What's the Taste Of Potassium Cyanide....??

cyanide - killing substance
January 18, 2007 8:48am CST
Everybody knows that Potassium Cyanide is a poison and is extremely dangerous..and kills anybody in seconds. Reserches have been done and everybody know about how it looks like and what are its features But Scientists have not found out ...what is the actual taste of Cyanide? What they can do to find its taste..will they swallow it..keep it on their tongue...if yes then then how will they tell..because they will die before they could verify us the taste...In a recent news i heard of a person taking cyanide just to know its taste and died writing on a piece of paper that it was little bit Salty....Do u believe it..what do u think?
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3 responses
• United States
1 Sep 08
Get me some cyanide and I will try and find out for you.
• Georgia
18 Jan 07
the person you told who tried to taste the cyanide must have been a real fool or frustarted of his life...but he has tasted it and wrote about it..then he has done atleast one good work by achieving a mile stone..nobody else can touch..May god bless his soul
• Georgia
18 Jan 07
Its quite a funny question but does needs everyones comments on this. I do not have any idea how to know the taste of cyanide, because if anybody tries it then she will die instantly..so its impossible according to me.