How active are your kids in sports?

@medooley (1873)
United States
January 17, 2007 12:32pm CST
Starting in March my four year old son will start "playing" basketball. He will not actually be playing it is more of a learning program for young kids. That goes for a month, then in April he starts soccer for a month, then baseball in May for a month. I was just curious as to how active other peoples kids are when it comes to stuff like this?
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5 responses
@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Hmmm...I do not have any children sooo....! LOL :P My brother was in football and my other brother use to play basketball. We are not playing any sports in school now, but if you want to talk about what we play at home, then that is a differnt thing. We play basketball, football, baseball, and run around all over. So, I guess that would mean that me are active in sports! :DD
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Good point! Because you know, with seven kids, playing Hide and Seek takes on its own level of being a sport! ha ha
@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Of course it is a sport! Wow isn't on the team for Hide and Seek? I am!! And it can make you tired...and you have to be creative at your hiding places at the same time!! :DD
@34momma (13882)
• United States
17 Jan 07
my boys 17 and 11 are very active in sports. they both love and play football. my younger son just won the championships in basketball. i say encourage your children never push them. let them try everything they want and pick what they like.
@medooley (1873)
• United States
17 Jan 07
That is our plan, we want to let them try everything and then decide what they want to do. Congrats on your sons championship!
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
18 Jan 07
One of my sons likes to play football. It ws hard for me to be ok with at first because I am so scared of them getting hurt. But it was something he wanted to do and I told him that if he does, he can not quit even if he gets hurt. LOL So, he played football this past season for school. After football was over, he wanted to play wrestling...but his dad said no because they do get injured too much. And when we went to the last game to take pictures for the year book, you would not believe how many bloody noses there were! And seeing kids slam other kids down to the mat...I was glad that dad said no! Next year he is considering doing cross country. And my other son tried out for basket ball...but didn't make the team because he was a ball hog. LOL I tried to tell him he needed to pass the ball more often, but who believes mom when it comes to sports? So, he learned the hard way and maybe next year he will pass the ball more during try outs.
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@missyd79 (3438)
• United States
18 Jan 07
my son is 5 and come the spring he wants to play T-ball so we are going to sign him up for that, this is going to be is first team sport. last year he wanted to do karate and he was in that for 4 months and then got bored with it, and i was not going to push him to do something that he didn't want to do.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Well, right now my kids are 3 1/2, 2 and 1 and the one year old isn't walking (did you know that?)... so they're not playing a whole lot of sports. Their dad and I play volleyball every Friday night and we are thinking about playing basketball every Saturday afternoon. We also began our friendship by playing intermural softball during college. In the summertime we like to bike. So, our kids will grow up around active parents and we hope that they will share our love of sports. That being said, we would never ever pressure them or force them into participating in sports. Though if they go out for a sport then they will have to finish the season, there will be no quitting mid-season. If they are injured during the season and can't play any longer because of medical reasons they will still be expected to attend practices and games. They need to know that being part of team doesn't end because an individual is hurt. I hope that our children will participate in things that they enjoy, whether that's sports, band, chorus, drama, speech ... we will support them. Though I can't say that I'm real excited about sitting through a middle school band concert! :) BTW, I wish we lived closer so I could see "D" play all these sports!