Has anyone heard of mormons, how they can marry multiple women
By missy12
@missy12 (65)
United States
January 18, 2007 11:19am CST
I recently seen the show big love and it is about this mormon family where the husband has three wives. One who is young and beautiful, a older one, and one between the middle. He even has scheduled nights to sleep with each of them. He has kids by all of them. I thought this was just a show, but it's true that mormons can have multiple wives. What i want to know is how come only the men can do it. Is there a culture where women can have multiple husbands. I think it will be cool to have more than one because sometimes there's the right guy but he can be missing something that you can find in another. One can be good in bed and one can be good with money etc. Ladies what do you think?
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47 responses
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I studied up about a similar practice called polyarmory (loving more than one person--read about it at www.positivelysexual.com/alternatives/polyamory.htm). I still think that this may be what my boyfriend is going through...he still has an attachment after 12 years of living with M., but he claims to care about me too. I've even presented the idea to him, but I don't think he's ready to confront it. The practice of having more than one person you are married to is polygamy (read more at http://www.lds-mormon.com/mormon_polygamy.shtml). While it is true of their religion, it is an illegal practice here in the United States. You can read about The Center for Public Education and Information on Polygamy at www.polygamy.com too. A pro-polygamy article can be found at www.slate.com/id/2136453/ too. It can be something hard to deal with--almost as if you're the 'other' woman. HTH!
@nw1911guy (1131)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Well that pretty much covered that topic.lol You actually ok with the idea of sharing your man?
@chillvail (43)
• United States
4 May 08
Mormons do not believe in polygamy nor do we practice it. Any mormon who is a polygamist is excommunicated from the church. It is important to relize that groups that do practice polygamy are just their own groups who have broken off from the Mormon church and are in no way associated with the Mormon church except by using the word in their title. We do not agree with nor support or believe in how they live.
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
4 May 08
nw--I am SO not with the idea of sharing my man! I gave him a test and he passed with flying colors
--he practically ran the other way when I suggested it; it was just to see how he'd react. I was concerned that there was something else and if I was only meant to share him at this time, I was only meant to share him.

@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
19 Jan 07
hehe, i see your point, however I am all for monogomus relations, I prefer only one man and he better prefer just one woman - ME!
I could not stand to watch the man I love with someone else and I would hope that he feeels the same.
My bf is a complete package also - and I need nothing more!
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
19 Jan 07
In the first place, poligamy is no longer allowed in the Mormon church. However, there are rebels who are still boing by the rules set down by Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, the founder and the one who took his place. That is why the Mormons were thrown out of towns and were forced to keep moving west until Brigham Young reached Utah and set down stakes. As the sect progressed the elders decided that the law of the land (government) must be followed strictly and poligany was banned.
It was the same for the draft (when it was still in effect), Mormon men were not allowed by the elders to refuse to enter the military on the grounds of concientous objecter because the law of the land came first.
I am not a Mormon but I had many colleagues who were when I was working in Washington. These were things that they told me and I, not having any other source, believed them.
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@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Well said gifana. I also believe it is illegal in the US.
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@missy12 (65)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I'm happy to see that people are responding to an actual discussion. I did'nt mean to offend anyone or get anyone mad. I actually really wanted to hear feedback from people because i don't know anything about this. This is good feedback and i've learned alot from you're sayings and others. Thanks!!!
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@ghalayini (122)
• Australia
19 Jan 07
Here in Australia, marriage is bound by law rather than local customs. So even if a religion allows multiple wives it would still be classed as bigamy/polygamy here and subject to legal action.
@chillvail (43)
• United States
4 May 08
Polygamy in the Mormon church has not been practiced nor allowed for several hundred years. The reason for it in the first place was to help the church grow as it would be very difficult with just one wife . Mormon members are taught to follow the Laws of the Land and polygamy is against the law so you see the conflict.
I for one would never share a man although I have thought many times it would be nice to have another woman around so she could do all the cooking and cleaning and babysitting.
Anyway...just some food for thought. As was stated above ..any group who practices polygamy is a sect using Mormon in their title but they are not Mormons but rather a fundalist group.
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
well, your point of view may be right.... but dont you think about affording one then more wife.... means you must be have children from them and their expenses and other household things.... how would you mannage all that.... did you think about it or you just fantasizing about pleasure..... think about reality man...
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I think having more than one husband or wife is just wrong. People are not perfect and people will never be perfect. Having multiple husbands/wives for the sole purpose that one is missing a certain characteristic or quality should never cross one's mind. If you are unhappy with one than you never loved that person to begin with.
Not all mormons practice poligamy today in fact many mormons give the evil eye at someone who does have multiple wives and those who do still practice poligamy get excommunicated from the church.
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@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Polygamy (having more then one spouse) is no longer allowed in the Mormon religion. It hasn't been for a long time. And it is illegal in the USA. There are sects that still practice it but the other wives are not legal and have no legal rights to the man's estate (should he die), like the first wife would have.
I have watched the shows on the polygamists and the practice fascinates me. I am of the opinion if it works for the people involved and everyone is of legal age and no one is being abused then they can do whatever they want. It is no different then a man cheating on his wife with a dozen people--the law does nothing about that so they have no right to interfere with how many wives a guy has (as long as he can financially care for all of them and the children he may have like another other husband).
