restraunt had two huge metal buckets in the floor with signs every where that the floor was wet.... well I didnt see them so as I walked to get a refill I slipped and landed butt first in one of the buckets and slid into the other one knocking it into the air, then while still stuck in the bucket I slid under a table and hit my face. I had a huge red mark across my forhead and the worst part is my mom laughed louder than anyone and I had to relive it all over the next day at school!!!
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
LMAO OMG That got me laughing just picturing it! LOL What did the guy say to you at the restaurant or at any time after that?
@southrnbell21 (7)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Nothing, he had never spoken to me before then and he was definately not going to start after that!!!
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
18 Jan 07
ok..there have been sooo many what one to choose?? lol..well there was this time...i tripped on my pants..and i tried to catch myself only to trip again..and everyone saw..and then i got hit by a car!!! lol lolok getting hit wasnt..but tripiing myself into was..and then i was hiding in a tree in the woods because i was 18 at the time..and drunk and high..yes i experimented lol..and then i hear this CRRRACCCKK!!! and the branch broke and i fell down and hit every DAMN BRANCH ON THE WAY DOWN!!! lol. i cried i broke my as$~~ and the cops took me ot the ER..and after let me go home because i learned my lesson!! lol ohh myyy!
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@ChicaPerica (38)
• United States
18 Jan 07
lol I'm sorry the tree one was hilarious!! Break any bones?
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@firemansgirl001 (916)
• United States
18 Jan 07
My most embarressing moment was when i was at work one day. I was pregnant with my youngest daughter. I was on the phone talking to my mom. All my coworkers were around us talking. I sneezed on the phone and completely peed my pants. There was no denying it.
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
18 Jan 07
LOL I agree! Absolutely no denying it! Thanks for sharing!
@kittykatzz (1132)
• United States
17 Jan 07
well to be honest.. i could probably write a book!.. i feel sometimes like "queen of disaster"! lol.. i let you in on a couple!..
i had one time at work where we had got chinese food take out for lunch..these nice FULL styrofoam containers full of rice and chicken.. well. me being a constant busy body.. cant just stop working sit down and eat.. walking around the office with it.. my boss passed me by and said "why dont you just sit and eat before you spill that" course im like no no im fine dont worry.. well, standing in the main office behind the door talking to the bosses wife .. he opened the door and THERE IT WENT.. ALL OVER HER andme too.(not that i was concerned with me!) but there she was was.. covered in general tso's chicken and rice.. he was angry but every one laughed i was SOOOO embarassed though..
ill tell ya another .. i did all the company training for new classes.. while once in the training.. ( as i tend to "talk with my hands") i was going through our company products and threw my hands out and apart, just as i did this my bra BROKE! right in the center and withthe shirt i had on EVERYBODY noticed!!.. omg i was mortified.. tried to laugh it off as a folded my arms in front of my chest and went into my office.. THANKFULLY i had a blazer that i was able to put on and "somewhat" coverem up.. had to toss the had to go "free" for the rest of the day withthat damn jacket on though.. gets real hot in that meeting room too!.. with a class of about a dozen trainees.. they didnt let me forget it either.. THANK GOODNESS for high turnover in sales! lol
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
OMG Sounds like you have had it rough! LMAO Thanks for sharing!
@dollyllama (10)
• United States
17 Jan 07
So many to choose from...
It would have to be the time I was in Girl Scouts and trying to earn my cooking badge. I was in the kitchen with 2 other girls making Baked Alaska. I was whipping something with one of those electric hand mixers and bent over the bowl to see how it was doing. My hair got caught in the blades of the mixer and I now had a sticky, heavy electric beater completely entangled in my hair to the roots, there was no getting it out. The other girls looked shocked. I asked one of them to go get the scout leader "but don't tell anyone else". A few minutes later I hear the scout leader's voice behind me, I turn around to see the entire troop of about 30 girls standing there. How they managed to get in there that quietly I don't know but they burst out in hysterical laughter in unison. I did not get the badge that year.
I'm beat red just typing this.
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
LMAO That sounds like something Lucy would do. Ya know...from that show "I Love Lucy"
LOL Sorry I couldn't resist that one! Thanks for replying!
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
17 Jan 07
My most embarassing moment was when me and my husband (boyfriend at the time ) , were in his room doing you know what and his mother walked in to see if we wanted anything from the store . It was bad enough being caught but by his mother was much worse .
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
OMG!!! LOL I would have hid myself forever! Thanks for sharing that!
@as2490 (90)
17 Jan 07
My most embarrasing moment would be when i used to do karate. I was training in the class with about a hundred students and it was all silent and everything when this boy next to me farted and everyone started laughing and looked at me as if i had done the fart, surprisingly the boy who done the fart also started pointing at me. After that i beat him down in the karate tournament haha!
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@djshocker (400)
• United States
17 Jan 07
lol good for you! Did anyone find out it wasn't you after all???