The problem is, as in any section of society, there are extremest. There are some sects that control every aspect of the lives of their congregations. They marry dozens of women and young girls but don't care for any of them. They marry girls as young as 12 and marry within the families to keep them "pure". I watched one show where they showed the huge mansion the leader of this sect lived in and then the shack that one of his wives and 5 of his children lived in. They still obeyed his "laws" and the mother was not allowed to work and lived off of his little allowance he gave her. The house was nothing more then a 2 room shack and the kids lived in abject poverty.
That is the extreme people hear about and they think all polygamists are like that and I doubt they all are.
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@leapfalling (500)
• China
19 Jan 07
if you have srongly sexuality,your wife could not fit with you.what will you do?
@tigereyes (74)
• India
19 Jan 07
personally, i wouldnt wanna have multiple husbands..they would be just too much of a problem :0
but on the other hand i really feel for those ladies trapped in those situations.when u find out that your husband is cheating on you, it really hurts..but to see him do it everynight knowing that u cant do a thing about it is probably a worse feeling..
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
19 Jan 07
Most probably if you are raised in a polygamous situation, you get used to it....who knows?
@darckj (885)
• Philippines
19 Jan 07
ladies what do you think? can't men respond in here? ^^
well, we have lots of mormons here in the country.. wherever you go, you'll see them in pairs wearing white long sleeves and ties and with knapsack bags.. you'll think they speak english? yah, they do, but they also speak in our native tongue.. its shocking that you speak english to them ands they'll answer us in our language..!lol!
but i never heard about that having more than one wife thing.. maybe, just like the Moslems..^^
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
9 Mar 07
The Mormons only had two wives or more during the first 50 years of their religion.
Towards the end of the 1800's... The United States passed a law against polygamie... and the Mormons abide by that law.
@BigBadBurkz (60)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Just expressing my feelings although it wasn't sticking to your topic at all :p.
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@BigBadBurkz (60)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I am a guy, but here's my point of view on this, because you are wrong, mormons are not people with multiple wives.
That's polygamy, Mormons are different. And don't try to tell me otherwise. I have a friend In real life, he is a mormon. Yes there are Mormons that practice polygamy, but realize that not all do.
IN FACT! My teacher was talking about Martin Luther King Jr. yesterday, and said how it is ignorant of people to assume that he only fought for black rights. But he fought for everyones rights, He fought for everyones Civil Rights, but he said he fought for poor white men, poor black men, and even catholics, even Christians, and even Mormons, and those people have multiple wives. And my friend spoke up and said "That is polygamy." And then my teacher had this audacity to say that my friend was wrong, even though that was HIS RELIGION. And for one, you aren't supposed to speak of religion in a Public School system for this reason, so you don't offend students of a certain religion. As for the teacher, he tried to change the subject saying that it wasn't a debate, although he brought it upon himself.
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@happythoughts (4109)
• United States
11 Feb 08
First of all. I know this has been posted before, but Mormons do not practice Polygamy any more. There is a religion called FLDS that does still practice but isnt any part of the Mormon Church. I am a Mormon and I have one Hubby who has one wife. Though I would never actualy let my hubby take on a new wife, there are benifits.
With that said. I think that living the polygamist life style could be easier. If you wanted a big family, which I think was the purpose of polygamy, then one man could have many pregnant wives at once. We could all split the work. I could cook and take care of the kids, My sister wifes could go to work and bring in the money, do all the shopping or what ever they are the best at. We all have things that we are better at on life and I think that if there were 3 of me I could get a lot more done. I am to jealous of a person to actualy live it but I could see the benifits in it.
Am I the oly person who thinks that it would be easier to have more than one of me around?
@pendragon (3348)
• United States
19 Jan 07
It's such a repulsive aspect of that religion, you don't go around collecting people for a certain set of characteristics and build the perfect spouse...they must have needed to re-populate their religion at some point, but yeah, it's patriarchal to the nth!! I think the women are so gullible and let themselves be walked all over, this time men are wise in their jelousies, they won't let that happen to themselves.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
29 Mar 08
Those are not mainstream Mormons, they are from a fundamentalit off-shoot of the Mormons called the Fundamentalist church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. People who don't know enough about Main stream Mormons will often get those two groups moxed up. The mainstream Mormon church abolished Polygamy in 1897.
@AmberNormandin (883)
• United States
19 Jan 07
i think its an excuse for them to cheat. when you get married to someone, you marry that person for them, faults and all. and if you cant accept a person for who they are without wanting another person around to make up for what the first one lacks, why get married at all? (im not saying YOU as in YOU, missy12, just for whoever)
@msshakthii (7)
• India
19 Jan 07
this is very bad think.the men have many wife or women have many husband means,the both of it very bad one.because this type matter is sepial the culcure and to spride the lot of disease also.this all are in 5min happines.so pepole are know what is happiness and what is dangerous.
@glamasaurus (19)
• Switzerland
19 Jan 07
Muslims can have multiple wives as well. A man I knew was raised in a family like that and basically the older wife almost mothers the younger one. It was pretty interesting. I guess it was a hapy situation.